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Islam and Christmas

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Do watch the series called, 'The Arrivals'. It's Amazing and informative. It'd tell you how this world is preparing for the arrival of anti-christ or so-called, 'Dajjal'.

P.S: I'm sorry if my words offended you, I just wanted to present my point of view.
Yeah I have heard a lot about the arrivals but isn't it banned from you tube?? No , your words weren't offending!! It's just a debate. :)
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If using refrigerators and cell phones is adapting to this world, how is using Gregorian calender any different? Niyat matters.

Did you people watch how the TV news channels proudly presented the areas where the people were celebrating and cutting cakes because of 12th Rabi-ul-awwal? Where is the muslim world headed to?! The Prophet (S.A.W.) himself never celebrated ANYONE'S birthday. Who are we to celebrate his? This is just people trying to show of that they are "good" muslims. Just wanted to let this out and tell you guys to not be one of them. Show your interest in your religion by practicing it everyday, NOT by celebrating one specific day.
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)" those before you"? He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)?
Muslim :: Book 34 : Hadith 6448

Christians celebrate Christmas............. and here people celebrate Eid-milad.. (O yeah the prophet was very right!!! )
FINALLY!!! There is someone who understands that milad is wrong!! The problem is when you tell people it's wrong especially in Pakistan they go around saying "WAHABII, WAHABII" And then they say "How can it be wrong if our forefathers did it too!!" Exactly what the Quraish said to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
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FINALLY!!! There is someone who understands that milad is wrong!! The problem is when you tell people it's wrong especially in Pakistan they go around saying "WAHABII, WAHABII" And then they say "How can it be wrong if our forefathers did it too!!" Exactly what the Quraish said to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
this happens every year..! :) :D ;) we just keep repeating these things for new guys here .
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FINALLY!!! There is someone who understands that milad is wrong!! The problem is when you tell people it's wrong especially in Pakistan they go around saying "WAHABII, WAHABII" And then they say "How can it be wrong if our forefathers did it too!!" Exactly what the Quraish said to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Not just someone. There are many.
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If using refrigerators and cell phones is adapting to this world, how is using Gregorian calender any different? Niyat matters.

Did you people watch how the TV news channels proudly presented the areas where the people were celebrating and cutting cakes because of 12th Rabi-ul-awwal? Where is the muslim world headed to?! The Prophet (S.A.W.) himself never celebrated ANYONE'S birthday. Who are we to celebrate his? This is just people trying to show of that they are "good" muslims. Just wanted to let this out and tell you guys to not be one of them. Show your interest in your religion by practicing it everyday, NOT by celebrating one specific day.
A world would be a lot better place if people mind their own business? I just saw status on facebook and other social media making fun of people who are doing that. Similarly, during muharam, shia's are accused of being 'kafir' and what not. Do you even know how great sin it is to call someone 'kafir'? I saw videos of Molana Tariq Jameel and he explained how muslim ummah is divided into sects.
Now why don't you mind your own business and let them cut cakes or do whatever they want? It's not like they're asking you to come and join them? You've a right to your own opinion and others have theirs. I can bet that you don't follow the religion perfectly? None of us do, not even Molana Tariq Jameel or other great scholars like him - not even me. So, on the basis of the fact that we are not perfect, how can we label someone else as 'good' or 'bad' muslims? Or even more, who are we to say what they are doing is right or wrong? They've to face Allah for their deeds and you've to face Allah for yours. Stop spreading hatred for God sake! And please do some research on Gregorian calander before commenting on that, we follow everything invented by 'christains' or 'jews' but we accuse our own muslims brothers for stuff like 'Milad' which isn't a bad thing.

For those who think Milad is wrong, I see no harm in celebrating it, everyone has their own opinion. It's not like you're killing someone during Milad!
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A world would be a lot better place if people mind their own business? I just saw status on facebook and other social media making fun of people who are doing that. Similarly, during muharam, shia's are accused of being 'kafir' and what not. Do you even know how great sin it is to call someone 'kafir'? I saw videos of Molana Tariq Jameel and he explained how muslim ummah is divided into sects.
Now why don't you mind your own business and let them cut cakes or do whatever they want? It's not like they're asking you to come and join them? You've a right to your own opinion and others have theirs. I can bet that you don't follow the religion perfectly? None of us do, not even Molana Tariq Jameel or other great scholars like him - not even me. So, on the basis of the fact that we are not perfect, how can we label someone else as 'good' or 'bad' muslims? Or even more, who are we to say what they are doing is right or wrong? They've to face Allah for their deeds and you've to face Allah for yours. Stop spreading hatred for God sake! And please do some research on Gregorian calander before commenting on that, we follow everything invented by 'christains' or 'jews' but we accuse our own muslims brothers for stuff like 'Milad' which isn't a bad thing.

For those who think Milad is wrong, I see no harm in celebrating it, everyone has their own opinion. It's not like you're killing someone during Milad!
Minding their own business, eh? I watched a video of Dr. Zakir Naik about people who ask you to "mind your own business. He gave an excellent example which completely changed my view of this phrase. He said "Let's assume there is a child around 2 years old walking aimlessly headed towards a cliff (Khai). You are standing near the steep end and all you have to do is call out to the child or just raise one arm and you can stop the child from falling. However, you don't do that and the child keeps on walking towards his death. His parents realize this and start running after him but it's too late for them to catch him. You are the only one who can save him. Yet, you don't do anything. He falls to his death and when the parents question you, you reply "I was minding my own business". Basically, you can clearly be blamed for not setting an unknowable person to the right path when all you had to do was call out to him. God will question you as well, "Why didn't you set them onto the correct path when you could have?". Would you be able to answer "I was minding my own business"?"

It is our duty as muslims to spread "AUTHENTIC" knowledge about Islam and that knowledge clearly says "Birthdays Are Not Allowed". The Prophet (S.A.W.) said that birthdays bring you closer to death, how is that something you should celebrate?

It is definitely wrong to make fun of those people. But setting them right is our responsibility. When did i call anyone Kafir?

So, basically what you're trying to say is if I'm not a perfect muslim, i have no right to call a non muslim towards Islam? Dr. Zakir Naik and such great personalities bring about conversion in hundreds of thousands of non muslims and yet, none of them are PERFECT muslims. So, they won't be rewarded for that? Try to make some sense. As long as you know even a small part of the religion correctly and you try to teach that to others, you'll be rewarded! What you're trying to say is that all of these religious scholars are not perfect, so they should stop wasting their time preaching others and "mind their own business" because they will be questioned for what they have done and we will be questioned about what we have done. From what we have studied and confirmed we can DEFINITELY call it when someone is doing something wrong. We DEFINITELY have a right to inform them of it and ask them to stop it or do the deed correctly, if possible. Minding our own business in such situations would be a valid question from Allah on the day of Judgement. Please keep that in mind. Having said that, nobody's judging other muslims. Just pointing out how far our ego has taken us away from our religion.

As for the gregorian calender, please elaborate your words. If there is a day like Mother's day, there is nothing wrong in giving your mother a little present or making her happy. We are unfortunately not as good as to make her happy everyday so if there is even a single day where we try hard, i don't see the fault. Same goes for stuff like Father's day. Valentine's day and April Fool's day and stuff like that turns out to be CLEARLY wrong if you just read the relevant Ahadith and Ayat. What other christian and jewish customs are we following? Please inform me of them.

You see no hard in celebrating it? The Prophet SAW himself never celebrated as he mentioned that it was the day when he was one year closer to death. Plus, all these people i watch on TV are trying to show off their "goodness" through acts like these TO THE WORLD when all our good deeds are meant to make Allah happy, NOT THE WORLD!
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If Muslims in the 7th Century did not celebrate Birthdays, that does not mean that celebrating a Birthday is Haram.
How can cutting a cake, and putting up some balloons and hanging out with a few friends be Haram?
How is EATING haram? Hanging out with those we love is haram?

Islam is not a Extremist religion, as scholars these days make it.

If we cut a cake on some other day, eat it.. that is not Haram. Then why is doing the same on the day we were born Haram?

Yes, it is correct logic that Birthday's bring us closer to death.
But that is no reason for their celebration to be Haram.

It is illogical to be celebrating being one year closer to death, but again, that does not mean it is haram, does it?
There is No clear ruling in the Quran or Hadis, saying ''Birthdays are HARAM''.

Like if i was born on the 15th of July, i can go ahead and celebrate the 15th of every month... cut a cake, do whatever i want.. 12 times a year..
Heck, i can enjoy every day. How is having fun, Haram?

Yes, we are supposed to fulfill our religious obligations, but that doesn't mean we are supposed to not have fun.
Life should be balanced.

And, Islam has two religious holidays ''Eid ul Fitr'' and ''Eid ul Azha''.. This is a gift of God, to us. I agree.
But that doesn't mean that we are not supposed to have fun on the rest of the 354 days?

So Celebrating ones birthday is not wrong, as long as it is under the boundaries of the religious rules and no Un-Islamic Practice takes place.

Everyone has their own thinking. Some might go ahead and say ''If the Prophet and other Muslims during the 7th Century didn't celebrate their birthdays, then who are we to start celebrating ours.''

A person can get the Nobel Prize on a certain day, example 17th of August.
And then he can go ahead and celebrate every 17th August, of every year, in the future, in remembrance of his achievement. Would that be Haram? NO!

Christmas Celebration, i agree, is Haram. Because that would be Imitating the Christians..
But Birthday celebrating has nothing to do with religion. If we imitate their religion, that's when we become one of them.

Other Muslims may not celebrate birthdays for cultural reasons because it does not say in the Quran or in valid hadith that we can not celebrate birthdays.

So to the people who keep on making claims that ''Birthdays are haram'', This is haram, That is haram''.. Just because something wasn't done in the past, doesn't mean it is Haram. Just because no clear ruling is not mentioned in the quran or hadis, doesn't mean it is Haram. Those things which are Haram, are clearly mentioned in the Quran, which is the Ultimate source of guidance for mankind.

So No, i don't think there is anything wrong with having a little fun, hanging out with friends on the day we were born. It's just a reminder that one year of our life has passed away.. and the next one is beginning.

Edit: This is my opinion about our own birthdays, not about 12th Rabi-ul-Awal.
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How can cutting a cake, and putting up some balloons and hanging out with a few friends be Haram?
How is EATING haram? Hanging out with those we love is haram?

The same way when u know that grinding the grapes and making wine out of them and drinking it IS Haram -.-

Allah exposes these types of people in the Qur'an: "We have sent them the Truth, but they indeed practise falsehood" (23:90).

Islam is not a Extremist religion, as scholars these days make it.

think before u speak Nabeel. Scholars have spent their whole life learning Islam and have a great knowledge about the Quran and the Sunnah. the fiqh etc. U think wearing Hijab, wearing a niqab, growing beards (for men) NOTcelebrating birthdays and all type of sins which YOU DONT likes is Extremism?? U think, those who correct u and preventing u from going astray are extremists?? And i presume u think of those who donot celebrate birthdays are also extremists. U know what Nabeel?? Islam has prohibitted some things, Some of which is Haraam, The problem with us is, if we dont like something related to Islam (if its Haraam) we TRY to make it Halaal in every way possible which is the biggest of sins.

Allah says in the Quran.
"then do they not reflect upon the Quran, or Are there Locks upon there hearts."(47:24)

And for the rest of Your point of view i would state only a few Ayah's, Which I think will be enough for those who Want to understand.

And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky. Thus Allah puts the wrath on those who believe not. [6:125]

"He guides whom He wills to a straight path." [2:142]

And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqin (the rebellious and disobedient). [5:108]

- Verily, those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, their Lord will guide them through their Faith; [10:9]

- As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely guide them to Our Paths. And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinun (good doers)." [29: 69]
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And, Islam has two religious holidays ''Eid ul Fitr'' and ''Eid ul Azha''.. This is a gift of God, to us. I agree.
But that doesn't mean that we are not supposed to have fun on the rest of the 354 days?
My finger was technically pointed to those who are celebrating Milad. You have an opinion about birthdays, so do I. I'm not going to argue.

However, 3 days of Eid al Adha and 1 day of Eid al Fitr. Some math you got there bro :p.
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Well... well.. well...
People lets stop labelling each other with extremists, misguided whatsoever.
I do not understand the fuss about it all....

I believe that celebrating our own birthdays is Halal provided the celebration doesnot include Haram practices.
However birthday celebrations of personalities is not.

I sincerely request everyone out in this thread to check this video out. Please.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxCzvABgq6 U
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Every year in where?
Here on xpc?
ofc yes... here on xpc. :)

BTW... a very healthy discussion and a lot of good points were raised :D (y)
BreakingBad Nabeel.Ahmad 1357911 and AtemisDelta .... may allah guide us to the right way. ameen :) ;)

just want to add 1 more point. WE all accept that the Prophet was the most pious and so we the Sahaba who loved him far more than us. If they didn't deem it an act of piety of love, then who the hell are we to do so??? Are we trying to prove that we are more pious or just foolish enough to follow our own whims and desires
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