The immovable object has infinite amount of force holding it in place, since it's an object and not able to move. Unstoppable force also has infinite amount of force. Assuming the two infinities to be the same magnitude, the net force should be 0, meaning that motion will not take place. Nothing will move. They will cancel each other out completely.The immovable object will also be no longer immovable.Alright - something to test your guys wits.
If we somehow manage to produce an unstoppable force and somehow manage to produce an immovable object and both meet/collide - who wins? You have to look at it practically, not theoretically. As such, you can assume this happens in any location of this world. Do you think it'll be a stalemate or one side will win? Both forces are equal is size, weight, magnitude etc.
F.Z.M. 7 thinks one will win, depends on circumstances which wins. I believe it'll be a stalemate, as there is a place in this world (might be artificial) where there is no net force or any external factors to trouble both forces.
What do you think? :3
Dark Destination M.Omar Kamihus FLRNAB Awesome12 ***amd*** funky brat asadalam exploded diper Tag whoever I missed.
So no one wins. Impossible for anyone to win.
Practically, this is not possible as immovable object and unstoppable force can not exist in the same universe. That's against their definition.