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Make life happier n easier! - 1 week trial

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Recitation of Holy Quran :)

we were having a free islamyat period from a couple since we finished syllabus, so our teacher told us something that would be useful :)
he told us a hadeeth about recitation of holy Quran, i cant remember it well..but i know the important part, it says "who recites quran and its hard for him so he gets 2 rewards, one for his reading and one for his hard work and the one who reads Quran and his perfect in reading it with "AHKAM EL-TAJWEED" then he is with "El-Safara El-Keram El-Barara" at the last day "Youm El-Qyama", "El-Safara" those are angels of "Allah", and "El-Keram" those are the Messengers of Allah, and "El-Barara" those are martyrs.
Now tell me who want to be with "El-Safara El-Keram El-Barara" youm el-qyama, i think the answer will be yes from the whole community, but who recited Quran perfectly with "AHKAM EL-TAJWEED" will be with them, if u are taking Quran in school then u better dont just study "AHKAM EL-TAJWEED" for getting good grades, study them for ur life, to survive "Youm El-Qyama" :)
Islam is an easy work religion, from my side, i will start to read 2 pages from Quran everyday starting from 20th December, cuz at that time i will be done with my exams, dont get shocked because they are only 2 pages, i know i will have vacations but when school starts again, i will be unavailable to read suppose a part of the Quran everyday, so i want to get used to read just 2 pages everyday, and i will read them perfectly with the recently "AHKAM EL-TAJWEED" that i taught at school, you can also go for searching them at google, its not hard to find them :)

i am very sry cuz i am very talkative, but all for ur benefit and for Islam and for Allah swt :)
That's all what i have, hope you people work with it :)
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well I remember reading this Hadith, which you might be referring too:
The Last Prophet (PBUH) said: "Verily the one who recites the Qur'an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses (because he doesn't know how to read it but is trying to), then he will have TWICE that reward."

I read it on the site:

It is a very helpful site, if you wanna learn different surahs...
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Narrated 'Aisha: Um Habiba and Um Salama mentioned about a church they had seen in Ethiopia in which there were pictures. They told the Prophet about it, on which he said, "If any religious man dies amongst those people they would build a place of worship at his grave and make these pictures in it. They will be the worst creature in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection."



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As-salam-o-alaikum!! :)

To be honest....it's been a long time, and as usually happens, I and probably most of you might have somewhat forgotten what was planned, etc.

So I thought of reading the first post again, and again be in....InshaAllah, this change would 'really' be a change.

Read the post below....and let's start AGAIN! :)


Jazaka wa jazana Allah!

May Allah help us all! Aameen!

We, Alhumdulilah, believe that Allah is our Lord, our Creator and has the power to do everything..nothing can happen except by His Will.
But ...you know what...I feel our faith is not strong..we say we believe..but we dont imply it!
When you love somebody and trust them a lot you believe that person will help you in every possibly way..and you rely on that person a lot...then when we love Allah, why do we take tensions and worries..
Let us all REALLY love Allah...let us all trust Him completely...Remember, if we love any person, there's no gurantee..you'll love each other always..those who experienced may better understand this! But Allah will never leave you...love Him..When we truly love someone, we do anything for that person...so if we love Allah, then inshaAllah, acting upon His desires will no longer remain a difficult task for us..refraining from a sin will become easier because we'll know Allah won't like it, and we love Him so we gotta avoid that!

Let us have a strong faith that He is always there for us, and it's possible for Him to do everything and anything if He wills! Know that whatever He gives you, or decides for you is better for you, for He knows best! hence be content with everything, for He loves you and will be there for you ALWAYS!

So let this XPF community try this from today for a week and see how our life is changed? Are we any successful to improve ourselves? Share your views here, about what all you were able to change. InshaAllah, from then on, we'll continue to work on this principle.

Are you all READY for this one week campaign??

Let's all hope, to see some change in ourselves!

Post below is you are willing to take part..I'll add up your name

(the rest is shared by 'badrobot14'. Jazak Allah-u-Khairen....may Allah bless you and reward you loads for your efforts!)

Most people obey an authority because of fear, e.g. someone wouldn’t steal because he might be punished by the government… or he stays at office for his shift because else he might get fired, but the best of the Muslims obey Allah because they love doing so! Yes, they do have Taqwa (awareness/fear) of his punishment but they also have hope in his mercy. Scholars sum up the three ingredients of obeying Allah beautifully:
Ibn al-Qayim said: “On his way to Allah, a [believer’s] heart is likened to a bird: love is its head, fear and hope are its wings. Hence, when the head and wings are sound, the bird will perfectly fly; if the head is cut, the bird will die and when it loses the wings, it will be inevitably objected to hunting”.
So the heart obeys Allah in hope of His mercy, in fear of His justice (or punishment) and in His love.

Developing the love of Allah; let’s make this the primary purpose of this week!

You are highly recommended to read the following article:
http://www.suhaibwebb.com/personaldvlpt ... spiration/

How can I make my heart love Allah (swt)?

• Read the Qur’an with reflection (preferably after Fajir salah);

• Perform more nawaafil (voluntary acts of worship): “Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do. And My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with the supererogatory [nawaafil] so that I shall love him.” [Bukhari]

• Always remember Allah (swt): The righteous used to say that if you awake and sleep remembering Allah (swt), then you awake and sleep without a sin. Not that we will not make mistakes, but sins are erased by constant dhikr; (remembrance of Allah, swt) and good deeds, insha’Allah.

• Choose what Allah (swt) prefers over what you prefer.

Read more on the subject here: http://www.suhaibwebb.com/personaldvlpt ... -the-gift/


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Read this somewhere:
When a snake is alive, it eats ants. When a snake is dead, ants eat snake. So time can turn at any time. Don't devalue anyone in life. You maybe powerful but time is more powerful than you. Always remember this.
One tree makes one lac match-sticks, but one match-stick can burn down one lac trees.
Moral: One negative thought can burn all positive thoughts.
Think Positive. Always.



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As-salam-o-alaikum wr wb! :)

AtemisDelta is in tooo... :)

so wat do we do dis week

Well, firstly, Jazak Allahu Khairen for your participation. May Allah reward you and everyone who has participated...with loaadddsssss of blessings and mercy.. Aameen!

So all we have to do is, each one of us shud say 'I love you Allah!' ...and literalllyy....make this true...I mean as we alll might have experienced....you love someone a lott..how do u then treat that person...
So now, as the first post mentions, our main subject is ....It is Allah who deseves to be loved the most! Right? We all have different personalities, etc. whom we love! Let us all love Allah atmost! And that might InshaAllah, help us to obey His commandments and do anything for Him....to me personally, I just thought over the thing again...that I loved that person...and how did I deal with him...my feelings....and everything...ofc if we look back...we might conclude that we were ready to do anything and everything for that person...and made sure...we do not make that person sad or angry!

SO now we have come to the realization....before anybody else...Allah should be loveed.....just recall His endless bounties upon us! And if we really love Him...then is doing anything which He may not like acceptable to us? The reply shud be NO...

...that is it!!

SO let's all say:

I love you Allah!​
Guide me to the straight path..​
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Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.
Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.
Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock.
You've got to work hard to get to them.
Sister!, your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, so cover it.
-Adapted from M. Ali's advice to her daughter, Hana


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GetSomeLife is in too :)

@GetSomeLife: Jazak Allah Khairen! May ALlah guide us all....aameen