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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'

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what are you studying these days? or more specificly which uni coarse..?
Mech engg...

(sounds boring)

any of your special childhood memory?
yeah, once long ago me n cousins hid on roof and threw water at passers-by in the street... it was fun.. shouldn't have done it but was thrilling. don't get ideas ppl! (haha very common fun activity!)

favourite foods?
biryani n Bihari kababs ;)


how did u devlop interest in computer, website desginging and other related skills.
interest develops itself..

( :/ )

do you think mods sometime misuse their authorities and may edit post or ban on their own liking and disliking ? do you recive issues like this?
They might, no one's perfect.. yeah, sometimes I do get complains.. :) hmm

do you enjoy your time at xpc ? views bout xpc?
Yeah I most of the time I enjoy my time..

don't you think this trophy , likes thing has developed a sense of competition in some users? why did u had to do dat in first place? :| do u miss the old simple less rushy look?

I don't miss the old look. This one's better... N the trophy thing is like the old ranking system but it doesn't matter.. those who don't care about them don't pay attention to it rather they help ppl coz it's good to do so... others who care, help others coz of them...

(as u wish as u r the pioneer of this forum)

how can we change our society towards positive and towards development and prosperity...
Obey Allah, simple... "O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life...." (8:24)
"O mankind, there has to come to you instruction (Heart-Penetrating Advice! i.e. Quran) from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers.
Say, "In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy - in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate." "
Quran is better than whatever else we gather... So if one gathers Quran and lives by it; responding to the call of his Lord, He'll have the best life, same applies to a community. We try everything, democracy, dictatorship, whatever, see how this country make laws, etc... but who responds to the laws of Allah? Almost no one says that instead of trying our own mumbo-jumbo let's try to ask Allah for help, let's look at His book for guidance.. Afterall, He is the most wise, the most merciful.

(Allah's book gives the basic guidelines to carry our lives and if we alone only follow islam things cud be much better i agree.)

people who inspire you?
1. Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)
2. Ibrahim (A.S) [If you ever read him in Quran and imagine the situations he's in and how he acts; you realize he's just genius!]
3. A dear old teacher of mine
4. My parents, may Allah reward them.
5. some famous muslim speakers (Dr. Israr Ahmed, Nouman Ali Khan, Dr. Zakir Naik, etc)...

(dat is nice. dr israr ahmed is a gr8 visionary man, sheikh dedaar as well..)

your favourite picnic spots?
Football, rugby.. :)

what changes would you like in the education system?
Kick out the stupid teachers who don't know how to teach.. groom teachers who know what they are doing.. make syllabi more better. :D

(yup or rather then kicking we can also make them better by investing money on them..)

bruce lee or jackie chan?
none... lee maybe

your fav movies?
Kung Fu panda 1, Despicable me...

(nice 1s.)

Shawarma or Paratha Roll?
both :p

(so u r a food lover as well. )

how do u see the role of media in our society?
destructive since they don't abide by the laws of Allah most of the times..

(not entirely destructive i wud say. but they cud do much much better for a healthier change in society...)

any memorable prank which your buddies did on you?
wd have to think...

(think think!)

do you talk or fall while sleeping?

can you drink a lot of water after having a heavy meal?

any comments regarding me whatever u may have notice via this forum. honest views.
I think you have a great heart.. but you need direction, like most of us.... read the Quran someday invest time understanding it from people of knowledge.. no kidding, you'll get peace (inshaAllah) you never knew exsisted. That's one of my goals too...

(oh thanks for the compliment. yes i need direction like any other person...I read quran but mostly i find basic guidelines in it and warnings etc but i guess u need more for direction in life matters...)

enjoy answering

do you hate me to give me such a loooong list of questions?? :D m tired..

(lol u shud thank me for sparing u so early caz i was in a flow and i cud have wrote many more questions! :D )
Reaction score
I am no. 4 in the line then! :p
Hey coolio...i give u a hundred bucks and u let me stand in front of u! :LOL::ROFLMAO:


Reaction score
Admin, Your thoughts regarding this user.

assalamoalaikum wr wb...
yeah me too...i'd like to know as well :D

Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb admin :D
i am also here ;)mujh nacheez k baare main bhi apni rae paish kijiye =P

Everyone line up to get their reviews,

LOL yeah....the active members...really gonna do this...
poor admin...he has to give comments on all :p

@admin: whatsoever you HAVE to do that ;)

yes admin...PLEASE no excuse :D
feel free and say anything about me :p (donno about others ;))

I am no. 4 in the line then! :p
Hey coolio...i give u a hundred bucks and u let me stand in front of u! :LOL::ROFLMAO:

m here too !! :p ;)

about me 2...

lol. Poor regular user badrobot :p - this is definitely gonna take a while :D
Reaction score
alrite badrobot14
da best fiction uve read so far?
if u were allowed 2 meet any characters from a book, whom would u love 2 meet?n why?
imagine uve entered paradise(may allah grant al of us Paradise)
which prophet apart frm muhammad would u want 2 meet 1st n why?also which companion n why?
any wish ud love 2 come true in jannah
from all da current players of da worl, football ofcourse name ur fantasy 11? (dont give me ans like da arsenal 1st team...........i have 2 inc all da world player from all teams.........kep aside rivalries)


XPRS Administrator
Reaction score
Ok, lets try to do this thing.. disclaimer: no matter how much ppl praise you don't ever become arrogant. no matter how much ppl say hurtful things to you don't get dishearted... just review ur self, if you have mistakes correct em. A person's true worth is how much taqwa he has...
so whatever I say isn't gonna matter much anyways... but I'll try to answer.

Admin, Your thoughts regarding this user.
I think, It's hard to reply to that question!! seriously... coz I try not to be judgemental... anyways, u have a nice username plus I like it that I rarely get any complains from your side... meaning you know how to avoid arguments and live peacefully. that's a thumbs up, keep it up. :)

assalamoalaikum wr wb...
yeah me too...i'd like to know as well :D
WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
Well you are the heart and soul of most Islamic threads that we have here.. I seriously respect that, may Allah reward you for it. Plus you know how to deal with ppl and reply courteously... that even I have to learn. :D

Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb admin :D
i am also here ;)mujh nacheez k baare main bhi apni rae paish kijiye =P
WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
Obviously u r very cool.. and shiney... what else can I say? Oh n you sound like a happy person most of the time... Apart 4rm dat I only know you from the Art of Grooming thread, do keep up ur good work up there.. may Allah help you n reward you.

Everyone line up to get their reviews,
yeah.... I know next in line wd be Regular User!!!

LOL yeah....the active members...really gonna do this...
poor admin...he has to give comments on all :p

@admin: whatsoever you HAVE to do that ;)
yup, m trying.. make dua 4 me plz.. :)

yes admin...PLEASE no excuse :D
feel free and say anything about me :p (donno about others ;))
no excuses...

I am no. 4 in the line then! :p
Hey coolio...i give u a hundred bucks and u let me stand in front of u! :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Dude you seriously needa Get SOME life n stop bribing ppl!! :D
gotta run, seriously, wd respond to every1 else later, inshaAllah! (do forgive me)

m here too !! :p ;)

about me 2...
Oh n thanx to ktc for making a list for me, Jazakillah khair! :)
Reaction score
Ok, lets try to do this thing.. disclaimer: no matter how much ppl praise you don't ever become arrogant. no matter how much ppl say hurtful things to you don't get dishearted... just review ur self, if you have mistakes correct em. A person's true worth is how much taqwa he has...
so whatever I say isn't gonna matter much anyways... but I'll try to answer.

I think, It's hard to reply to that question!! seriously... coz I try not to be judgemental... anyways, u have a nice username plus I like it that I rarely get any complains from your side... meaning you know how to avoid arguments and live peacefully. that's a thumbs up, keep it up. :)

WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
Well you are the heart and soul of most Islamic threads that we have here.. I seriously respect that, may Allah reward you for it. Plus you know how to deal with ppl and reply courteously... that even I have to learn. :D

WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
Obviously u r very cool.. and shiney... what else can I say? Oh n you sound like a happy person most of the time... Apart 4rm dat I only know you from the Art of Grooming thread, do keep up ur good work up there.. may Allah help you n reward you.

yeah.... I know next in line wd be Regular User!!!

yup, m trying.. make dua 4 me plz.. :)

no excuses...

Dude you seriously needa Get SOME life n stop bribing ppl!! :D
gotta run, seriously, wd respond to every1 else later, inshaAllah! (do forgive me)


Oh n thanx to ktc for making a list for me, Jazakillah khair! :)
what about me :(
Reaction score
Ok, lets try to do this thing.. disclaimer: no matter how much ppl praise you don't ever become arrogant. no matter how much ppl say hurtful things to you don't get dishearted... just review ur self, if you have mistakes correct em. A person's true worth is how much taqwa he has...
aoa wr wb...
Inshallah and so true! May Allah guide us all and increase our taqwa...Aameen
WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
Obviously u r very cool.. and shiney... what else can I say? Oh n you sound like a happy person most of the time... Apart 4rm dat I only know you from the Art of Grooming thread, do keep up ur good work up there.. may Allah help you n reward you.
Jazakallah Khair for those compliments :D
Inshallah and Aameen! :)
May Allah reward you too for your your hard work and everything...and grant us all Jannat-ul-firdaus Aameen!
do remember me in your special prayers :D
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