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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'


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seriously...he has a sense of humour?:confused: :p
He [planetmaster] looks more like the robot admin to me :LOL::p
[no offence]

Among my friends planet.master has the best sense of humour... and he uses it quite frequently... He acts formally on forums coz he isn't that frequent here and I think he doesn't joke around least he might hurt someone... For eg, most of his e-mails to me have the phrase "no regards" at the end... n some random odd feature..


XPRS Moderator
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Among my friends planet.master has the best sense of humour... and he uses it quite frequently... He acts formally on forums coz he isn't that frequent here and I think he doesn't joke around least he might hurt someone... For eg, most of his e-mails to me have the phrase "no regards" at the end... n some random odd feature..
that's nice to know...ask him to be the same here too :D it'd be way more fun! :cool:


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alrite badrobot14
da best fiction uve read so far?
if u were allowed 2 meet any characters from a book, whom would u love 2 meet?n why?
imagine uve entered paradise(may allah grant al of us Paradise)
which prophet apart frm muhammad would u want 2 meet 1st n why?also which companion n why?
any wish ud love 2 come true in jannah
from all da current players of da worl, football ofcourse name ur fantasy 11? (dont give me ans like da arsenal 1st team...........i have 2 inc all da world player from all teams.........kep aside rivalries)

Fiction: Doyle's Sherlock Holmes... (Pppl might disagree but I like his deductionz..)

Charachters from buk... hmm, I'd like to meen Newton to ask if the story of the apple was real or did he made it up.. :D (u didn't specify book had to be fiction) :p

Now this is a cool question; Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) coz he's sooo cool.. Even Allah (S.W.T) praises him, plus he just knew how to make his point to someone (breaking idols? :D), plus a nice sense of humour (asking idols b4 breaking why dont you eat, why dont you speak :D) and so merciful..
Among Sahaba I'd like to meet most of them.. Abu bakr and Muadh ibn Jabal more coz Prophet (S.A.W) expressed his love for them :) ...
May Allah forgive us and grant us Jannah; Ameen!

wish.. hard to answer.. it'd take pages!! "Then, are we not to die Except for our first death, and we will not be punished?" Indeed, this is the great attainment. For the like of this let the workers [on earth] work." (37:58-61)

Based purely on talent: (3-4-3)
Xavi (wanted to include inesta but then I'd seriously lack in defence :D )


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
welll one more question...although it's kinda asked before, but still why this name? i mean bad - robot...??why bad? I wonder?

hope this question isnt missed out :D :p

:ROFLMAO: people are scared of you,

i mean seriously? i'd like to know who is? :unsure: (we'd make a separate thread for that.. :p let badrobot answer his ques here.. :p)


XPRS Administrator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

welll one more question...although it's kinda asked before, but still why this name? i mean bad - robot...??why bad? I wonder?

WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
haha, There is no huge science behind it.. I made it as a teenager.. It's not like I hate myself or consider my self evil to name it bad.. :D What else can you expect with a name thought out in 10 sec? I was just thinking what will go with robot and bad sounded right.. Think: Fluffy robot, pink robot, charming robot, cool robot, huge robot.. none of them sound as good. :p And 14 was added coz it was the shirt no. of my fav football player back then...
Anyways, I still stick with that username; so there's the useless etymology of my username.


XPRS Moderator
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WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
haha, There is no huge science behind it.. I made it as a teenager.. It's not like I hate myself or consider my self evil to name it bad.. :D What else can you expect with a name thought out in 10 sec? I was just thinking what will go with robot and bad sounded right.. Think: Fluffy robot, pink robot, charming robot, cool robot, huge robot.. none of them sound as good. :p And 14 was added coz it was the shirt no. of my fav football player back then...
Anyways, I still stick with that username; so there's the useless etymology of my username.
haha right :D (y)


XPRS Administrator
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Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb :)

there is an xpc member (whose questions are awesome :D) but well....he/she is scared of "badrobot14" :p he/she says that he/she wanted to ask so many questions from him but after reading the replies he gave, he/she did not have the courage to do so (i apologize fo so many he/she's :ROFLMAO:)
WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
I don't generally bite you know... so no need to be scared of me... :)

so there we go....

1. favourite place?
2. animals you like?
3. 5 things you value the most?
4. your views about mobile and internet?
5. your hobbies?
6. your views about todays teenagers
7. people you hate
8. last time you cried?
9. last time you laughed your head off
10. do you get angry easily?
11. what do you observe in others?when you first time meet them
12. what do you think are your good and bad habits

Jazakallah Khair for your time, badrobot :D May Allah give you, infact all of us success in this world as well as the Hereafter...Aameen :)

1. Makkah; in front of kabah... That's such a peaceful place to sit.. looking at it! :)

2. Horses and little chicks.. :)

3. My Eeman, Time, The countless other Blessings of Allah including Quran, health, food, My Family, good friends, good teachers etc... Alhamdulillah! :)

4. Double-edged sword... usefull if used properly harmfull otherwise.

5. Paying football (don't get the opportunity to play it anymore) n computer games.. Collecting Quran and learning Arabic (yes it's that good to list it as a hobby!).. Alhamdulillah!

6. I can't put a blanket on them and say evry1's like this. some of them are really good and some not so good... I think most of them really need a good mentor; someone they can follow as an example.. Many turn towards evil and they have no real purpose in life... If they had a mentor who knew Quran, who could help them see right and wrong in things, it'd be really something. I had someont like that in my life (may Allah bless him) I thank Allah for it. The TV screen is not a good example for ppl to follow.

7. I shouldn't be hating ppl but i really dislike bad teachers... I've had a lot of good ones but sometimes there are teachers, when they are teaching, you constantly look at the watch; when would the torture end :D. Maybe it's a deficiency in me.. May Allah guide me and help me in this regard. Ameen.

8. Don't want to share that.... Although I dis agree with ppl who say a person should be hard etc... (a person must ONLY be strong in face of adversity, I think)... Ther's a dua m trying to learn:

In a hadith recorded in Saheeh Muslim, Zaid bin Alqam
narrated that the Prophetﷺ used to supplicate:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ لَا يَنْفَعُ وَمِنْ قَلْبٍ لَا يَخْشَعُ وَمِنْ نَفْسٍ ‏لَا تَشْبَعُ ‏ ‏وَمِنْ دَعْوَةٍ لَا يُسْتَجَابُ لَهَا‏​
Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min 'ilmin la yanfa'u wa min qalbin la yakhsha'u wa min nafsin la tashba'u wa min da'watin la yustajabu laha​
“O Allāh, I seek refuge in You from knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart that does not entertain the fear (of Allāh), from a soul that is not satisfied and the supplication that is not answered.”
9. Can't exactly remember; must have happened fairly recently...​
10. Sometimes, yes. I am trying to get rid of it..​
11. Never really noticed.. their face perhaps! :D
12. Good: I try in my free time to learn some Quran (Alhamdulillah)... Making friends that are good, Don't think that there are many..​
Bad: anger, lack of a good study routine these days, not using time effectively...​
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WaAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
I don't generally bite you know... so no need to be scared of me... :)
LOL...dw i am not scared :D (though the way you wrote this made me a bit.........:ROFLMAO:)

8. Don't want to share that.... Although I dis agree with ppl who say a person should be hard etc... (a person must ONLY be strong in face of adversity, I think)... Ther's a dua m trying to learn:
May Allah help you in learning that :)
12. Good: I try in my free time to learn some Quran (Alhamdulillah)... Making friends that are good, Don't think that there are many..

Bad: anger, lack of a good study routine these days, not using time effectively...​
Mashallah :)
May Allah help you in getting rid of these bad things too....cuz the most difficult part is to realize or accept that you are on the wrong, which Alhamdulillah you did...so Inshallah Allah will help you :)


XPRS Administrator
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LOL...dw i am not scared :D (though the way you wrote this made me a bit.........:ROFLMAO:)

Er.. what was scary about the way I wrote it? It was just a cheeky comment.. :D I don't mind anyone asking me questions... no matter how odd.. Infact when I teach I actually keep telling my students "do you have any questions?, wanna ask anything regarding this? Does this make sense...?" etc... (yes, you have to ask again and again to make sure they don't have any doubts left...) n if I don't know I try to say that "I don't know". :)

May Allah help you in learning that :)

Mashallah :)
May Allah help you in getting rid of these bad things too....cuz the most difficult part is to realize or accept that you are on the wrong, which Alhamdulillah you did...so Inshallah Allah will help you :)

Jazakillah khair for the dua, May Allah (S.W.T) Help you too... Ameen.
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Er.. what was scary about the way I wrote it? It was just a cheeky comment.. :D I don't mind anyone asking me questions... no matter how odd.. Infact when I teach I actually keep telling my students "do you have any questions?, wanna ask anything regarding this? Does this make sense...?" etc... (yes, you have to ask again and again to make sure they don't have any doubts left...) n if I don't know I try to say that "I don't know". :)
lol...donno :p but alright...i am not scared of you anymore, well i wasnt scared before also but yeah! actually i have heard "those who are scared from Allah arent scared of people but those why arent scared of Allah are scared of everyone" so after that i have always tried to be strong :D

Jazakillah khair for the dua, May Allah (S.W.T) Help you too... Ameen.
wa eyyaki and Aameen :)


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Er.. what was scary about the way I wrote it? It was just a cheeky comment.. :D I don't mind anyone asking me questions... no matter how odd.. Infact when I teach I actually keep telling my students "do you have any questions?, wanna ask anything regarding this? Does this make sense...?" etc... (yes, you have to ask again and again to make sure they don't have any doubts left...) n if I don't know I try to say that "I don't know" :).
That’s a very humble quality, Masha’Allah!

Now, if only my teachers had that attribute in them too!
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Fiction: Doyle's Sherlock Holmes... (Pppl might disagree but I like his deductionz..)

Charachters from buk... hmm, I'd like to meen Newton to ask if the story of the apple was real or did he made it up.. :D (u didn't specify book had to be fiction) :p

Now this is a cool question; Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) coz he's sooo cool.. Even Allah (S.W.T) praises him, plus he just knew how to make his point to someone (breaking idols? :D), plus a nice sense of humour (asking idols b4 breaking why dont you eat, why dont you speak :D) and so merciful..
Among Sahaba I'd like to meet most of them.. Abu bakr and Muadh ibn Jabal more coz Prophet (S.A.W) expressed his love for them :) ...
May Allah forgive us and grant us Jannah; Ameen!

wish.. hard to answer.. it'd take pages!! "Then, are we not to die Except for our first death, and we will not be punished?" Indeed, this is the great attainment. For the like of this let the workers [on earth] work." (37:58-61)

Based purely on talent: (3-4-3)
Xavi (wanted to include inesta but then I'd seriously lack in defence :D )

alright specification fiction character......(id only want 2 meet newton 2 murder him for lengtheneing our damned syllabus)
nice prophet......personally id love to meet sulaiman(amazin powers) and ilyas(my bros name so ill want 2 see da huge diff))

sahaba..........i should have specified other than da 4 caliphs....but u said muadh ibn jabal........cool .personally id love 2 meet khalid ibn walid(wat a warrior)

football team.......impressive selection although my team is quite difff from urs (id inc messi,zlatan, villa, mario gomez, gerrard, puyol n carragher, etc........)