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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'

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I think, It's hard to reply to that question!! seriously... coz I try not to be judgemental... anyways, u have a nice username plus I like it that I rarely get any complains from your side... meaning you know how to avoid arguments and live peacefully. that's a thumbs up, keep it up. :)

Thanks man, and yeah like coolio said, do remember me in your prayers. :D


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!! :cool:
no matter how much ppl praise you don't ever become arrogant. no matter how much ppl say hurtful things to you don't get dishearted... just review ur self, if you have mistakes correct em.
(y) *like*

A person's true worth is how much taqwa he has...
(y) true...may Allah give us the highest level of taqwa..aameen!!

Well you are the heart and soul of most Islamic threads that we have here.. I seriously respect that, may Allah reward you for it.
Aameen...and I thank Allah loads, that we have people here who accept and make rooms for those topics on the forum. I so wish that you'd have been here from the start...I'd have got some more time to learn from you...
And may Allah reward you for being my support....aameen.

Plus you know how to deal with ppl and reply courteously... that even I have to learn. :D
ermm..really? o_O Now that's something new I came to know....I feel I lack *this* quality most of the times, despite the fact that yeah at times, I do show this thing :p

yeah.... I know next in line wd be Regular User!!!
then y wait? give your answer before he asks :p

yup, m trying.. make dua 4 me plz.. :)

Sure...I will...
and again thnx loadzzzz for the video u posted in the art of grooming ur souls thread last night...jazakAllahu khairen....
i cant describe how much I'm grateful and how helpful it was for me...I seriously prayed for you especially... for that :D

Oh n thanx to ktc for making a list for me, Jazakillah khair! :)
ohhh...i happened to see your post first..and I wondered u took the pain to reply to every single post individually :p :ROFLMAO:
thnx ktc :p jazakillah khairen! :D


XPRS Administrator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!! :cool:
Sure...I will...
and again thnx loadzzzz for the video u posted in the art of grooming ur souls thread last night...jazakAllahu khairen....
i cant describe how much I'm grateful and how helpful it was for me...I seriously prayed for you especially... for that :D

WaAlaikum AsSalam,

wa iyya kum.
may Allah grant us all knowledge, a knowledge that benefits us and is a case for us and not against us on the day of judgement... Ameen! may Allah give us actions to match the knowledge too, Ameen.


Reaction score
Assalamoalaikum wr wb!! :cool:

ohhh...i happened to see your post first..and I wondered u took the pain to reply to every single post individually :p :ROFLMAO:
thnx ktc :p jazakillah khairen! :D

WaAlaikum Asalam Wr Wb!

Quoting them was piece of cake, answering them was the difficult task!

Wa eyyaki! :)


XPRS Moderator
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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!

welll one more question...although it's kinda asked before, but still why this name? i mean bad - robot...??why bad? I wonder?


XPRS Administrator
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I am no. 4 in the line then! :p
Hey coolio...i give u a hundred bucks and u let me stand in front of u! :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Hmm.. You come across as a funny guy.. mean to say u have a good sense of humour; like if you meet planet.master he can always make you smile or laugh... Oh n seeing your message count I believe you need to GET Some LIFE! (Ok, that was just to taunt you.. :p )

m here too !! :p ;)
I remember when you became mamber of the week some time ago someone asked you something and you responded with an aayah from the Quran; I loved it.. Coz very few of us understand that Quran is very relevant and powerfull advice for each of us... It's not just for the ulema/scholars. (y)

about me 2...
You know you come across as a deligient student; maybe it's coz you post less frequently in off topic.. don't know... anyways that's a good thing; even I am trying to learn how to focus. :D

what about me :(
well I don't know you that well.. except that you post some excellent jokes in the jokes thread.. :D
forgive me for that.. :)
Reaction score
Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb :)

there is an xpc member (whose questions are awesome :D) but well....he/she is scared of "badrobot14" :p he/she says that he/she wanted to ask so many questions from him but after reading the replies he gave, he/she did not have the courage to do so (i apologize fo so many he/she's :ROFLMAO:)

so there we go....

1. favourite place?
2. animals you like?
3. 5 things you value the most?
4. your views about mobile and internet?
5. your hobbies?
6. your views about todays teenagers
7. people you hate
8. last time you cried?
9. last time you laughed your head off
10. do you get angry easily?
11. what do you observe in others?when you first time meet them
12. what do you think are your good and bad habits

Jazakallah Khair for your time, badrobot :D May Allah give you, infact all of us success in this world as well as the Hereafter...Aameen :)
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alrite badrobot14
da best fiction uve read so far?
if u were allowed 2 meet any characters from a book, whom would u love 2 meet?n why?
imagine uve entered paradise(may allah grant al of us Paradise)
which prophet apart frm muhammad would u want 2 meet 1st n why?also which companion n why?
any wish ud love 2 come true in jannah
from all da current players of da worl, football ofcourse name ur fantasy 11? (dont give me ans like da arsenal 1st team...........i have 2 inc all da world player from all teams.........kep aside rivalries)

my q.?????????
plzzz reply..............