It is tough.. But I never meant to freak you out You won't! Its not too late. Just start with the A2, go through some papers to get some idea and then move on to AS. Good thing about AS is that the questions are rather straight forward, so you don't have to spend alot of time on P2's. Also attempt mcqs, they're important! and and ask friends or your teacher if don't get some concept. YouTube helped me too.
You can't watch the end of trilogy first! meh I was never a fan of Agent 007. Movies are too.. gappo Skyfall wasn't bad though.
I got an A would've gotten an A* if I hadn't screwed up P4
ill youtube the problems i have then. Hopefully ill get to studying tomorrow! ill do about 5 chapters of As in 3 days than ill get started with A2!!! thanks for the advice
i just watched it cause i did not want to study but in all fairness i did watch bits of the movie with heath ledger in it. the joker one so yeah i guess you can say i had a bit of an idea??
you dont like 007?? who doesn't like 007?? :O :O :O :O *shocked im a die hard fan of 007