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r u real?


XPRS Administrator
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xD! man does it look like i care? :p fine whatever.. imagination , creativity , innovation , thoughts are all bad -_- wow :p xpf...i now see the light :p Quran also tells us at places to ponder over things...think....
ahem.. I didn't mean it like this when I mentioned Quran.... I just meant dont waste tym.. it's a futile thing to think about... I'd like to quote from a booklet, the man in red underpants:

Now; before we go any further I need you to agree with me on one
thing. If you don't agree with me on this, there's isn't much point
in going any further. We need to agree that the world we live in is
real and you and me and everything around us really does exist and
is not the product of a computer generated illusory world, or some
dream that you happen to be in. Now I know that I can't actually
prove this, and that it really is possible that all we see around us
is a dream or an illusion but how does that help us? If we think
THAT, then we could never make sense of anything, and even if we
did accept that, we'd still use our reason to try and make sense of it
and would still inevitably have to accept what we see as being real
in some sense.

So, if you're with me on this; that the world is real and that what
we see, smell, touch, hear, and taste is real. That our senses send
information to our brain and we use our mind to make sense of
what is going on, then let's use this process to make sense of this
life, world, universe and everything.
Now, there are some things we might call 'universals' because just
about everybody as far as we know would agree on them. In. fact,
these .ideas are so basic they are part of what makes us human, and
if someone didn't agree to it we'd probably think they were mad.
For example, the statement "part of something 1s Less than the
whole" is a universal. It's common to aU humans, that's why we caiJ
it 'common' sense. It's so obvious it doesn't need explaining. Agree
with me so far? OK. Here is anorher ... 'something doesn't come
from nothing'. And how about 'order doesn't spontaneously arise
from chaos'?
What is there in the totality of human experience that would lead
us to believe that something comes from nothing or that order just
spontaneously arises from chaos?
Well that's right! Nothing. Actually what we consistently experience
is that where there is order, form and systems, something has
imposed the order, the form and systems. The more complex and
ordered the systems, the more functional the form, the greater the
level of intelligence behind it.
So here are two truths we can use to make sense of the world, the
universe and life. Universal human experience tells us that when we
.find things working according to systems, laws and patterns, something
has made those systems, laws and patterns. That is why an
archaeologist can .find a piece of pottery .in the earth and be sure
and certain that some people, whom he has never seen, made this
piece of pottery. In fact, he might be able to tell us a whole range
of things about those people, their culture and state of technology
from this one piece of pottery. He knows that this was designed,
not as a product of some random movements of the earth, sun and
natural forest fire that somehow came together to produce this
piece of baked clay. Perhaps it is possible this might have happened,
but it's not likely. In fact, the more that person can see of
this pottery the more unlikely this possibility seems and the more
certain be or she would be of its being designed on purpose (if they
even had any doubt in the first place!)
Let's take another example of something most of us have and use
o.n a regular basis: a mobile phone. Your mobile phone is composed
of a few basic elements. Plastic, glass, silicon for the chip,
and some precious metals. Plastic comes from oil, and glass and
silicon from sand. So basically what you are holding in your hand
is oil and sand. Now, what if I told you that I was walking along in
the desert of Arabia (lots of oil and sand) and picked up a mobile
phone which I found lying there ... a product of billions of years of
random events? The wind blew, the sun shone, the rain fell, lightning
struck, the oil bubbled, the camel trod and after millions and
millions of years the mobile phone formed itself And naturally I
pick it up, push the call button ... "Hi, Mom!"
Is there a chance that this could have randomly formed itself
through natural processes? However remotely possible, most of us
would simply not accept this as a reasonable explanation.
Why then would we accept such an explanation for our universe
and the life within it?
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Now can we held this Meeting in Conversation Not on this thread warna They will locked it
can held dis meeting....how much dd u get in english btw? ;) :p an dlol...why hasnt he then?? i can see da admin is online ....actualy i guess two are..they will only block if they think "pakistan does not need imagination or creativity " and as admins of a forum lyk xpf sayin dat wud be a lot -_-
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ahem.. I didn't mean it like this when I mentioned Quran.... I just meant dont waste tym.. it's a futile thing to think about... I'd like to quote from a booklet, the man in red underpants:

Now; before we go any further I need you to agree with me on one
thing. If you don't agree with me on this, there's isn't much point
in going any further. We need to agree that the world we live in is
real and you and me and everything around us really does exist and
is not the product of a computer generated illusory world, or some
dream that you happen to be in. Now I know that I can't actually
prove this, and that it really is possible that all we see around us
is a dream or an illusion but how does that help us? If we think
THAT, then we could never make sense of anything, and even if we
did accept that, we'd still use our reason to try and make sense of it
and would still inevitably have to accept what we see as being real
in some sense.

So, if you're with me on this; that the world is real and that what
we see, smell, touch, hear, and taste is real. That our senses send
information to our brain and we use our mind to make sense of
what is going on, then let's use this process to make sense of this
life, world, universe and everything.
Now, there are some things we might call 'universals' because just
about everybody as far as we know would agree on them. In. fact,
these .ideas are so basic they are part of what makes us human, and
if someone didn't agree to it we'd probably think they were mad.
For example, the statement "part of something 1s Less than the
whole" is a universal. It's common to aU humans, that's why we caiJ
it 'common' sense. It's so obvious it doesn't need explaining. Agree
with me so far? OK. Here is anorher ... 'something doesn't come
from nothing'. And how about 'order doesn't spontaneously arise
from chaos'?
What is there in the totality of human experience that would lead
us to believe that something comes from nothing or that order just
spontaneously arises from chaos?
Well that's right! Nothing. Actually what we consistently experience
is that where there is order, form and systems, something has
imposed the order, the form and systems. The more complex and
ordered the systems, the more functional the form, the greater the
level of intelligence behind it.
So here are two truths we can use to make sense of the world, the
universe and life. Universal human experience tells us that when we
.find things working according to systems, laws and patterns, something
has made those systems, laws and patterns. That is why an
archaeologist can .find a piece of pottery .in the earth and be sure
and certain that some people, whom he has never seen, made this
piece of pottery. In fact, he might be able to tell us a whole range
of things about those people, their culture and state of technology
from this one piece of pottery. He knows that this was designed,
not as a product of some random movements of the earth, sun and
natural forest fire that somehow came together to produce this
piece of baked clay. Perhaps it is possible this might have happened,
but it's not likely. In fact, the more that person can see of
this pottery the more unlikely this possibility seems and the more
certain be or she would be of its being designed on purpose (if they
even had any doubt in the first place!)
Let's take another example of something most of us have and use
o.n a regular basis: a mobile phone. Your mobile phone is composed
of a few basic elements. Plastic, glass, silicon for the chip,
and some precious metals. Plastic comes from oil, and glass and
silicon from sand. So basically what you are holding in your hand
is oil and sand. Now, what if I told you that I was walking along in
the desert of Arabia (lots of oil and sand) and picked up a mobile
phone which I found lying there ... a product of billions of years of
random events? The wind blew, the sun shone, the rain fell, lightning
struck, the oil bubbled, the camel trod and after millions and
millions of years the mobile phone formed itself And naturally I
pick it up, push the call button ... "Hi, Mom!"
Is there a chance that this could have randomly formed itself
through natural processes? However remotely possible, most of us
would simply not accept this as a reasonable explanation.
Why then would we accept such an explanation for our universe
and the life within it?
hmmm...n ye..i didnt read allof it...but i gt the point...and hmm..time waste ok. no more imagination..its a complete waste of time. tell that to the Americans when they make another amazing movie that gets them more revenue thn our entire country.


XPRS Administrator
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hmmm...n ye..i didnt read allof it...but i gt the point...and hmm..time waste ok. no more imagination..its a complete waste of time. tell that to the Americans when they make another amazing movie that gets them more revenue thn our entire country.
well.. do read, it's good.
Anyways, when you are writing script for your movie do imagine :p but before that I think you can use that excellent imagination of yours on thinking up ways of helping people around you... or other things that are a priority for you...
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well.. do read, it's good.
Anyways, when you are writing script for your movie do imagine :p but before that I think you can use that excellent imagination of yours on thinking up ways of helping people around you... or other things that are a priority for you...
i did and yes it is nice :) and lol...movie writing naah :p and oh gr8 admin thank you for replying twice to what i said :p im blessed ;) :D