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Ramadan - The Month of Awesomeness!

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AOA wr wb wm :)

i have collected some material regarding Sawm etc...

So the first thing we should know is “what is Sawm?”
Sawm is to stay, to pause, to rest…..to follow commands given by Allah and to have control on ur desiring soul not only for some hours rather for entire life…it is not to leave forbidden matters for some hours but for your whole life……….Declare to make ur entire life like the life of a fasting person….
Sawm is to :
· Change the wildness of a human being to permanent obedience to Allah
· Enclose the inner shaitan (satan/nafs) with STRONG chains FOREVER
· To know that WHERE EVER u r Allah is ALWAYS watching u!!
· To stop the footsteps going towards sins
· To control ur tongue with the fear of Allah
· To throw away the arrays filled with sins
· To purify the soul which is covered with sins/disobedience
· To love your Lord with the depth of ur heart
· To setup a judging court of regrets with in urself
The list goes on………..

The obligatory status of Ramdhan:
In the light of Quran:
“O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that You may become Al-Muttaqeen. [Observe Saum (fasts)] for a fixed number of days, but if any of You are ill or on journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days, and for those who can fast with difficulty , (e.g. an old man, etc.) , they have (a choice either to fast or ( to feed Miskin (poor person) (for Every day). But whoever does good of hs on accord, it is better for him. And that you fast, it is better for you if only u know (Al Baqarah 183, 184)

In the light of Hadeeth:
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said : “ Islam has been built on five [pillars]: testifying that none has right to worshiped but Allah (alone) and that Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the Messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the Zakat, making the pilgrimage to the House (Hajj), and fasting in Ramdhan.” (Bukhari)

On one occasion an anonymous gentleman presented himself before Prophet (P.B.U.H) and said, “Tell me of an act which, upon performing, I will be of those entered to Jannah.” The Prophet (P.B.U.H) replied, “Never ascribe partners to Allah Ta’ala, remain steadfast in performing the five compulsory salaat, pay Zakaat which is obligatory on you, and keep the fasts of Ramdhan.” The man proclaimed, “ I swear by Him in whose hands my life is in, I will not perform any deception in these parameters, nor will I allow any shortcomings.” When this gentlemen left, The Prophet (P.B.U.H) pronounced, “ Whoever wishes to see a dweller of Paradise, look at this man” [Bukhari]

In one of His(P.B.U.H) sermons He(P.B.U.H) said : “ Oh people! A great month is coming to you. A blessed month. A month in which there is one night that is better than a thousand months. A month in which Allah has made it compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by night.

Whoever draws near to Allah by performing any voluntary good deeds in this month shall receive the same reward as is there for performing an obligatory deed at any other time. And whoever discharges an obligatory deed in this month shall receive the reward of performing seventy obligatory deeds at any other time. It is the month of Sabr (Patience), and the reward for sabr is Heaven. It is the month of kindness and charity. It is a month in which a believer’s sustenance is increased.

Whoever gives food to a fasting person to person to break his fast shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell. He shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without the latter’s reward being diminished at all” [Bihaqi]

Umm………..sorry but I’ve NEVER EVER typed this much……..umm…..i’ll type the other Ahadeeth and Verses later...

badrobot14 correct it if u find some errors :)
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1. Dua

Ask Allah to make this the most awesome, spiritually uplifting Ramadan you've ever had. Only He can make it happen and relying on Him completely is one step in boosting our spirits.

2. Quiet your mind, turn off the...

TV, internet, radio, cell phone, pager, iPod, etc. No, not all day, but for at least 10 minutes a day. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and connect with God. At first, your mind will swirl with the useless and not-so-useless info in your head. But force it to think of three things in these few minutes:


b.your purpose in life

c.are you living your life on purpose?

Do this every day of Ramadan if you can. If that's not possible, try it at least three times a week.

3.Learn about great Muslims

Even if you've read it before, read or listen to Abdul Wahid Hamid's Companions of the Prophet again this Ramadan. Read about or listen to the story of a Companion daily. Well-written and short, this is a wonderful way to see how other Muslims retained their strength of faith against incredible odds. A sure-fire spirituality booster.

4.Connect to the Quran

The Quran is God's way of talking to us. It's one of the most important keys to spiritual upliftment. This Ramadan, connect to the Quran in a new way. If you already read Quran regularly, perhaps you can choose a new theme to focus on or select a Surah you haven't read in a while. If you don't read Quran regularly, maybe you can read just two minutes of Quran a day, reading only from the first page you encounter when you open up the Book.

In addition, try to keep a Quranic journal to record your reflections, questions, thoughts, etc. about what you've read.

5. Take care of others

Whether it's someone who's away from their family, a person who's having problems with a spouse or their kids or a fellow student struggling with their grades, make an extra effort this Ramadan to help others out. The spiritual boost you get in return is well worth it.

6. Feed the hungry

While your stomach shrieks in protest, give that panhandler some change, volunteer at a soup kitchen, get involved with your local food pantry or make a couple of bag lunches to give to the hungry you meet on your way to school or work.

7. Give up one lifelong bad habit

Ask yourself what some of your defining traits are. Then decide which is the worst of them. Is it a hot temper? Apathy? Laziness? Impatience? Whatever it is, use this Ramadan to put an end to it. Practice the opposite of your bad habit every day until the end of the month. By then Insha Allah, you'll look back and be amazed at what a change you've made for the better.

8. Use those Nights of Power

The last ten nights or Ramadan aren't called the Nights of Power for nothing. Use these precious times for deep, heartfelt Dua (supplication), self-analysis, reflection and serious thought.
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~ Ramadan ~ by GG =D

We can't wait for it to step foot in our Life
Ramadan is so Full of Life

Ramadan is the Month of Forgiveness
It is the month we strive to Witness

Ramadan is the month of Mercy
We seek help from the Merciful Almighty

Ramadan is the Month of the Quran
We are Totally free from our Shaitan

Everyday I keep hoping for it and Pray
Everyday I pray that I wont go astray

Ramadan is the Month of "No Fears"
Misguidance is no longer among our Fears

Ramadan is Our Only Chance
so It is the best time for us to Enhance

So Be Careful my friend
For Ramadan will come to an End

Say MashAllah before you say anything , JK LOL xD



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Do's & Don'ts Of Fasting
•It is important to make the intention of obligatory (fard) fast before Fajr time.
( AbuDawood)

Eating before fajr (Taking Suhur ) is a recommended sunnah
•The Prophet (saw) said, "Take Suhur, as there is a blessing in it." (Bukhari)
•If the Fajr Adhaan starts while you are eating sehri, instead of leaving what you were eating, you should quickly eat it.( Abu Dawood)

Fasting person should not misbehave or fight
•The Prophet (saw) said, “Fasting is a shield (or a screen or a shelter). So, the person observing fast should avoid sexual relations with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, 'I am fasting." (Bukhari)
Fasting person should not lie or commit evil deeds
•The Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)" (Bukhari)
•Backbiting, lying, fighting, abusing, profanities and arguing corrupts the fast.(Bukhari)
• Cracking dirty jokes, obscene vulgar actions, immoral behaviour and conversations on vulgar topics are all forbidden in the state of fasting. (Ibn Khuzaima) (such things are forbidden even under normal conditions but such deeds while fasting corrupts the fast.)

Things that do and do not break the fast
•Due to extreme heat, the fasting person is allowed to take a shower and rinse his mouth with water. This does not break the fast.(Abu Dawood) •While fasting it is not allowed to sniff the water too high in the nose that there may be danger that the water might reach the throat.(Tirmizi) •Eating out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. But as soon as a the person realizes that he/she was fasting, then the food in the mouth should be immediately spitted out. (Bukhari)
•There is no harm in swallowing the saliva while fasting.(Bukhari)
•Applying kohl in the eyes does not break the fast.(Bukhari)
•If the need arises, the food can be tasted (for salt etc), but it should be tasted by placing it at the edge of the tongue. But utmost care should be taken that it should not reach the throat.( Bukhari)
•The blood that comes out of the teeth does not harm the fast however the blood should not be swallowed.
• A fasting person is allowed to smell and wear fragrance.
•Vomiting unintentionally does not break the fast, however if someone vomits deliberately then this breaks the fast.( Abu Dawood)
•Letting blood by means of leeches etc (for treatment purposes) during fasting is allowed.(Sahih Bukhari)
• If nose drops are used while fasting and if they reach the throat or the stomach, then the fast is broken. (Bukhari)
•An injection that does not nourish and its purpose is not to provide energy or nourishment but it is only used as a medicine, then such an injection is allowed while fasting. However if the injection is the type that provides nourishment to sustain the body without food and drink then such an injection breaks the fast.
•A person who intentionally eats or drinks something while fasting, then he should sincerely repent and make up for the fast.

Masnoon and Recommended Acts while fasting

•Eating Iftar ( eating at maghrib time to break fast) should not be delayed and should be eaten as soon as the sun sets (Maghrib time) which is a sunnah of our Prophet.(Agreed Upon)
• The one who offers and provides iftari to a fasting person, gets the reward equivalent to a fast.
•Using siwaak while fasting is proven from the sunnah. ( Sahih Bukhari)
•It is a sunnah to recite the Quran and to revise it in Ramadan. ( Agreed Upon)
• Giving charity generously in the month of Ramadan is the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam.(Agreed Upon)
• In the last ten days of Ramadan, encouraging your family to perform worship is the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam.(Agreed Upon)
• A person who is unable to benefit from the most blessed night of the year lailatul Qadr is a loser.(Ibn Majah)
• Lailatul Qadr should be searched in the last ten odd nights of Ramadan.(Bukhari)
• Sitting in seclusion- Itekaf in the Masjid during Ramadan is an obligatory sunnah which is obligatory on the Muslim community (Sunnat e Mokada Kafaya) and its duration is ten days. ( Agreed Upon)
• Women are also encouraged to sit in Itekaf. (Muslim)
• Charity of fitr (Sadqa e Fitr) is obligatory (fard) on every individual. It is not necessary to be sahib e istatat to give sadqa e fitr. Sadqa e fitr should be given before the eid prayer. (Ahmed)
• Missed fasts of Ramadan should be kept any time before the start of the next Ramadan.(Agreed Upon)
• Keeping six fasts in Shawwal is highly recommended after Ramadan.(Muslim)


XPRS Moderator
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News flash: I made a thread, hope Allah makes this beneficial for us.. Aameen.

SalmanPakRocks MuslimGirl сᴏᴏʟ сяуѕтᴀʟѕ PhyZac ShadowTheB3AST XPFMember étudiante belle purplerox aTraveller

(I tagged all da ppl I thought won't mind being Informed of this thread.... apologies to whoever wasn't tagged coz of tag limit of 10.)

if there are any mistakes, plz inform me.. n I apologize in advance...
AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

JazakAllah for tagging.

Would read it soon inshaAllah...
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Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb...
only a couple of days left for ramadan to start...and i recommend you all to memorize these duas...Inshallah Allah will accept our fasts and give us the reward...


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Dua when sighting a New Moon
English Translation: Oh Allah! let this moon rise upon us with prosperity and Iman; with safety and Islam;​
[Oh Moon!] my Lord and your Lord is Allah​