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Ramadan - The Month of Awesomeness!

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I would like to wish everyone a Ramadan Mubarak... May the Allah shower his blessings on you during this Ramadan and always!:)
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Thought I should share this, I came across this while reading Facebook page for hadith.
It's worth reading:
Sunnahs of Fasting.

There are many Sunnahs of fasting, including the following:

1 – It is Sunnah if someone insults you to respond in a better manner and say, “I am fasting,” because of the report narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fasting is a paradise so there should be no obscene or offensive talk or behaviour. If a person fights him or insults him, let him say, ‘I am fasting,’ twice. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the smell coming from the mouth of the fasting person is better before Allaah then the fragrance of musk. [Allaah says:] ‘He gives up his food, drink and desire for My sake. Fasting is for Me and I will reward for it, and a good deed receives the reward of ten like it.’” Al-Bukhaari, no. 1894; Muslim, 1151.

2 – It is Sunnah for the fasting person to eat suhoor, because it was proven in al-Saheehayn that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Eat suhoor for in suhoor there is blessing.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1923; Muslim, 1059).

3 – It is Sunnah to delay suhoor because of the report narrated by al-Bukhaari from Anas from Zayd ibn Thaabit (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: “We ate suhoor with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), then he got up to pray.” I said: “How much time was there between the adhaan and suhoor?” He said: “The time it takes to recite fifty verses.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1921).

4 – It is Sunnah to hasten to break the fast because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The people will continue to be fine so long as they hasten to break the fast.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1957; Muslim, 1098).

5 – It is Sunnah to break the fast with fresh dates; if none are available then with dry dates; if none are available then with water – because of the hadeeth of Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to break his fast with fresh dates before praying; if there were no (fresh dates) then with dry dates, and if there were no (dried dates) then he would take a few sips of water.

(Nararted by Abu Dawood, no. 2356; al-Tirmidhi, 696; classed as hasan in al-Irwa’, 4/45)

6 – It is Sunnah when breaking the fast to say what is narrated in the hadeeth, which is to say Bismillaah. This is obligatory according to the correct view because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined that. The words “Allaahumma laka sumtu wa ‘ala rizqika aftartu, Allaahumma taqabbal minni, innaka antaal-samee’ al-‘aleem (O Allaah, for You I have fasted and with Your provision I have broken my fast, O Allaah accept (this fast) from me for You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing) are da’eef (weak), as stated by Ibn al-Qayyim (Zaad al-Ma’aad, 2/51). There is also another report: “Dhahaba al-‘zama’ wa abtallat al-‘urooq wa thabata al-ajr in sha Allaah (the thirst is gone, the veins have been moistened and the reward is assured, if Allaah wills).” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2357; al-Bayhaqi, 4/239; classed as hasan in al-Irwa’, 4/39).

There are ahaadeeth which speak of the virtue of the du’aa’ of the fasting person, such as the following:

(i) It was narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Three prayers are not rejected: the prayer of a father, the prayer of a fasting person, and the prayer of a traveler.” Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, 3/345; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Saheeh 1797.

(ii) It was narrated from Abu Umaamah in a marfoo’ report: “Every time the fast is broken Allaah has people whom He ransoms.” Narrated by Ahmad, 21698; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/491.

(iii) It was narrated from Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri in a marfoo’ report: “Allaah ransoms people every day and night – i.e., in Ramadaan – and every day and night the Muslim has a prayer that is answered.” Narrated by al-Bazzaar; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/491.
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Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet Sall Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Fasting is not [abstaining] from eating and drinking only, but also from vain speech and foul language. If one of you is being cursed or annoyed, he should say: "I am fasting, I am fasting."

[Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban, and al-Hakim; Sahih].
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Narrated Salman ibn Amir:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: When one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates; but if he cannot get any, then (he should break his fast) with water, for water is purifying.
{Book 13, Number 2348 : Sunan Abu Dawud}
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A’Isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that when the last ten nights began Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) kept awake at night (for prayer and devotion), wakened his family, and prepared himself to observe prayer (with more vigour).
{Book 006, Chapter 40, Number 2643 : Sahih Muslim}
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Brothers & sisters in Islam,
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
Ramadhaan is a great opportunity for us Muslims and we must strive our best to avail the most of this honorable month. Imagine! The gates of Hell are closed, the shayateen are locked up and the gates of Jannah are open, deeds are multiplied by the multiples of 7s for sawaab and if one does manage to avail of Laylatul Qadr, gain a reward as If he/ she were worshiping Allah for a whole average lifetime i.e. 83 years. What a splendid month indeed!
In this piece of writing I would want to touch upon a very important aspect in a Muslim’s life: Forgiveness and Repentance.
All of us teens and youth out here, we all share a mutual feeling of guilt from the sins we might have committed in ignorance or even knowingly. Some of us are depressed, angry , lost, confused and lonely. Donot despair for The Most Merciful is ever understanding and Oft Forgiving.
This month we all have an opportune moment! Lets get rid of the terrible burden of our mistakes and regrets. Lets turn to Him who says in Surah Zumar chp 39 v 53-54
Say: "O 'Ibâdî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allâh, verily, Allâh forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islâmic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him (in Islâm) before the torment comes upon you, (and) then you will not be helped.
The following hadith of the Prophet from Sahih Muslim :: Book 37 : Hadith 6662 makes explicit the rhamah of the Rahman of this world and the Hereafter and its Raheem.
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: There was a person before you who had killed ninety-nine persons and then made an inquiry about the learned persons of the world (who could show him the way to salvation). He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine persons and asked him whether there was any scope for his repentance to be accepted. He said: No. He killed him also and thus completed one hundred. He then asked about the learned persons of the earth and he was directed to a scholar, and he told him that he had killed one hundred persons and asked him whether there was any scope for his repentance to be accepted. He said: Yes; what stands between you and the repentance? You better go to such and such land; there are people devoted to prayer and worship and you also worship along with them and do not come to the land of yours since it was an evil land (for you). So he went away and he had hardly covered half the distance when death came to him and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of punishment. The angels of mercy said: This man has come as a penitant and remorseful to Allah and the angels of punishment said: He has done no good at all. Then there came another angel in the form of a human being in order to decide between them. He said: You measure the land to which he has drawn near. They measured it and found him nearer to the land where he intended to go (the land of piety), and so the angels of mercy took possession of it. Qatada said that Hasan told him that it was said to them that as death approached him, he crawled upon his chest (and managed) to slip in the land of mercy.

Look at Allah’s ifinite mercy! A murderer of a 100 men is forgiven and allowed Paradise just for making the intention of repenting! Just an intention of a change!
Brothers and sisters lets ponder: Are we as bad as the murderer who was forgiven? Are we so desolate that we have given up hope in Allah’s forgiveness?
The Messenger of Allah said as recorded in Sahih Muslim 4: 2105
“If you did not commit sins, Allah would create people who would sin so that He could forgive them”
So we must also remember another of the golden saying;
“Every child of Adam is a sinner but the best of them are those who repent”
The Prophet used to seek forgiveness from Allah no less than a 100 times a day and he was infallible to sin(not human errings)!! Then how much should we repent.

So lets all turn to Allah in repentance in this month in which His rahmah overflows and let us vow to continue our efforts in resisting from sin
Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of Allâh) and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh) (saying): "Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your way, and save them from the torment of the blazing Fire!
"Our Lord! And make them enter the 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens) which you have promised them – and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their offspring! Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise
(Surah Ghafir ch 40 v 7-8)
Jazakallahu khair
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Most decent Muslims stop listening to songs & music in Ramadan, Alhamdulillah. But what I’ve seen many times is that they replace it with listening to some form of poetry… That is foolish coz after Ramadan you’d end up going back to songs, rather when your soul craves to listen something GIVE IT QURAN! That is the real food of soul… listen to good recitations of it and insha’Allah you’ll start hating Justin beiber and poor 20 cents… :p

bro i wanted to know what are u referring to when you are talking about poetry...? :s
i mean does that includes Nasheeds etc..


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bro i wanted to know what are u referring to when you are talking about poetry...? :s
i mean does that includes Nasheeds etc..
WaAlaikum AsSAlam wr wb.
well, I'll tell you why I said that... first coz my experience is that if you are used to listtening to Quran then any kind of music/songs feel horrible...
second coz when I was a kid I had a van driver... now this guy would always put up songs in normal days, but in ramadan he'd put up naatain etc but NEVER Quran, after ramadan he'd go back to songs... I think its coz Quran and stuff like songs don't gather in a heart together... and initially you might not like Quran if u r used to songs (which I think are junk food of soul) but once you taste Quran... you wouldn't wanna let go of it.
so I said that... If you think Nasheeds take you away from Quran then maybe it applies to you...
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WaAlaikum AsSAlam wr wb.
well, I'll tell you why I said that... first coz my experience is that if you are used to listtening to Quran then any kind of music/songs feel horrible...
second coz when I was a kid I had a van driver... now this guy would always put up songs in normal days, but in ramadan he'd put up naatain etc but NEVER Quran, after ramadan he'd go back to songs... I think its coz Quran and stuff like songs don't gather in a heart together... and initially you might not like Quran if u r used to songs (which I think are junk food of soul) but once you taste Quran... you wouldn't wanna let go of it.
so I said that... If you think Nasheeds take you away from Quran then maybe it applies to you...
oh...i get u now....JazakAllah :D
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WaAlaikum AsSAlam wr wb.
well, I'll tell you why I said that... first coz my experience is that if you are used to listtening to Quran then any kind of music/songs feel horrible...
second coz when I was a kid I had a van driver... now this guy would always put up songs in normal days, but in ramadan he'd put up naatain etc but NEVER Quran, after ramadan he'd go back to songs... I think its coz Quran and stuff like songs don't gather in a heart together... and initially you might not like Quran if u r used to songs (which I think are junk food of soul) but once you taste Quran... you wouldn't wanna let go of it.
so I said that... If you think Nasheeds take you away from Quran then maybe it applies to you...
what's naatain?


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bro i wanted to know what are u referring to when you are talking about poetry...? :s
i mean does that includes Nasheeds etc..

Poetry which comprise of lyrics with character-building verses that are sung in Nasheeds is permitted.Poetry that inculcates the love of Allah are allowed ( If you are familiar with Urdu poetry) ,examples of such poets are Allama Iqbal and Haali. This type of poetry with constructive approach is allowed.However, caution should be exercised that the subject of the poetry should not be indecent; neither should incite one towards evil. The poetry should not also talk about women's beauty or romance and should not hint at shirk either, which is a major sin. It should also not have Music of course.

However, as badrobot14 mentioned nothing can be comparable to Quran. Whose words can be better than Allah's Words??
and i personally feel that sometimes the nasheeds are addictive and even just listening to them once you tend to keep on repeating it throughout the day...
Its better you listen to Quran instead because its beauty is Unique!


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Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb...
awesome Mashallah!!! i loved that part where it said fasting was given so you can get taqwa, ramadan was given so you can be grateful and dua was given so you can get straight!
Jazakallah Khair for sharing...
waAlaikum AsSalam wr wb,
me too!! the whole of this lecture is in the 1st post.. do watch it whn u hav tym.. totally worth it!
May Allah make us among the muttaqun who are grateful and are straight... May He cause us to die in that state of totla submission(Islam)... Aameen.
Wa iyyakum.... :)
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مَن يُضْلِلِ ٱللَّهُ فَلَا هَادِىَ لَهُۥ ۚ وَيَذَرُهُمْ فِى طُغْيَٰنِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ
Man yudlili Allahu fala hadiya lahu wayatharuhum fee tughyanihim yaAAmahoona

The Noble Quran
Whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide him; and He lets them wander blindly in their transgressions.
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Safiya, the wife of the Prophet told me that she went to Allah’s Apostle to visit him in the mosque while he was in Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan. She had a talk with him for a while, then she got up in order to return home. The Prophet accompanied her. When
they reached the gate of the mosque, opposite the door of Um-Salama, two Ansari men were passing by and they greeted Allah’s Apostle . He told them: Do not run away! And said, “She is (my wife) Safiya bint Huyai.” Both of them said, “Subhan Allah, (How dare we think of any evil) O Allah’s Apostle!” And they felt it. The Prophet said (to them), “Satan reaches everywhere in the human body as blood reaches in it, (everywhere in one’s body). I was afraid lest Satan might insert an evil thought in your minds.”