You won't find solved Sociology papers in the market. Just go through the marking schemes which clearly explain the different standards into which answers fall.
For a 2 mark question, you just have to define the term so you MUST learn the definitions of all the key terms you come across in the book.
For a 4 mark question, you have to explain two points with examples if you have any.
For a 6 mark question, you have to explain three points with relevant examples and sociological theories.
For an 8 mark question, you have to compare both sides of the question in context which means you have to give 2 points in favor and 2 points against it.
The questions in sociology are based on common sense and anyone can answer them like 'Why do girls outperform boys in schools?' or 'How are children controlled in modern industrial societies?' but what the examiners are looking for is how you assess the question in light of theories put forward by various schools of thought and sociologists.
You need not worry if you have not taken a tuition. All you need is to learn the major sociological perspectives and go through marking schemes to understand how answers are graded. Memorizing all the theories might seem irrelevant and difficult but once you support your answer by them, you can achieve a higher grade.
Gee thanx a lot !!!
btw, u frgt to mention social methods which is compulsory !
Oh and is it reliable or enough to just prepare for chosen chapters, I mean like you're doing only few chapters for ppr 2 that you are relying on. You sure the questions in paper would be easy to attempt on !!! Or do you have to compulsarily have a backup and do a couple more subjects b'coz im short on tyme here i didn't really studied sociology the whole semster so i'm a bit worried !!