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What are your opinions on gay rights?

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Here I'm
No religions teach us the way to live in this world nd heyy fr those who think its errgh or funny
who knows God would have made yew one of them but He did'nt .....for a reason and so you have to respect that reason along with those people and thank God -/
Just talking about wat Allah said!! If that too is offending then I think you r neva gonna understand... and we should end this discussion here!
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Honestly... I dint wanna hurt anyone ... and I think upto even this that they should be given jobs ids and voting right
but gay marriage is out of question! Again my opinion only! So lets wrap it!
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If u went "eeeeewwwwww".......then I must say...u r ignorant of all this

Being a gay is related to one having such problems in their genetics.......it isn't their own fault actually.......plus......they r members of our community not animals......they have equal
you're ryte that Gay rights r not mentioned in the Quran bu' heyy they are human beings and its not teir fault they r lik tht and Quran says
that" All human beings r equal "...and so we should treat them fair !!.

rights as we do......secondly as u mentioned the Quran....does it not say that humans are equal and have equal rights?.......hope u don't consider them as animals

for all those who're saying that "why bring religion into it".....well,in that way, why bring religion into anything? :p If u were to be raped, robbed or murdered tomorrow, then we all know in Islam there are strict punishments for people committing these crimes. But if such criminals were to be brought to court then can't they just as easily say that religion has nothing to do with it? :p
Can't the rapist just as easily say, "Hey, i was just having fun, why drag religion into it?" and just easily the robber can say, "Hey i'm poor and needy and i was just fulfilling my needs, why drag religion into it?"
After all, by murdering,stealing or raping it's not as if their committing 'shirk' or disrespecting Allah by not worshiping Him or something.
But we all know if something like this were to happen to any of you then you'd find the worst possible punishment in Islam and u'll want it to be handed down to ur criminal. Hypocritical much? :rolleyes: LOL

I have never been a religious fanatic and hope to never be one, but seeing such wayward comments and misinterpretations about Islam even gets me biting my tongue in irritation :confused:
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for all those who're saying that "why bring religion into it".....well,in that way, why bring religion into anything? :p If u were to be raped, robbed or murdered tomorrow, then we all know in Islam there are strict punishments for people committing these crimes. But if such criminals were to be brought to court then can't they just as easily say that religion has nothing to do with it? :p
Can't the rapist just as easily say, "Hey, i was just having fun, why drag religion into it?" and just easily the robber can say, "Hey i'm poor and needy and i was just fulfilling my needs, why drag religion into it?"
After all, by murdering,stealing or raping it's not as if their committing 'shirk' or disrespecting Allah by not worshiping Him or something.
But we all know if something like this were to happen to any of you then you'd find the worst possible punishment in Islam and u'll want it to be handed down to ur criminal. Hypocritical much? :rolleyes: LOL

I have never been a religious fanatic and hope to never be one, but seeing such wayward comments and misinterpretations about Islam even gets me biting my tongue in irritation :confused:
oh i don't know. maybe because it goes against human rights?
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for all those who're saying that "why bring religion into it".....well,in that way, why bring religion into anything? :p If u were to be raped, robbed or murdered tomorrow, then we all know in Islam there are strict punishments for people committing these crimes. But if such criminals were to be brought to court then can't they just as easily say that religion has nothing to do with it? :p
Can't the rapist just as easily say, "Hey, i was just having fun, why drag religion into it?" and just easily the robber can say, "Hey i'm poor and needy and i was just fulfilling my needs, why drag religion into it?"
After all, by murdering,stealing or raping it's not as if their committing 'shirk' or disrespecting Allah by not worshiping Him or something.
But we all know if something like this were to happen to any of you then you'd find the worst possible punishment in Islam and u'll want it to be handed down to ur criminal. Hypocritical much? :rolleyes: LOL

I have never been a religious fanatic and hope to never be one, but seeing such wayward comments and misinterpretations about Islam even gets me biting my tongue in irritation :confused:
Even I'm not that Islamic but this is a very severe crime. Don't worry about the westerns if u abuse them ur a terrorist and fundamentalist!
If they abuse u ...its only freedom of speech!;p
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Religion is a sensitive issue and I think that when we are making laws for homosexual rights, or laws for anything, religion should be kept out, especially so if you live in a multicultural country with many religions.

It may make sense to people of a religion to obey the rules of your religion, but we have to understand there are other religions too. When a law is made it has to consider the rights and feelings of everyone. I have no idea what the Al Quran says about homosexuality, but whatever it says, laws should not be made based on that.
The same can be said for every other religions. Religion should be kept away when making rules about this.

To make a law based on religion would be selfish and inconsiderate to others.
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Even I'm not that Islamic but this is a very severe crime. Don't worry about the westerns if u abuse them ur a terrorist and fundamentalist!
If they abuse u ...its only freedom of speech!;p
it's not freedom of speech. it goes against human rights and is still considered wrong. we all have the same rights.


XPRS Administrator
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Religion is a sensitive issue and I think that when we are making laws for homosexual rights, or laws for anything, religion should be kept out, especially so if you live in a multicultural country with many religions.

It may make sense to people of a religion to obey the rules of your religion, but we have to understand there are other religions too. When a law is made it has to consider the rights and feelings of everyone. I have no idea what the Al Quran says about homosexuality, but whatever it says, laws should not be made based on that.
The same can be said for every other religions. Religion should be kept away when making rules about this.

To make a law based on religion would be selfish and inconsiderate to others.

you know.. nature thrives on survival of the fittest... means you don't believe in evil because when a lion kills a deer, is that evil? But when a human kills a human, it is? (you can't even proove that killing an innocent person is evil! I can, it's evil coz God said so in the Quran... How do I know it really is God who said it? 1. Quran has no errors in it of any kind 2. it has millions of amazing, miraculous stuff in it that proves it realy is from God)
For a muslim what is evil and what is not evil is clearly mentioned in the Quran.... and no there is no opression, as it goes perfectly well with the natural disposition(the fitrah) of the human being.

with that being said here is the Muslim stance:

Praise be to Allaah.
We do not agree with their claim that their sexual orientation is natural; rather it is a distortion of nature. Allaah counted their deed as wrongdoing and immoral, and He sent upon the people of Lut a punishment the like of which no other nation had seen. He also tells us that this punishment is not ever far from the wrongdoers.
Their claim that their orientation is natural serves only to propagate and spread immorality, and it is just an excuse for them. Many of them change their appearance so as to look odd, so how can we say that this is how they were created?
Allaah does not create anyone just to punish or torture them. He created mankind to worship Him, but He may try His slaves with hardship as a test of their faith, to expiate for their sins and to raise their status. Allaah is too Just to force a person to commit sin and then punish him. On the contrary, people commit sins by their own free choice – like these perverted people – and it is for this that they deserve to be punished. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
and your Lord treats no one with injustice” [al-Kahf 18:49]
And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Nay, Allaah never commands Fahshaa’ (evil deeds, unlawful sexual intercourse). Do you say of Allaah what you know not?” [al-A’raaf 7:28]
And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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for all those who're saying that "why bring religion into it".....well,in that way, why bring religion into anything? :p If u were to be raped, robbed or murdered tomorrow, then we all know in Islam there are strict punishments for people committing these crimes. But if such criminals were to be brought to court then can't they just as easily say that religion has nothing to do with it? :p
Can't the rapist just as easily say, "Hey, i was just having fun, why drag religion into it?" and just easily the robber can say, "Hey i'm poor and needy and i was just fulfilling my needs, why drag religion into it?"
After all, by murdering,stealing or raping it's not as if their committing 'shirk' or disrespecting Allah by not worshiping Him or something.
But we all know if something like this were to happen to any of you then you'd find the worst possible punishment in Islam and u'll want it to be handed down to ur criminal. Hypocritical much? :rolleyes: LOL

I have never been a religious fanatic and hope to never be one, but seeing such wayward comments and misinterpretations about Islam even gets me biting my tongue in irritation :confused:
for all those who're saying that "why bring religion into it".....well,in that way, why

bring religion into anything? :p If u were to be raped, robbed or murdered tomorrow, then we all know in Islam there are strict punishments

for people committing these crimes. But if such criminals were to be brought to court then can't they just as easily say that religion has nothing to do with it? :p
Can't the rapist just as easily say, "Hey, i was just having fun, why drag religion into it?" and just easily the robber can say, "Hey i'm poor and needy and i was just fulfilling my needs, why drag religion into it?"
After all, by murdering,stealing or raping it's not as if their committing 'shirk' or disrespecting Allah by not worshiping Him or something.
But we all know if something like this were to happen to any of you then you'd find the worst possible punishment in Islam and u'll want it to be handed down to ur criminal. Hypocritical much? :rolleyes: LOL

I have never been a religious fanatic and hope to never be one, but seeing such wayward comments and misinterpretations about Islam even gets me biting my tongue in irritation :confused:

Oh please....u r comparing a genetic problem with a crime......honestly?........it may be a "crime" now in our society.....but do all of u remember the past??... How NEGROS were treated with utmost loath and cruelty by us ....did they not finally get their rights??....religion was dragged into it too......did not Islam or any other religion call a human a human?....even is many scheduled casts r present in them.......
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Honestly... I dint wanna hurt anyone ... and I think upto even this that they should be given jobs ids and voting right
but gay marriage is out of question! Again my opinion only! So lets wrap it!
U might be right in ur own way........at least no religious touch in ur quote here


XPRS Administrator
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Oh please....u r comparing a genetic problem with a crime......honestly?........it may be a "crime" now in our society.....but do all of u remember the past??... How NEGROS were treated with utmost loath and cruelty by us ....did they not finally get their rights??....religion was dragged into it too......did not Islam or any other religion call a human a human?....even is many scheduled casts r present in them.......
the thing is , it's not a genetic problem... it's a desire... can be controlled.. :-/
read my reply above ur post, please.
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the thing is , it's not a genetic problem... it's a desire... can be controlled.. :-/
read my reply above ur post, please.

It is a genetic problem made worse with desire......we r heterosexual.....to what limit can desire be controlled??.......it's not a crime......a lion kills a deer for survival and this is a balance of nature......a human killing a human has got NOTHING to do here....r they killing any of us ou r u speaking figuratively?......u r giving a comparison of gay rights to " events punishments mentioned Quran to the cursed nation".........

So let Allah punish them........why us kill or reticule them....does Islam allow the insulting of any person??.......
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People have always argued about nature vs. nurture, whether how a person behaves is inborn or it is due to influence.

I think homosexual behaviour is mostly nature and a small part nurture. Homosexuality can be inborn and I think to an extent there is some influence by the environment too.However I would think it is very difficult to change a person's sexual preference. Some people may be able to suppress their homosexual desires, but I think most cannot.

Even if a person does choose by free will to be a homosexual, I can't see the issue with it. Why is it a sin? Murder and rape are wrong because we are harming and causing pain to others, whereas homosexuals are just regular human beings. Some may break the law but most are law abiding citizens similar to your average heterosexual.

In response to the statement why are animals killing each other not a sin, I say its because 1) they do not have the intellect we humans to understand what morals are. and 2) killing for food is perfectly fine. If a lion does not kill any animals it will die, as it cannot feed on plants.
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Oh please....u r comparing a genetic problem with a crime......honestly?........it may be a "crime" now in our society.....but do all of u remember the past??... How NEGROS were treated with utmost loath and cruelty by us ....did they not finally get their rights??....religion was dragged into it too......did not Islam or any other religion call a human a human?....even is many scheduled casts r present in them.......
can u prove that its a genetic fault ?
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It is a genetic problem made worse with desire......we r heterosexual.....to what limit can desire be controlled??.......it's not a crime......a lion kills a deer for survival and this is a balance of nature......a human killing a human has got NOTHING to do here....r they killing any of us ou r u speaking figuratively?......u r giving a comparison of gay rights to " events punishments mentioned Quran to the cursed nation".........

So let Allah punish them........why us kill or reticule them....does Islam allow the insulting of any person??.......
Christianity and Islam .. both states that a gay shuld be punished
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