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Who shall enter Jannah?

Who do you think can enter Jannah? You can choose more than 1 option

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We never know, they might have faith in Allah and they might think they are doing the right thing in this world of corruption.

So, a person who was lucky enough to be born in a Muslim family, and never follows any religious obligations, lives his live in ignorance and commits all the possible sins except for Shirk, murders people, steals, commits adultery, fornication everything, he will go to heaven, after suffering the punishment in Hell. So eternally, he will be in Heaven, that will be his resting place.

But a Non-Muslim Christian (Who believes in One God, Christians do), who was not fortunate enough to be born in a Muslim family, and does good deeds his entire life, never commits adultery, or any other sin, thanks God for all the bounties he has, and is grateful for every second. That person will burn in Hell for eternity. Mother Teresa will go to Hell for saving thousands of lives.

That's what you are trying to say?

Does that mean Allah has decreed who will go to heaven and who to hell, before we were even born? Since, all Muslims will go to heaven, and Non-Muslims won't. What is the purpose of our worldly existence if it's all already been decreed?

I agree that this is hard to digest but the fact that Muslims are able to acknowledge the true creator Allah and their purpose of their lives. BTW this is just a hypothetical situation.
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We never know, they might have faith in Allah and they might think they are doing the right thing in this world of corruption.

So, a person who was lucky enough to be born in a Muslim family, and never follows any religious obligations, lives his live in ignorance and commits all the possible sins except for Shirk, murders people, steals, commits adultery, fornication everything, he will go to heaven, after suffering the punishment in Hell. So eternally, he will be in Heaven, that will be his resting place.

But a Non-Muslim Christian (Who believes in One God, Christians do), who was not fortunate enough to be born in a Muslim family, and does good deeds his entire life, never commits adultery, or any other sin, thanks God for all the bounties he has, and is grateful for every second. That person will burn in Hell for eternity. Mother Teresa will go to Hell for saving thousands of lives.

That's what you are trying to say?

Does that mean Allah has decreed who will go to heaven and who to hell, before we were even born? Since, all Muslims will go to heaven, and Non-Muslims won't. What is the purpose of our worldly existence if it's all already been decreed?

Read the whole thing esp the end.
But in today's world, I doubt there is an excuse to Islam not reaching that person. The internet and social media just further facilitates it.
Watch this video... the first one to be precise. Video links aren't being supported out here.
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But Islam never reached the United States and America, not even Australia.
http://islamqa.info/en/1244 :
he Prophet of Allaah SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There are four (who will protest) to Allaah on the Day of Resurrection: the deaf man who never heard anything, the insane man, the very old man, and the man who died during the fatrah (the interval between the time of ‘Eesaa (Jesus, upon whom be peace) and the time of Muhammad SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)). The deaf man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but I never heard anything.’ The insane man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but the children ran after me and threw stones at me.’ The very old man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but I did not understand anything.’ The man who died during the fatrah will say, ‘O Lord, no Messenger from You came to me.’ He will accept their promises of obedience, then word will be sent to them to enter the Fire. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, if they enter it, it will be cool and safe for them.”
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http://islamqa.info/en/1244 :
he Prophet of Allaah SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There are four (who will protest) to Allaah on the Day of Resurrection: the deaf man who never heard anything, the insane man, the very old man, and the man who died during the fatrah (the interval between the time of ‘Eesaa (Jesus, upon whom be peace) and the time of Muhammad SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)). The deaf man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but I never heard anything.’ The insane man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but the children ran after me and threw stones at me.’ The very old man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but I did not understand anything.’ The man who died during the fatrah will say, ‘O Lord, no Messenger from You came to me.’ He will accept their promises of obedience, then word will be sent to them to enter the Fire. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, if they enter it, it will be cool and safe for them.”

Exacly. it is to test whether they obey Allah or not. as they didn't get the chance in earth.
If they refused to enter hell, they have disobeyed Allah.
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Read the whole thing esp the end.
But in today's world, I doubt there is an excuse to Islam not reaching that person. The internet and social media just further facilitates it.
Watch this video... the first one to be precise. Video links aren't being supported out here.
https://www.google.co.in/search?q=islam will enter every home abdur raheem green&rlz=1C1KMZB_enIN554IN554&oq=islam will enter every home abdur raheem green&aqs=chrome..69i57.18828j0j1&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

What i don't understand is, even if a Jew or a Hindu finds out about Islam, why would he let go of his religion? His entire family follows a certain religion, his forefathers have followed a religion, why would he let go of all that and convert? It's not that easy.
Every person is born with a definite religion, and it's beyond human nature to research about other religions. People just stick to their religion, the religion which is followed by people in their geographical area, the religion which they were born with.
In an area where 99.9 % people are Non-Muslims, why would anyone even bother to research about other religions and study them?
Barely knowing about the existence of Islam is not the cause of conversion.
There has to be preaching.
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What i don't understand is, even if a Jew or a Hindu finds out about Islam, why would he let go of his religion? His entire family follows a certain religion, his forefathers have followed a religion, why would he let go of all that and convert? It's not that easy.
Every person is born with a definite religion, and it's beyond human nature to research about other religions. People just stick to their religion, the religion which is followed by people in their geographical area, the religion which they were born with.
In an area where 99.9 % people are Non-Muslims, why would anyone even bother to research about other religions and study them?
Barely knowing about the existence of Islam is not the cause of conversion.
There has to be preaching.

Very rational point. But right now I'm extremely sleepy. I will try my best to respond to your query tomorrow,Insha Allah. :)
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What i don't understand is, even if a Jew or a Hindu finds out about Islam, why would he let go of his religion? His entire family follows a certain religion, his forefathers have followed a religion, why would he let go of all that and convert? It's not that easy.
Every person is born with a definite religion, and it's beyond human nature to research about other religions. People just stick to their religion, the religion which is followed by people in their geographical area, the religion which they were born with.
In an area where 99.9 % people are Non-Muslims, why would anyone even bother to research about other religions and study them?
Barely knowing about the existence of Islam is not the cause of conversion.
There has to be preaching.

That happened in the time of prophet (peace be upon him).
Many didn't become Muslim due to his/her family.
But there were brave people who didn't feared of his/her family, about what will they do to him, if he becomes a Muslim.
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What i don't understand is, even if a Jew or a Hindu finds out about Islam, why would he let go of his religion? His entire family follows a certain religion, his forefathers have followed a religion, why would he let go of all that and convert? It's not that easy.
Every person is born with a definite religion, and it's beyond human nature to research about other religions. People just stick to their religion, the religion which is followed by people in their geographical area, the religion which they were born with.
In an area where 99.9 % people are Non-Muslims, why would anyone even bother to research about other religions and study them?
Barely knowing about the existence of Islam is not the cause of conversion.
There has to be preaching.

Allah s.w.t says that he has instilled the belief in oneness of God in every human's heart. They just don't realise it out of ignorance.
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That happened in the time of prophet (peace be upon him).
Many didn't become Muslim due to his/her family.
But there were brave people who didn't feared of his/her family, about what will they do to him, if he becomes a Muslim.

But there was an official preaching.
In 571 A.D the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was born and this marked the starting of the Era of Islam.
He preached. Battles and Wars took place. Blood was shed. People converted. Even people like Abu Sufyan who were sworn enemies of Islam converted to Islam.

Had such a preaching took place in other areas of world, won't Islam have been established as a majority religion there today?
Since it didn't take place, that means it is part of Allah's plan.
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But there was an official preaching.
In 571 A.D the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was born and this marked the starting of the Era of Islam.
He preached. Battles and Wars took place. Blood was shed. People converted. Even people like Abu Sufyan who were sworn enemies of Islam converted to Islam.

Had such a preaching took place in other areas of world, won't Islam have been established as a majority religion there today?
Since it didn't take place, that means it is part of Allah's plan.

That was because, people didn't know about Islam in those days. Prophet(phuh) have completed his work and completed Islam.
Nowadays, most people will know about Islam. And if they didn't know anything about Islam, they might go to heaven.
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Allah Almighty said that 'Paradise lies under your mother's feet'.
So a person ( a non-believer to be exact) who loves his/her mom more than anything, obeys her, makes her happy, don't you people think that he/she has secured place in Jannah? :')
Did Allah say that 'Paradise lies under the feet of a muslim's mother'?
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Allah Almighty said that 'Paradise lies under your mother's feet'.
So a person ( a non-believer to be exact) who loves his/her mom more than anything, obeys her, makes her happy, don't you people think that he/she has secured place in Jannah? :')
Did Allah say that 'Paradise lies under the feet of a muslim's mother'?

If the mother was Muslim.
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Allah s.w.t says that he has instilled the belief in oneness of God in every human's heart. They just don't realise it out of ignorance.

But is it their fault they were born Non-Muslims?

People who were born Muslims, in a Muslim-Majority area, with Muslim parents just have to follow their teachings and it's easy for them.

But people who are not that lucky, and are born in Non-Muslim areas, where there are barely any Muslims. They have to overcome their ignorance, deviate from the path everyone else in that area is following, find out about Islam, research it alone, figure out what it is, then adopt it. This is a very hard task. They would have to go against their family, their society. Why would anyone even bother to do this? They have a life, with the religion their parents taught them. Why would they suddenly start to research about Islam?

So people who are born Muslims have an easy life, leading to Heaven, eventually. (Which has been decided in the previous posts - All Muslims will go to heaven)

But People who are not born Muslims, have to undergo extra work, extra pressure and overcome their ignorance and then turn to Islam.. And NO ONE does this.

So, in conclusion, it has been decided by Allah who will be a Muslim, and who won't. It's already decreed who will be lucky enough to be born a Muslim, who will be born a Non-Muslim.