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Why Islamic Studies?

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MashaAllah i just saw this thread and it has truly enlightened me! Thank you so much! May Allah (SWT) increase our brotherhood (and 'sisterhood', had to mention sisterhood otherwise.......:p) and make us among the muttaqeen, inshaAllah!
I think this thread is enough to convert anybody (who is willing to see the light of truth) to Islam, SubhanaAllah!
JazakaAllah to all who have posted the truth here!:)

I request you to please visit the following link and see the injustice that our beautiful religion faces: http://v0v.in/2796991

Wabillahi Tawfeeq

PS: I just don't understand how someone can call Islam a 'terrorist religion' when the mere greeting Islam is
'Assalamon Alaykom' = Peace be upon you!
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MashaAllah i just saw this thread and it has truly enlightened me! Thank you so much! May Allah (SWT) increase our brotherhood (and 'sisterhood', had to mention sisterhood otherwise.......:p) and make us among the muttaqeen, inshaAllah!
I think this thread is enough to convert anybody (who is willing to see the light of truth) to Islam, SubhanaAllah!
JazakaAllah to all who have posted the truth here!:)

I request you to please visit the following link and see the injustice that our beautiful religion faces: http://v0v.in/2796991

Wabillahi Tawfeeq

PS: I just don't understand how someone can call Islam a 'terrorist religion' when the mere greeting Islam is
'Assalamon Alaykom' = Peace be upon you!
Just ignore and not pay attention!
Silence is the most eloquent reply...
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Just ignore and not pay attention!
Silence is the most eloquent reply...
I believe that some people may be ignorant and hence it is our duty to enlighten them, silence may be an eloquent reply but wise and truthful words can change a life.
The Prophet (SAW) did not ignore the Jaahil (ignorant) arabs, rather he showed them his best character until it was the very same polytheists who called him As Sadiq and Al Amin ( The truthful and the trustworthy). He did not leave them to deviate further but corrected them in every way possible!
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I believe that some people may be ignorant and hence it is our duty to enlighten them, silence may be an eloquent reply but wise and truthful words can change a life.
The Prophet (SAW) did not ignore the Jaahil (ignorant) arabs, rather he showed them his best character until it was the very same polytheists who called him As Sadiq and Al Amin ( The truthful and the trustworthy). He did not leave them to deviate further but corrected them in every way possible!
Yes, but it is your duty to tell them once only!
I agree though
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It seems many students are currently interested in Islamic studies. I would like to express some of my views regarding this with you all.

I feel Islam is a very regimented religion, forcing its followers to conform to strict guidelines on how to lead their own lives- every aspect of life is instructed in Islam without any proper logic but is rather based heavily on brainwashing and DOs and DON'Ts. FATWA, BURKHA, WIFE BEATING,KAFIR,INFIDELS,MADRASSA, JIHAD, BLASPHEMY, and MYTHS considered as truth etc; all these are the hallmarks of Islam. It's against freedom, free thinking and humanity. For example the killing of kafirs and infidels is promoted in Islam.
With that said, I would like to go on to say that I feel that ALL religions should cease to exist. We humans of this planet were made to live together in harmony, but instead are divided by RELIGION. There must only be 1 religion, and that is the religion of Humanity where everybody is able to choose freely their own way of life, without having to conform to a book for guidance or instructions.

"After all, life has no other meaning than what you give it"- TheNepaliWarrior, 2012, XtremePapersForum
It seems many students are currently interested in Islamic studies. I would like to express some of my views regarding this with you all.

I feel Islam is a very regimented religion, forcing its followers to conform to strict guidelines on how to lead their own lives- every aspect of life is instructed in Islam without any proper logic but is rather based heavily on brainwashing and DOs and DON'Ts. FATWA, BURKHA, WIFE BEATING,KAFIR,INFIDELS,MADRASSA, JIHAD, BLASPHEMY, and MYTHS considered as truth etc; all these are the hallmarks of Islam. It's against freedom, free thinking and humanity. For example the killing of kafirs and infidels is promoted in Islam.
With that said, I would like to go on to say that I feel that ALL religions should cease to exist. We humans of this planet were made to live together in harmony, but instead are divided by RELIGION. There must only be 1 religion, and that is the religion of Humanity where everybody is able to choose freely their own way of life, without having to conform to a book for guidance or instructions.

"After all, life has no other meaning than what you give it"- TheNepaliWarrior, 2012, XtremePapersForum

DuDE i am a muslim and i totally agree woth you not cause i am an ignorant, but the way islam is intentionally turned into such a rigid thing, every where fitwas, beating wives, there are these things prevailing... but dude they are amendments,... A perfect way of life is actually harmful.. harmful for no hindu, jew but for capitalists who earn from uncovered woman or not paying any charity..

sadly we muslim totally supported them and today our real reiligion is lost among


XPRS Administrator
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I thought we locked this topic.

Everything needed to be cleared was cleared already. There is no reason to start it all over again!

yes we did bro but we opened it back last tym, coz we were tired of the new anti-islam threads appearing again and again... like the post above yours needs an answer... :/
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DuDE i am a muslim and i totally agree woth you not cause i am an ignorant, but the way islam is intentionally turned into such a rigid thing, every where fitwas, beating wives, there are these things prevailing... but dude they are amendments,... A perfect way of life is actually harmful.. harmful for no hindu, jew but for capitalists who earn from uncovered woman or not paying any charity..

sadly we muslim totally supported them and today our real reiligion is lost among
what do u mean burkas,, they are a part of islam.,
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yes we did bro but we opened it back last tym, coz we were tired of the new anti-islam threads appearing again and again... like the post above yours needs an answer... :/

fortunately or not this is nothing equal to what is on Facebook or youtube agains islam..

i fell like crying:cry::cry::(