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Why She Won't Wear Hijab!


XPRS Administrator
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Hijab and other forms of coaxed "religious" clothing is oppression of the highest order. I hope women and girls in oppressed societies can emancipate and achieve liberty and freedom especially, as far as their individual choice is concerned.

Those who wear it don't think so... then why are you so worked up about it?? Its about freedom, right? then those who want to wear it freely, let them wear it....
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Hijab and other forms of coaxed "religious" clothing is oppression of the highest order. I hope women and girls in oppressed societies can emancipate and achieve liberty and freedom especially, as far as their individual choice is concerned.
We have all the freedom we need, and the liberty to make our own choices too. Thank-you very much for your *not-needed* concern.


XPRS Administrator
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I know. Oppression becomes habit in the midst of such society. Such that she forgets she has the capacity to choose for herself.

Is it the duty of MEN to impose a certain dress code on their female brethen?

If a man gets sexually aroused watching a woman walk down the street, it is not the woman's fault!

Why are Muslim men so INSECURE that they have to IMPOSE a dress code on women&girls just to keep themselves in control?

Or is it indicative of some very deep-rooted psychological/mental problems among Muslims? Lack of self-control? Not good...

LOL... you just avoided my question... I asked, "why are you so worked up about it??"
I didn't ask you to give your opinions that they don't have a choice and someone is imposing etc... besides its not men who tell women to wear it coz they want to.. it's coz Allah said so, in His book... plus if we left it to men's choice, they'd rather have them stay half-naked like you see them on TV coz MEN want to see that.... its the built-in desire in them...
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LOL... you just avoided my question... I asked, "why are you so worked up about it??"
I didn't ask you to give your opinions that they don't have a choice and someone is imposing etc... besides its not men who tell women to wear it coz they want to.. it's coz Allah said so, in His book... plus if we left it to men's choice, they'd rather have them stay half-naked like you see them on TV coz MEN want to see that.... its the built-in desire in them...
:ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: LOL! Ur reply made me so laugh like this ---> :ROFLMAO: So direct and sensible :ROFLMAO:


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I know. Oppression becomes habit in the midst of such society. Such that she forgets she has the capacity to choose for herself.

Is it the duty of MEN to impose a certain dress code on their female brethen?

If a man gets sexually aroused watching a woman walk down the street, it is not the woman's fault!

Why are Muslim men so INSECURE that they have to IMPOSE a dress code on women&girls just to keep themselves in control?

Or is it indicative of some very deep-rooted psychological/mental problems among Muslims? Lack of self-control? Not good...

Excuse me sir, what are you talking abt??
I am a women, and I cover to please my Creator not to please any man...
I have freedom of choice, and y would anyone force me to do something???
Alhamdulillah ( all praise to Allah) I m mentally and psychologically sane...and I m doing so as it is ordained by My Creator n there is a lot of wisdom behind it. It makes me feel more secured. My beauty is not open for everyone to see at, I have RIGHT to chose what men see of me, isn't that freedom?
It doen't oppresses me! It liberates me the way no other cloth can...
Just tell me one thing, when u go to a bank, do find money on the counter??
No u dont, it is kept safe inside so that nobody can reach it except few authorised ppl... Right, is it money's fault that it's so precious and valuable?? Is it?
Allah has hounoured the Muslim women by this...
And I am proud being a Muslim women...

women who come out half naked feeling that is liberty...It is funny that What makes them feel that? Actually they are the ones oppressed by males because they come out the way men what to see them...
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Excuse me sir, what are you talking abt??
I am a women, and I cover to please my Creator not to please any man...
I have freedom of choice, and y would anyone force me to do something???
Alhamdulillah ( all praise to Allah) I m mentally and psychologically sane...and I m doing so as it is ordained by My Creator n there is a lot of wisdom behind it. It makes me feel more secured. My beauty is not open for everyone to see at, I have RIGHT to chose what men see of me, isn't that freedom?
It doen't oppresses me! It liberates me the way no other cloth can...
Just tell me one thing, when u go to a bank, do find money on the counter??
No u dont, it is kept safe inside so that nobody can reach it except few authorised ppl... Right, is it money's fault that it's so precious and valuable?? Is it?
Allah has hounoured the Muslim women by this...
And I am proud being a Muslim women...

women who come out half naked feeling that is liberty...It is funny that What makes them feel that? Actually they are the ones oppressed by males because they come out the way men what to see them...
i loved ur reply sister...these were wat even i wanted to write...but u made my work easier...JazakAllah
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Sisters(& brothers too) never let anybody put you down by their comments or their behavior... I know sometimes it feels really old…
I know the first day I took Niqab n entered school(n my school was one of the bigrah wa school in the city, so u can imagine the ppl there) But Alhamdulilah Allah made everything so easy… no one didn’t even say anything( except for the ppl in the school van who used to call me names n our Headmistress who specially called me to the office n I was actually cross questioned that its no where in Islam n stuff, n insulted me in front everyone that I cried so much that day(ok I was only in 9th grade that tym so…) just because they abuse my niqab doesn't mean that i succumb to thier taunts, In fact , it only makes me prouder to be a Niqabi Alhamdulillah!

Astagfirullah, I m not writing to show-off or anything but I m writing this so that ppl get encouragement
Remember the key is that u have to be firm! , Always remember this ayat of Surah Fussilat
Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allâh (Alone)," and then they stand firm, on them the angels will descend (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised! (30)
N the hadis that badrobot14 mentioned , it always gives me courage and determination. See, being stranger means that u r doing something which is contrary to what ppl are doing which is generally accepted by the society, right. So If you just do what everybody is doing so u won’t be a stranger then… Remember the Tooba( Glad tidings) are only for the strangers… So be proud being a stranger ppl! J
The Hijab tones down your outer beauty so that your inner beauty can shine through, just like the sky has to dim down for the stars to shine! =)
This is a nice video(only 2 mins) which really encouraged me taking hijab…
superb video. really inspiring.
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hijab gives you all the freedom in the world.. you can move about in crowds without piercing stares nagging you.. Al Hamdulillah! i feel extremely comfortable in my hijaab and niqaab. sometimes it does get a little hot but that is nothing compared to what lies ahead for the non-pardah observing woman in the Hereafter.. Allah hasn't given you beauty to show off like a decoration item in a shop window.. if you're a Muslim, then you must follow your religion.. and that demands you to cover your body and face fully.. some people don't believe in veiling the face, but if you see the purpose of the hijaab, then it is the most important part of the body to cover up.. and all the four Imaams agree on it too..
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Nice discussion…
Alhamdulillah I also wear Hijab…but when the turns come for niqab…I’ve some problem that is I can’t breathe properly in Hijab nor where air conditioner is on nor when blanket comes on my face I feel like someone is stoping my breathe…Even I love to wear niqab …
Because I don’t like ppl should stare at me…..Even I don’t do make up I don’t like it… And I think niqab is freedom and also a good way to hide ur face from ppl whose work is to stare :)
sister its good to know that you love the niqaab. you should start veiling your face and just pray to Allah to give you strength. our religion requires us to do so.. don't worry about the suffocation, Allah will help you.. when i started the niqaab i felt a bit the same. nausea in the car and all. but now its like a part of my face.. Al Hamdulillah i'm pretty comfortable in it both outside and inside in front of non-mehram family members..