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Abu Huraira (Radhi-Allahu 'anhu) reported:

Allah's Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying:

Allah created one hundred (parts of mercy) and He distributed one amongst His creation and kept this one hundred excepting one with Himself (for the Day of Resurrection).

[Sahih Muslim - Book #037, Hadith #6630]
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An-Nawawi’s Hadith No.37

On the authority of Ibn Abbas (Radhiallahu anhu) from the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) is that among the sayings he relates from his Lord (Glorified and Exalted be He) is that he said:

Allah has written down the good deeds and the bad ones. Then He explained it [by saying that] he who has intended a good deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as from ten (10) good deeds to seven hundred (700) times, or many times over.

But if he has intended a bad deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, Allah writes it down as one bad deed.

Related by Bukhari and Muslim in their two Sahihs
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Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

"He who recites after every prayer:

Subhan-Allah (Allah is free from imperfection) thirty-three times;

Al-hamdu lillah (praise be to Allah) thirty-three times;

Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest) thirty-three times;

and completes the hundred with: La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa `ala kulli shai'in Qadir

(there is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent),

will have all his sins pardoned even if they may be as large as the foam on the surface of the sea.''

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No one can define “Allah” as there is nothing like Him. Allah is the name that all names and attributes point to. You never say: Allah is one of the names of Arrahman but you say Arrahman is one of Allah’s names. When you supplicate and call Allah with His names, you remove the definite article “Al” and you Say “Ya Rahman, Ya Haleem”. With Allah, you say Ya Allah. The name “Allah” is linguistically derived from Elah. However, “Elah” translates to God which can be pleural as in gods or feminine as in goddess. “Allah” on the other hand can only be Allah. No god can be God unless He is worshiped. He also has to be the Creator, the Provider, the Sustainer and the One Capable of controlling those who worship Him and others who don’t. “Allah” is the name used in all supplications and Athkar. It is the most mentioned name in the Quran, where it is mentioned more than 1200 times and 33 verses start with this beautiful name “Allah”. When you call “Allah”, when you say from the depth of your heart and in the darkest of moments “Ya Allah”, all your troubles will disappear. Whenever you mention “Allah”; what is little will become a lot, if you are afraid, your fears will go away, if there is a calamity, it will be uplifted and if in poverty, wealth will follow. When Allah is called, the weak becomes strong, the humiliated becomes proud, the lonely gets company, the defeated will prevail and the homeless will get his shelter. It is the only name that calamities are faced with, the favors and blessings are attained, the good deeds are brought with and the sins are prevented by. Everything that is beautiful is attributed to “Allah”, as there is no god worthy of being worshiped except Allah.
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A page of Qur'an a day , keeps the satan away :)
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Strange fact!!

We love ourself even after making so many mistakes...

Then how can we hate others for their small mistakes?? ~ Strange but true!!


Yahya narrated it on the authority of his uncle that he had been sitting in the company of Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan (may Allah be well pleased with them) when the “Muazzin” called (Muslims) to Prayer. Muawiya said: I heard the Messenger of Allah () saying The “Muazzin”s will have the longest necks on the Day of Resurrection. (They will be the more deserving of Allah's mercy and reward) (Sunan Abu Dawood)

The Holy Prophet (Sallalahualaihi Wa Alihi Wasallam) has said: “Whoever proclaims the “Azaan” for 7 years, for the sake of reward, Allah keeps him secure from the fire of hell.” (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)

The Holy Prophet (Sallalahualaihi Wa Alihi Wasallam) has said: “The one who proclaims the “Azaan” only seeking reward, is like the blood stained martyr - and when he dies, his body will be safe from insects.” (Bahaare Shariat from Tibrani)
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Always in the Qur'an when Allah mentions those who will attain Paradise, He mentions the believers, not the Muslims. He, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says,

"Indeed the Muttaqoon will be amongst the Gardens and water-springs." [15:45]