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Account banning policy

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but if they are not telling us..then we might make our own assumptions...
assume them and create ten more threads like this... and while you are at it find simeone who cares... for the mods are certainly not gonna cux they have reasons to satisfy themselves
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assume them and create ten more threads like this... and while you are at it find simeone who cares... for the mods are certainly not gonna cux they have reasons to satisfy themselves
maybe they don't care..but we do...cuz not telling us is not the solution to this..and electing new mods is not the proper decision as well
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ok if i make five accounts i have three warnings for each meaning i have fifteen xD yaaaay.

we must bear in mind that a person may have gottenwarning in his or her previous account...
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Okay... I don't get one thing... How can we "DEMAND" for elections? I mean the forum is NOT created by us, it does NOT belong to us... Okay, i do get the point we are the community members, and a part of the forum... But Just bcs there were elections sometime back, it doesn't mean that they can be held again and again on OUR demands, u ppl have to understand that WE DON'T get to decide who'll be the moderators... I agree that banning somebody without any solid reason is unfair... But i am sure there might be some reasons for banning whichever members were banned! We can't expect the staff members to give us an explanation for the measures they take... They cannot tell us the reasons publicly either!
PS this is just my view, no offence intended!!
  • we use the place, cant we suggest sm changes? sppose no one uses, and everyone leaves, badrobot will be the only wall alone here.. rite? :p... this section was created for suggestions.
  • last elections were held in 2011, for xpf,none has been for xpc.
  • more 95% of current active members werent here then
  • The rulers should be answerable.. and as per xpc rules it is right to report a matter if something has been dealt with unfairly...
demanding new elections due to the fault of one member of the modearation staff is unjust and bizarre, what should be done is to investigate the matter,get to the root of it with all parties take into confidence, and if the respected mod are found guilty,then action should be taken for misusing authority for personal means. Thats whats fair... we cant and should not ask for the whole system to be brought down due to one persons immaturity... But in the long run, there should be fresh elections considering that xpf is no more an educational forum in 201,,but a social-educational community in the year 2013
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  • we use the place, cant we suggest sm changes? sppose no one uses, and everyone leaves, badrobot will be the only wall alone here.. rite? :p... this section was created for suggestions.
  • last elections were held in 2011, for xpf,none has been for xpc.
  • more 95% of current active members werent here then
  • The rulers should be answerable.. and as per xpc rules it is right to report a matter if something has been dealt with unfairly...

demanding new elections due to the fault of one member of the modearation staff is unjust and bizarre, what should be done is to investigate the matter,get to the root of it with all parties take into confidence, and if the respected mod are found guilty,then action should be taken for misusing authority for personal means. Thats whats fair... we cant and should not ask for the whole system to be brought down due to one persons immaturity... But in the long run, there should be fresh elections considering that xpf is no more an educational forum in 201,,but a social-educational community in the year 2013

oyeee huee
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ok if i make five accounts i have three warnings for each meaning i have fifteen xD yaaaay.

we must bear in mind that a person may have gottenwarning in his or her previous account...
if she did she wont try making another account...cuz as far as i know her..she is sensible enough
look ... the admin doesnt let mods do wateva they like.
he knows the reason too

then tell us as well...
not here in thread...but atleast a pm..saying 'yo ur frnd was banned because of this this this reason' thats all we want
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It should be investigated and the real reason should be found. Or-else this will keep going on and people will get blocked without any valid reason. :)
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  • we use the place, cant we suggest sm changes? sppose no one uses, and everyone leaves, badrobot will be the only wall alone here.. rite? :p... this section was created for suggestions.
  • last elections were held in 2011, for xpf,none has been for xpc.
  • more 95% of current active members werent here then
  • The rulers should be answerable.. and as per xpc rules it is right to report a matter if something has been dealt with unfairly...

demanding new elections due to the fault of one member of the modearation staff is unjust and bizarre, what should be done is to investigate the matter,get to the root of it with all parties take into confidence, and if the respected mod are found guilty,then action should be taken for misusing authority for personal means. Thats whats fair... we cant and should not ask for the whole system to be brought down due to one persons immaturity... But in the long run, there should be fresh elections considering that xpf is no more an educational forum in 201,,but a social-educational community in the year 2013
standing ovation to banta hai (y):D
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I shouldn't have intervene but that urge to reply has taken over me.
- If you see this thread, I can't see a page in which there's no argument.
- Your suggestions were not required.
- Admin knows what to do and what not to, like i said, it's his site.
- Some reasons and issues cannot be told in public, we ban people, do you think we should post the reason for every single of them in the public?
Part of being the community, we do have the rights to give out suggestions and ideas. And no, not for every person out here. But in such cases, we do need to know what the real reason was. :)
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  • we use the place, cant we suggest sm changes? sppose no one uses, and everyone leaves, badrobot will be the only wall alone here.. rite? :p... this section waYs created for suggestions.
  • last elections were held in 2011, for xpf,none has been for xpc.
  • more 95% of current active members werent here then
  • The rulers should be answerable.. and as per xpc rules it is right to report a matter if something has been dealt with unfairly...
demanding new elections due to the fault of one member of the modearation staff is unjust and bizarre, what should be done is to investigate the matter,get to the root of it with all parties take into confidence, and if the respected mod are found guilty,then action should be taken for misusing authority for personal means. Thats whats fair... we cant and should not ask for the whole system to be brought down due to one persons immaturity... But in the long run, there should be fresh elections considering that xpf is no more an educational forum in 201,,but a social-educational community in the year 2013

See, firstly there is a DIFFERENCE b/w suggesting an arguing. If u wanna give a suggestion... U suggest! THAT'S IT!! U don't argue with the staff that why ur suggestion is not being implemented!!
Secondly, again u were giving reasons why u want elections... I am NOT saying that there is no reason... There might be NUMEROUS reasons... But then again... How can u judge who is deserving enough! If we vote, we'll vote for a person who'll be popular, who is our friend, who i online more frequently... We cannot judge on the basis o capability !! WE CANNOT DECIDE WHO DESERVES BEING A MODERATOR AND WHO DOESN'T!!
And i'll repeat... WE CAN SUGGEST... WE CANNOT ARGUE!!!


XPRS Administrator
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I have been a member of the xpc community for long, although not a very active one but my connection with the community traces back to almost a year. Today I am very sorrowed because this one community which has been an ultimate support is being probably administered by rules that do not go with the time. My friend namely Monster created a thread this morning stating the same issue, I am here to state that a friend of ours and a significantly popular member of the community IStoleYourCookie has been banned due to unspecified reasons and when we raised the question of whether it is rightful to ban somebody on their freedom of expression without specifying the faults the admin finds with that member, all the admin had to offer was to ban that thread. When we rise the suggestion of changing the moderators on yearly basis through a fair electoral process, all the admin had to offer was to suppress our voice rather than considering it and responding to it with their believes convincingly.
Hereby I am tagging all the people who I believe should support this cause and anybody else who wants to be a part of this please tag yourself because we have only one slogan:
"Today its her, Tomorrow it can be you"

> without specifying the faults the admin finds with that member, --> Please do not mis-inform ppl.. coz admin did NOT have any issues with her... but yeah.. that begs the question, why the ban...? well its coz one of the staff member felt like doing so.. based on some reasons.... and its my job to look into it and if I find those reasons unjustified.... to unban her... but m not supposed to specify to the public why that happened or why the unban.. if it does occur.... as they say, you don't wash your dirty laundry in public....

> all the admin had to offer was to ban that thread. --> no.. that's wat you think.. the admin however, did tell that user he will look into it.. He also told Monster on his profile page that he will reply when he can.... not to mention he asked some ppl about details so he could judge.. coz sadly.. the admin here doesn't work on emotions rather on evidence... ofc no good waiting patiently for him to sort stuff.. we must act and start debates over how we were wronged... that will be v.benificial... I suppose.. :p

> the suggestion of changing the moderators on yearly basis through a fair electoral process, --> yeah.. like that's a flawless system which will definitely work! ppl elected wd b angels that wd never make a bad decision..! I don't get why ppl just assume stuff before thinking about it....
Although I must say we do have elections.. but atm we are too busy to conduct them... please do understand we also have limitations... we don't ask for pro-memberships so that u have the right to demand stuff from us.... this is a site made by students for students to help them...
I think this is an educational site first and foremost... and if that section is working properly you shouldn't be too worried about who is on the moderation staff... granted.. if u have an issue u can ask the moderation team leader or the admins about it.... in the mean time you can download the notes n stuff from other accounts you made...

>"Today its her, Tomorrow it can be you" --> ofc, I suppose many members here have been banned by the moderation staff... coz I don't think logically if one person keeps getting banned... it means that everyone else will get banned... that just sounds emotional...

P.S. sorry if this post huts anyone.. didn't intend to.... and I know authority attracts a bit of hatred with it (its natural to dispise authority) please do understand that members of moderation staff are also human beings and have emtions.... so when you talk about them do try to not say stuf that might hurt them.... (ofc m a robot so u can say stuff abt me.. :D )

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See, firstly there is a DIFFERENCE b/w suggesting an arguing. If u wanna give a suggestion... U suggest! THAT'S IT!! U don't argue with the staff that why ur suggestion is not being implemented!!
Secondly, again u were giving reasons why u want elections... I am NOT saying that there is no reason... There might be NUMEROUS reasons... But then again... How can u judge who is deserving enough! If we vote, we'll vote for a person who'll be popular, who is our friend, who i online more frequently... We cannot judge on the basis o capability !! WE CANNOT DECIDE WHO DESERVES BEING A MODERATOR AND WHO DOESN'T!!
And i'll repeat... WE CAN SUGGEST... WE CANNOT ARGUE!!!
u really think if 6-7 of us vote for our 'frnd/popular person' we will get the right mod???
obviously the admin will appoint the new mod..and we are just suggesting...some ppl are taking it as if we are arguing ...
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You can't just demand a mod/admin the explanation for his actions... Fine if there would have been more than one cases, it could have been said that u have a point... But right now ONLY ONE person is banned... There haven't been any other cases... So obviously we have NO reason to doubt the staff members' intentions...
Besides, let's face it... Most of us here would have not even be arguing of IStoleYourCookies wasn't popular or not our friend...
See... She was my friend too... But that doesnt mean that i demand for the reason why she got banned or sth!

Besides, it's good for the banned user also that the reasons are kept confidential!

Q: if mods are mature enough to not to bring personal matter in such stuff..then why don't u tell the reason for her being banned? its not that hard to tell is it??

P.S: i am positive this question will be ignored as well
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u really think if 6-7 of us vote for our 'frnd/popular person' we will get the right mod???
obviously the admin will appoint the new mod..and we are just suggesting...some ppl are taking it as if we are arguing ...
I the suggestion is 13 page long... Then expect 'some ppl' to consoder this as an argument!
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