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ATTENTION PLEASE -- All Muslim Brothers and Sisters


XPRS Administrator
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I did! and I do read all of your post. Because not only it inspires me but also it makes me cry and the tears are from the fear of Allah.

wow, I was thinking shytaan would work extra hard to stop any1 from reading it and gaining knowlede of Islam....
May Allah bless you guys and guide you to His ways and help you act on His deen... Aameen.

".. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise..." (shahih Muslim)
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wow, I was thinking shytaan would work extra hard to stop any1 from reading it and gaining knowlede of Islam....
May Allah bless you guys and guide you to His ways and help you act on His deen... Aameen.

".. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise..." (shahih Muslim)
No brother, Please keep doing this (guiding us). May Allah bless you for your work. Ameen.
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wow, I was thinking shytaan would work extra hard to stop any1 from reading it and gaining knowlede of Islam....
May Allah bless you guys and guide you to His ways and help you act on His deen... Aameen.

".. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise..." (shahih Muslim)
Aameen (nd same to u)
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I've a question... did you really read all of my extra loong post..??? :eek:
Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb...
that was really nice..and worth reading...Jazakallah Khair (y)
tbh...at first i kept that post in "To Do List" but later donno what...made me read it...you surely have prayed that people read it ;)
wow, I was thinking shytaan would work extra hard to stop any1 from reading it and gaining knowlede of Islam....
May Allah bless you guys and guide you to His ways and help you act on His deen... Aameen.

".. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise..." (shahih Muslim)
Aameen :)

Indeed...May Allah make the path of paradise easy for all of us..Aameen!
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Etiquette of talking to women

Praise be to Allaah.

Speaking to non-mahram women may occur because of a need or it may occur needlessly.

If it is done needlessly and only for fun and enjoyment, then there is no doubt that it is haraam and comes under the heading of the zina of the tongue and ears of which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) spoke when he said:

“The son of Adam’s share of zina has been decreed for him, which he will inevitably get. The zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the ears is listening, the zina of the tongue is speaking, the zina of the hands is touching, and the zina of the foot is walking. The heart longs and wishes, and the private part confirms that or denies it.”

Narrated by Muslim, 2657.

When there is a need to speak to a woman, the basic principle is that it is permissible, but it is essential to pay attention to the following etiquette:


The conversation should be limited to only what is necessary and has to do with the matter at hand, without talking too much or branching off into other topics. Think about the etiquette of the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) and compare it with the way things are today. The Mother of the Believers ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated the story of the slander (al-ifk) that the hypocrites accused her of; in her hadeeth she (may Allah be pleased with her) said:

Safwaan ibn al-Mu‘attal al-Sulami al-Dhakwaani was behind the army and had set out at the end of night. In the morning he reached the place where I was and he saw the shape of a person sleeping. He recognized me when he saw me, as he used to see me before the hijab was enjoined. I woke up when I heard him saying Inna Lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’oon (Verily to Allaah we belong and verily unto Him is our return) when he recognized me, and I covered my face with my jilbab. By Allah, we did not exchange a word and I did not hear any word from him apart from his saying Inna Lillaahi… He made his camel kneel down and put his foot on its foreleg (to keep it steady), then I mounted it, and he set off, leading me on the mount, until we came to the army.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4141 and Muslim, 2770.

Al-‘Iraaqi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The phrase “and I did not hear any word from him” is not repeating the previous idea (“we did not exchange a word”). It is possible that he did not speak to her; rather he spoke to himself or he recited Qur’aan out loud or said dhikr out loud such that it could be heard. But none of that happened. He did not speak to her; rather he used silence in that situation out of good manners and politeness, and because of the seriousness of the situation in which he found himself.

This hadeeth also shows good manners with non-mahram women, especially in the case of being alone with them out of necessity in the wilderness or elsewhere, as Safwaan did when he made his camel kneel without speaking or asking questions. End quote.

Tarh at-Tathreeb, 8/53


Avoiding joking and laughing; that is not part of etiquette and dignity.


Avoiding staring and always trying hard to lower the gaze as much as possible; if there is a quick glance for the purpose of speaking, there is nothing wrong with that, in sha Allah.


Not softening the voice, by either party, or choosing soft words; rather they should speak is the same, ordinary tone of voice as they would speak to anyone else. Allah, may He be exalted, says, addressing the Mothers of the Believers (interpretation of the meaning): “then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner” [al-Ahzaab 33:32].


Avoiding the use of any words that may have some suggestive meanings, and so on.


Not going to extremes in embellishing one’s speech . Some people use their skills in communication with others by movements of the hand or face or by quoting poetry or proverbs or romantic phrases. This is a means that the Shaytaan uses to open the door to haraam attraction between the sexes.


if this feels too much, remember:
The Messenger of Allah (sa) said: “Allaah did not send me to make things hard for people in the hope that they would make mistakes, rather He sent me to teach and make things easy.” Narrated by Muslim, 1478.
Wasalam !
i wanted to ask if its the matter of taking tution from a male teacher ? is that haram ? 'cause i heard its haram o_O ?
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people, honestly tell me that do u follow what u voted for?? o_O to be honest, i slected the first option, because i wanted to give my opinion, and i really want to know what really is in peoples heart's , please be honest!! :) (no offence to anyone )


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Assalamoalaikum wr wb!
Well, many of you may know that our beautiful religion does not promote this relationship between the members of the opposite gender. Probably, most of you may not do this in real life, but sadly fail to realize that even here online, it’s wrong to do so. Through conversations, etc. calling each other..thinking it’s just like a brother-sister relationship....Enjoying around..:unsure:
It’s not OKAY, to all those who failed to realize this. :( Now that you know, please seek forgiveness from Allah...and leave each other solely to seek Allah’s pleasure. If you’re a true Muslim, and you really don’t want to displease Allah, nothing should stop you from doing so! I request both sisters and brothers, not to be angry or anything, and just quietly say good bye to each other solely for Allah :cool: Allah will surely reward you and give you the best..
Be friends...guys with guys ...and girls with girls :D Is it something so difficult?

May Allah bless you all...
Be proud to be a Muslim...Your Lord loves you and definitely choses the Best for you. He’s the One who created you, and who other than He can know what’s Best for you.

Wa laikum assalamu Alaikum wr wb

i totally agree with you and alhamdulilah i avoid talking to non mehrams at school and everywhere
and alhamdulilah even studying at a co-ed school there is no such direct interaction with guys, and believe me they dont even talk to you if you are all covered up!! Infact most of them are scared, i guess this is because their is a dignity and respect for the hijab and niqaab. =D
but here at xpc i am not sure whether the person i am talking to is male or a female as it is rarely specified! Even you haven't specified your gender!
although i dont talk here much other than religion or studies but even then its very difficult to know about the other person's gender

May Allah protect us from all the evils andour biggest enemy shaitan!!
there was a hadis that i read, i do not remember the exact words though, but the mafhoom- the meaning was that when two man and women are alone the third one is the Shaitan!

Aaozo Bil Allahi minashaitaner Rajeem!!
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A man once asked a sheikh why are women covered with hijab in islam. The sheikh replied and said if u had 2 sweets where 1 is covered and the other isnt and they both fell on the ground which one would u choose and the man answered "the covered sweet". Subhanallah islam doesnt set a rule for no reason.Im definitely proud to be a muslim <3 <3 <3
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I think most of us follow cultural Islam, where it's a mix of Islam and culture.. so when we see stuff like muslim men and women should be seperate and about the gaze; we're like "that's too extreme.."
The thing is atleast in my experience following these cool teachings of our way of life is from fruits of eeman; the more you grow in it the more you submit to commands of Allah and you enjoy submitting too... (M not saying m a really fantastic muslim but the little I do practice.. it just makes me peacefull)

(skip the starting 3 mins)

After you do see this, remember a muslim knows that Allah is the most wise, AlHakeem... He is AlWadood - the Loving, all of His commands are for our own good. So try to cutoff the relationships that are only gonna hurt you... Remember, The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third.” (Sahih Bukhari)
i was viewing this thread and i cant see what uv posed bro..why? :O did u edit it or something..i wanted to see


XPRS Administrator
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i was viewing this thread and i cant see what uv posed bro..why? :O did u edit it or something..i wanted to see

Well those were youtube vids... since it must be blocked where u are, u must be getting weird box instead...

Here these are the links (don't click em now):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8CHSl_hqRk (skip the starting 3 mins)

go to this site:
copy-paste one of those video links in box there and click surf, you'll be able to view the video insha'Allah.. (and plz don't login to ur google account on utube if u use this site...)
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Well those were youtube vids... since it must be blocked where u are, u must be getting weird box instead...

Here these are the links (don't click em now):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8CHSl_hqRk (skip the starting 3 mins)

go to this site:
copy-paste one of those video links in box there and click surf, you'll be able to view the video insha'Allah.. (and plz don't login to ur google account on utube if u use this site...)
Ohh i see.
thnaks but i think id rather wait for youtube to be back then use this way.


XPRS Administrator
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Ohh i see.
thnaks but i think id rather wait for youtube to be back then use this way.
hmm.. depends upon how you see it.. I do watch utube if I need to, coz for me the pros of it far outweigh the cons... like Sh. Yasir Qadhi just uploaded an amazing lecture on his reaction upon all of this and on muslim stance towards it... it was enlightening.. if I was staying away from utube.. I wdn't have seen it.. I believe internet is a tool and it depends upon how u use it.. If abstaining from it serves a purpose then sure... but the way I see it.. it does not.
(besides one page view frm u, isn't gonna much of make a differnce)

If u r waiting then plz do see it whn it comes back.. coz those vids r good.