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Love in Islam: Valentine's Day

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As-salam-o-alaikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu!!

Wanted to share this article I came across.. Read the full article here..

When reading the Qur’an, anyone can easily recognize the emphasis put on God’s love, compassion, graciousness, mercy and forgiveness. As a matter of fact, all chapters of the Qur’an except one begin with the phrase “in the name of God” who is described as Al-Rahman (the Benevolent) and Al-Raheem (the Merciful). This verse is often translated as “in the Name of God, the Benevolent and Merciful.” This fits the exact meaning of the definition for the love of God found in the English dictionary. These two descriptions are the most commonly used words by which Allah describes Himself in the Qur’an. These characteristics of Allah refer to His countless blessings, bounties and forgiveness He has bestowed upon us without us deserving anything. He does all of that even though we constantly break His commandments.
Similarly, when we look at the Arabic word muslim, we find that it is a person who is devoted to Allah, submitting to His will. This is exactly what the English dictionary has to say about the meaning of a person’s love for God.
Life is all about a test of realization and action. We are drawn to a realization of God’s love to us and leading a life of gratitude, which reflects our deep adoration and devotion to God. We do this hoping that our beloved Creator will be pleased with us and yearning to be with Him for eternity in the bliss of the hereafter. This well known concept of the purpose of life according to Islam perfectly reflects the meaning of the man’s love for God.
Islam enjoins the general concept of love between mankind as well. This is first and foremost done by promoting the love of God amongst our fellow man. This is manifested through our practice of the concept of “rahmah” which can be translated as love, mercy, compassion or forgiveness. The Prophet ﷺ told his companions as narrated authentically in al-Targheeb (3/210):
لن تؤمنوا حتى ترحموا قالو يا رسول الله كلنا رحيم قال إنه ليس بر حمة أحدكم صاحبه و لكنه رحمة العامة
“You don’t truly believe until you have rahmah for others.” His companions responded, “We all have rahmah.” The Prophet ﷺ then told them, “Verily, you don’t reach this level of faith by just having rahmah for those who are close to you, but you must have rahmah for everyone.”
In fact this was the sum of why Allah sent the Prophet ﷺ. He says in verse 107 of al-Anbiyaa in the Qur’an,

And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds. (21:107)
In this category of general love for everything, we have another very important type of love. This is the love between the husband and a wife. So before continuing about this love and how it manifests itself between married couples, let’s talk about how one gets married according to Islam.
Finding a spouse in Islam is quite easy. It is actually much easier than in common western culture. Islam forbids anything that can possibly lead to fornication. First, let’s ponder over verse 32 of Surah al-Israa in the Qur’an,
“و لا تقربوا الزنى”
This verse means “Don’t even come close to fornicating.” (17:32)
As a result of this, it is prohibited to be alone with, flirt or touch someone from the opposite sex who isn’t your spouse or immediate family. The only mixed gender interactions should be with lowering the gaze, hijab, only speaking about a necessity like buying something, asking directions, discussing religious matters, etc… So you can see why Islam prohibits the modern concept of boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. This solves so many social problems prevalent in societies that don’t observe this seemingly strict code of mixed gender mingling. Many who were raised here in the west have many reactions to these rules, the most common of which is, “So how are we supposed to find a spouse?”

The basic difference between an Islamic marriage and a western marriage is that in the west a couple generally meets without any help from the family. Their meeting is usually a result of a man’s attraction and a woman’s being flattered and enjoying his charming company. Then they proceed as a married couple – sometimes for many years – until they decide that they want to live the rest of their life with each other. Then they get married. They feel like they were already in love for some time. So they live together after getting married and they get sick of each other and get a divorce for one reason or another. In Islam, the marriage is protected by the divine legislation of God. The first factor in this preservation is that the marriage – if done correctly – is first formed through real compatibility and not physical desires which can often get a man to act in whatever way will get him what he wants and by the girl being flattered and charmed by his fake façade – or as we say in modern terminology, “his game.”
Once a Muslim couple is officially married, they understand that even with compatibility they must work for the rest of their lives to preserve love, compassion, understanding, respect and forgiveness between them. They have entered into a covenant with Allah that carries rights and responsibilities between each other. The basic foundation of that bond is found in the Holy Qur’an in verse 21 of Surah al-Rum,

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” (30:21)
That being said we are now coming close to the time in which most westerners celebrate Valentine’s Day. There is much mystery and folklore as to where this holiday came from, but the general story is that it was originally a pagan holiday. After the Roman Empire embraced Christianity, it was later named after a Catholic saint named Valentine. Folklore suggests that in the 3rd century C.E., the Roman Emperor Claudius II banned young healthy men from marriage. In defense of the divine union of marriage, St. Valentine allegedly protested this by secretly holding marriage ceremonies. He later was martyred on February 14th thus marking the date.
That being said, today this holiday has no religious affiliation and is common to both religious folk and atheists. It is a day that couples exchange cards, candy, chocolate, flowers and even jewelry as a token of their love. This is also a day where many premarital relationships happen or are forged.
So the question many Muslims have is, “What is the ruling on taking part in any of the traditional practices of this holiday?”
The vast majority of scholars hold it to be prohibited to buy, sell or take part in anything that is related to this holiday.
They base this ruling on a few reasons:
  1. They are seeing it lead to social problems in the Muslim world, especially the recent skyrocket in dating and romantic premarital relationships.
  2. It is a day in which a lot of fornication happens and even small children are encouraged to start engaging in premarital relationships.
  3. It is imitating the disbelievers in their religious practices. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”
  4. It is rooted in the religious practices of non-Muslims so it is an innovation which must be rejected.
  5. It is a holiday and all holidays except the two `Eids are innovations religious or not.


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Wanted to read the whole article – but don’t have the time too! >.< I will, Insha’Allah.

When the Prophet S.A.W. never practiced Valentine’s Day, why should we?

Love can stimulate Fitnah (temptation) and all kinds of wrong intentions and doings, which does make it HARAAM. Completely agree with that point of view.

However - on the other hand, if love is purely to do with the heart; NO association/intimacy/meetings/ uncalled for conversations, etc. And what is present is the CONSENT of both the guy & girl’s parents, the couple are old/mature/responsible (emotionally as well as financially) enough to get married AND are going too, I guess there isn’t anything Haraam to it, as such………….is there?

Here’s the thing; how can you get married to someone/live the rest of your life until you die (Insha’Allah) with a complete stranger?

Many people think divorce rates are low in Muslim countries; it is compared to non- Muslim nations, however, it isn’t entirely true. There are quite a big number of divorce cases in Saudi! It’s just kept secretive.

One reason is because a man can have as many wives as he pleases. (I don’t wanna start with that)

The other reason is because people don’t know each other before marriage; they get married because they have to/parents say so/etc.

^ Which in turn, after marriage, leads to misunderstanding, disagreements, arguments, fights, and finally each signs a divorce paper leaving their kid/s to suffer in pain.

But if you at least know the person you’re gonna have to see every single day for the rest of your existence on this planet – there will be a fewer chances of misunderstandings, and problems and people could lead a more contented life. Don’t people want that?

There is a FINE difference between a relationship that IS Haraam and Love.

Think about Khadījah bint Khuwaylid (Peace be upon her) and the Prophet (S.A.W)… their marriage was definitely not arranged.

I’m looking forward to your reply, XPF!

Finally - finished reading! Masha'Allah, XPFMemeber, thank you for posting that!
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i'll answer for him......cuz he's too kind to argue.

IZ IT HARAAM? yes it iz. A couple may b old/mature/responsible bt dey can never b experienced in dis case...A guy and a girl luv each oder....dats one of d GREATEST source of divorce if in case dey get married. (i'll come to dat)...

Wats wid d InshaAllah dat u die?? nyways, my parents and d marraige of BILLIONS of oder ppl frm old ages neva even saw each oder bfor marraige nd r living a comfortable life widout ANY disagreements and arguments (oder d normal thingz, dat iz). Dat iz bcoz deir elders discussed d issue, approved it nd done. U r bound wid dat man/woman for d rest of ur life. KNOWING DIS FACT, ppl try to cope wid deir partners in d best way rather dan like tday...wen a boy iz expressing his love nd all, d girl iz cloz to him..wen he stops, she acts as he's nothin but a tool AND VICE VERSA!

ONLY sum xtremely shameless ppl want it fer d next 2 months....nd den dey get separate...
sum less shemless ppl may stay up to 2-3 years...nd den leave each oder causing problems fer deir own children...
i hav seen MANY couples uptill now...nd only 1 of a 100 luv marraiges r actually successful fer d rest of deir lives...

EXACTLY, deir iz a fine difference btween dem.....Haraam relationship iz where d point of view of a parent iz not respected nd i can assure u dat most of dese cases end up in distster.Love was taught by d Prophet to b a pact or bond between ones wife/husband/parents/neighbors etc...not to any girl/boy u chose for yourself....EVEN WATCHING DEM IZ HARAAM IN D FIRST PLACE!

As for d marraige btween our Prophet S.A.W and Hazrat Khadija R.A., please dont speak matters u dont hav a complete knowledge of. THE ISSUE OF D PROPHET'S MARRAIGE WAS THOROUGHLY DISCUSSED WID ABU TALIB!!! nd only wen he allowed d Prophet S.A.W to do watever he wishes to, did he agree to d proposal. IN ODER WORDS, it was arranged under d permission of ABU TALIB nd since deir no argument of d Prophet's choice, Allah must hav chosen her for him, dat d marraige proceeded.

i hope u will NOT speak in favor of VALENTINE's again.

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Assalam-o-alaikum wr wb! :)
really nice of you and Jazakallah Khair for sharing such an article with us :)

i would like to share one too... written by Shumaila Farooqui

Truly, we Muslims have become such "wanna be's" that we are ready to copy & adopt all the popular & frivolous traditions of the people of the "developed" world without any thought or reasoning. The question is why are we so impressed that we want to be & act like them?
What we must see & open our minds & eyes to is that what is being portrayed in the west has taken a very frivolous & commercial tone to everything, just like how Christmas is treated, everyone is a victim to such hype & has to participate , which mostly benefits businesses, whereas some mature & sensible people of their own society have really turned their backs to such traditions themselves & are desperately seeking an alternative life style that has some meaning & depth.
The true message & religion of God, Islam is the answer but unfortunately we ourselves have lost pride in our teachings & traditions and are Muslims in name more than actions.

If the Western society was so devoted in love in the true sense with their partner, then there would'nt be so many "broken hearts", failed marriages & unfaithful relationships, they would still have an intact family unit that they crave for !

Some of you might be thinking right now what outdated & biased views this person is talking about. Whats the harm in celebrating Valentine's Day & all such occasions?

There is no question about having the best of relations & gestures of love between a husband & wife everyday.
What the point is, that to do something special on "Valentine's Day", should not be encouraged.

Firstly, even in Hazoor-e-Pak 's time one example of copying traditions comes to mind about the tradition of Jews to keep fast on 10th Moharram ,in respect of the day of victory of Prophet Moosa over Pharoah, our Prophet Sallala-ho-alaihi wassalam considered it a good deed to adopt BUT he still did not want to follow the noble tradition exactly , hence ordered his people to fast for 2 days instead of one, firstly to show even more respect for this blessed day on which many other miraculous events took place on Earth as well as to look & portray differently to the Jews also.

Secondly & more importantly which deals with our (Muslims) behaviour is that , we should not publicly act in such a way that it might hurt someone & I am saying in all aspects of human life, same is the case with celebrating "Mother's Day" ,in case of Mother's Day it hurts those who dont have a mother & it hurts those that cannot become a mother !
For those fortunate enough to have a mother should love & care for them everyday, paving the way for heavenly rewards. InshAllah.

I believe there is no harm in celebrating personal milestones such as birthday, anniversary, graduation etc., in a way that does not imitate other beliefs or symbols etc., but to have a "Public" celebration's day of frivolous traditions is really not "ON".
That is why in Islam there our only own 2 Public celebrations , one is Eid-ul-Fitr & the other is Eid-ul-Adha.

The Gist of the matter is that if we follow any of the traditions of the "Non -believers" we are giving it power & encouragement, on the other hand making the "Non Believers" more staunch & proud of their false beliefs & religion.
Whereas we as Muslims should h<>ave the best of <>Faith, Practices, Akhlaq & Tolerance that they start doubting themselves & are attracted towards the True path. Unfortunately we Muslims have lost our way ourselves but atleast should not do things unknowingly that does not do any service to bringing people to "light".

The best practice would be to take 14th February as any other day, if the "Valentines Day" hype all over/ every where else reminds us to convey our love & do something nice for our spouse, then we should plan & do so the next day or on the coming weekend just in order to please Allah & follow our Prophets (SAW) teachings correctly, whilst trying to be good & loving in our married life everyday .
With just this simple Neeyat in our hearts InshAllah we may attract more blessings & rewards in our life !

May Allah (S.W.T), the most Gracious and Merciful, ignore all our small, petty mustakes and make us enlightened, educated, and righteous. Aameen !


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IZ IT HARAAM? yes it iz. A couple may b old/mature/responsible bt dey can never b experienced in dis case...A guy and a girl luv each oder....dats one of d GREATEST source of divorce if in case dey get married. (i'll come to dat)...

So getting married to a complete stranger decreases divorce rates? I see.

Wats wid d InshaAllah dat u die??

When you wish something good over someone, you usually say Insha’Allah – that’s why used the word “Insha’Allah here:
Here’s the thing; how can you get married to someone/live the rest of your life until you die (Insha’Allah) with a complete stranger?

nyways, my parents and d marraige of BILLIONS of oder ppl frm old ages neva even saw each oder bfor marraige nd r living a comfortable life widout ANY disagreements and arguments (oder d normal thingz, dat iz). Dat iz bcoz deir elders discussed d issue, approved it nd done. U r bound wid dat man/woman for d rest of ur life.

I’m happy for your parents and all the billion people who live a prosperous life! Masha’Allah!

KNOWING DIS FACT, ppl try to cope wid deir partners in d best way rather dan like tday...wen a boy iz expressing his love nd all, d girl iz cloz to him..wen he stops, she acts as he's nothin but a tool AND VICE VERSA!

Yes, people TRY to – but not all succeed in doing so.

Please refrain from generalizing –not all people are like that in ‘today’s’ world.

ONLY sum xtremely shameless ppl want it fer d next 2 months....nd den dey get separate...sum less shemless ppl may stay up to 2-3 years...nd den leave each oder causing problems fer deir own children...i hav seen MANY couples uptill now...nd only 1 of a 100 luv marraiges r actually successful fer d rest of deir lives...

Statistics, now, really?

As for d marraige btween our Prophet S.A.W and Hazrat Khadija R.A., please dont speak matters u dont hav a complete knowledge of. THE ISSUE OF D PROPHET'S MARRAIGE WAS THOROUGHLY DISCUSSED WID ABU TALIB!!! nd only wen he allowed d Prophet S.A.W to do watever he wishes to, did he agree to d proposal. IN ODER WORDS, it was arranged under d permission of ABU TALIB nd since deir no argument of d Prophet's choice, Allah must hav chosen her for him, dat d marraige proceeded.

Did I say the marriage was not discussed with Abu Talib? Did I say his consent was not taken? Did I say the marriage wasn’t agreed upon? Did I even mention the incidents?

i hope u will NOT speak in favor of VALENTINE's again.

Now I’m pretty confident my post was not read completely and thoroughly. Or was it even read at all?
When the Prophet S.A.W. never practiced Valentine’s Day, why should we?

^ that statement made be me was one AGAINST valentine’s day. Not for it.

And I really hope people first READ and COMPREHEND things before retorting to it.

JazakAllah Kheir!
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So getting married to a complete stranger decreases divorce rates? I see.

YESSSS. U get married to a complete stranger nd try to cope wid d new life style. UNLIKE d case where u marry a person u choose for urself, u think

he/she iz ur husband/wife only till d point he/she ACTS like 1. In America, no arranged marriages r dre and it haz the MOST divorces in a year...


Yes, people TRY to – but not all succeed in doing so.
Please refrain from generalizing –not all people are like that in ‘today’s’ world.

EXACTLY. Because "today's" ppl are too stubborn to accept deir parents decision nd want to think on deir own. as fer d TRY thingy, ofc yar, nuthin goes according to plan all d time...


Statistics, now, really?


yes really! :p


Did I say the marriage was not discussed with Abu Talib? Did I say his consent was not taken? Did I say the marriage wasn’t agreed upon? Did I even mention the incidents?

Perhaps u ought to read ur OWN post first. my statement was simply contradicting ur statement "Now, deir marriage was definitely not arranged" cuz it SOOOOO was.
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hehehe....i was expecting more of a reply frm u ktc...

bt its better we stop it....or rather, i stop it....

i relle dont want this informative and helpful thread to b lockec cuz of our argument....


XPRS Moderator
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There's nothing bad in it. It's just a day to celebrate love, only if you don't take it in the wrong sense. My opinion.
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As-salam-o-alaikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu!!

@cool crystals,@XPF Member really nice of you and Jazakallah Khair for sharing such an article with us :)

i would like to share one too...


A controversial London Imam, Anjem Choudary, warned that people who celebrate Valentine's Day will rot in hell
"The controversial Muslim cleric rants that exchanging cards, sending roses or enjoying romantic candlelit dinners are “sordid acts influenced by the Devil”.
And he slams one of Britain’s favourite traditions as “a futile and evil festival, used to justify sinful actions such as free-mixing, promiscuity, vain sexual talk and even fornication”.
The London-born lawyer, who in his youth was a cider-drinking ladies’ m
an, penned the rant in his anti-West website The Islamist...."
There is no secret that the public celebration of Valentine's Day is forbidden in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam.
Below are some more references for you to review, if you like about the Islamic perspective on Valentine's Day:
Valentine's day from an Islamic perspective Islam online
"...Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned..."
Middle East Media Research Institute, DC - 19 hours ago
For Valentine's Day, "Everything Red Will Become More Expensive... Only One Red Thing Will Become Cheaper: The Blood Of Muslims... [Due To] Sins Committed ...
Kuwait Times, Kuwait - 19 hours ago
Islam emphasizes that there is only one Almighty God that's Allah, therefore, the Party said that celebrating Valentine's Day violates Islamic way of life. ...
AsiaOne, Singapore - Feb 5, 2009
>JOHOR BARU, MALYSIA: The state Religious Department yesterday reminded Muslims here that Valentine's Daywas "haram" in Islam, which means forbidden. ...
Oneindia, India - Feb 5, 2009
"The recognition of Valentine's Day opens the door to the Devil to manipulate their behavior, encouraging them to abandon their Islamic identity and to ...


XPRS Moderator
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We're focusing on the least important things here, really.
I mean, what's wrong in giving someone you like a box of chocolate on 14th of Feb. Is it wrong? I don't think so.
We should first think about how to be a good human being. These 'issues' - if they really are - come later.


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YESSSS. U get married to a complete stranger nd try to cope wid d new life style. UNLIKE d case where u marry a person u choose for urself, u think
*thinking* *thinking* *thought*
Coping with a stranger is easier than coping with someone you love….? Maybe for you, definitely not for me.

he/she iz ur husband/wife only till d point he/she ACTS like 1. In America, no arranged marriages r dre and it haz the MOST divorces in a year...
In Saudi there are hardly any love marriages – and people still get divorced :/

EXACTLY. Because "today's" ppl are too stubborn to accept deir parents decision nd want to think on deir own. as fer d TRY thingy, ofc yar, nuthin goes according to plan all d time..
If you were forced to get married to some lady you have no idea of, would you?

Perhaps 1 u ought to read ur OWN post first. my statement was simply contradicting ur statement "Now, deir marriage was definitely not arranged" cuz it SOOOOO was.
Contradicting – sure, but also ‘overstating’ it.
Allow me to elaborate:

Khadījah bint Khuwaylid (peace be upon her) was 42 (and a widow) and the Prophet (S.A.W.) was 25 at the time of their marriage.

How did the wedding happen?
It was a business acquaintance that brought them together.

The each of them KNEW one another before they were married. In fact it was Khadījah bint Khuwaylid who initiated the marriage proposal herself.

^ That is not the definition of an arranged marriage, in my opinion.

In an arranged marriage, people don’t even know one another.

hehehe....i was expecting more of a reply frm u ktc...

bt its better we stop it....or rather, i stop it....

i relle dont want this informative and helpful thread to b lockec cuz of our argument....


I had better things to do :p

Sure – you started, I finished. ;)

We're focusing on the least important things here, really.
I mean, what's wrong in giving someone you like a box of chocolate on 14th of Feb. Is it wrong? I don't think so.

We should first think about how to be a good human being. These 'issues' - if they really are - come later.

True – being a good human being is what matters first and foremost.

But, expressing love to someone on one day only? What about giving the box of chocolates on other days? :p Valentine’s day is pointless, in my opinion.

Everyone’s stating their opinion about Valentine’s Day, and I really wanna know whether love (in general) is Haraam or not :/

@princessanum: That was pretty long - but worth reading. :)


XPRS Moderator
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Yes, we should express our feelings towards our friends and family members everyday. But, sadly, that hardly happens. If there are specific days on which people are happy and 'can' express their feelings towards their friends; i don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Valentine's day should be just another excuse to spread the love that Islam encourages. Again my opinion.


XPRS Administrator
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Muslims DO NOT celebrate this festival Ok?? Coz we aren't allowed to follow rituals out of Islam.

Abu Dawood (1134) narrated that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah, they had two days when they would play. He said: “What are these two days?” They said: “We used to play on these days during the Jaahiliyyah.” The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has given you instead of them two days that are better than them: the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr.” This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

This indicates that festivals are among the characteristics by which nations are distinguished, and it is not permissible to celebrate the festivals of the ignorant and the mushrikeen (polytheists). source/read more

also the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (narrated by Ahmad, 2/50; Abu Dawood, 4021)

In Islam, the festivals are clearly defined and well established, and no additions or subtractions may be accepted. They are an essential part of our worship and there is no room for ijtihaad or personal opinion. They have been prescribed for us by Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
“Festivals are part of the laws, clear way and religious ceremonies of which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

‘To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way[al-Maa’idah 5:48]

‘For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they must follow’[al-Hajj 22:67]
like the qiblah (direction faced in prayer), prayer and fasting. So there is no difference between joining them in their festival and joining them in their other rituals. Agreeing with the whole festival is agreeing with kufr. Agreeing with some of their minor issues is the same as agreeing with them in some of the branches of kufr. Festivals are the most distinctive things by which religions are told apart, so whoever celebrates their festivals is agreeing with the most distinctive rituals of kufr. Undoubtedly going along with them in their festivals may in some cases lead to kufr. Dabbling in these things, at the very least, is a sin. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) referred to the fact that every nation has its own festivals when he said: ‘Every nation has its own Eid and this is our Eid’ (al-Bukhaari , 952, Muslim, 1892).” (al-Iqtidaa’, 1/471-472)
Read more on Rulings about Valentine's Day