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Why Islamic Studies?


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I can tell u that this is not true.. im a girl and educated.. During the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH women had a leading role in educating Muslim men, there were female doctors, teachers , even warriors. There were many famous Muslim female scientists during the middle ages such as Maryam Alasturlabi (there r others but thats the only one i remember right now). Islam encourages women education even if she has no interest in working even if she wants to be a housewife because in order to raise broad minded useful children who can contribute to the world when they grow up the mother needs to have a high level of education. What western media says about the prohibition of female education in Islam is totally utterly not true and is against the teachings of Islam.

That's fascinating! But Im not talking about the current status! Islam has given birth to several prodigies!
Im talking about the times of the Taliban Rule?
So basically..Islam didnt forbid? It was the Taliban which manipulated the Quran and banned women education is it? o_O
I dont remember the period so well..umm but there was war in Afghanistan right?
Taliban vs. another party?
Im sorry..Im not so well-versed with the details..had read about it a couple of years ago.
The book titled "A thousand Splendid Suns" illustrated a rather gruesome tale of Afghanistan and Islam back then.
Being obsessed with this religion..it took me quite by a storm.
Hence these questions!
Thanks for the feedback though :D


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I can tell u that this is not true.. im a girl and educated.. During the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH women had a leading role in educating Muslim men, there were female doctors, teachers , even warriors. There were many famous Muslim female scientists during the middle ages such as Maryam Al-Asturlabi (there r others but thats the only one i remember right now). Islam encourages women education even if she has no interest in working even if she wants to be a housewife because in order to raise broad minded useful children who can contribute to the world when they grow up the mother needs to have a high level of education. What western media says about the prohibition of female education in Islam is totally utterly not true and is against the teachings of Islam.

Please let me know If Im offending anyone here!
I'll back off instantly!
Just mere curiosity :)
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That's fascinating! But Im not talking about the current status! Islam has given birth to several prodigies!
Im talking about the times of the Taliban Rule?
So basically..Islam didnt forbid? It was the Taliban which manipulated the Quran and banned women education is it? o_O
I dont remember the period so well..umm but there was war in Afghanistan right?
Taliban vs. another party?
Im sorry..Im not so well-versed with the details..had read about it a couple of years ago.
The book titled "A thousand Splendid Suns" illustrated a rather gruesome tale of Afghanistan and Islam back then.
Being obsessed with this religion..it took me quite by a storm.
Hence these questions!
Thanks for the feedback though :D

ur welcome... the Taliban r not the ideal Muslims, they r just followers who misunderstood lots of things so u basically cant judge Islams teachings from their point of view. Women r precious and highly valued in Islam so anyone who says that Islam forbids women education is wrong and is making a huge mistake and is misguided even if he was a Muslim. I'm glad u asked about that topic because there r lots of ppl that believe Islam prohibits female education because how can a nation prosper if half its ppl were ignorant?!! it doesn't make any sense.


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ur welcome... the Taliban r not the ideal Muslims, they r just followers who misunderstood lots of things so u basically cant judge Islams teachings from their point of view. Women r precious and highly valued in Islam so anyone who says that Islam forbids women education is wrong and is making a huge mistake and is misguided even if he was a Muslim. I'm glad u asked about that topic because there r lots of ppl that believe Islam prohibits female education because how can a nation prosper if half its ppl were ignorant?!! it doesn't make any sense.

I agree. Hence it came as a rather big shock to me when I read this.
It is however a fact, that a couple choosing to run away and marry together were pelted with stones?
Again during the Taliban times. NOT indicating this is an Islam preaching.
Islam is a non-violent religion. It doesnt preach such violence. Then how are these readings SO badly misinterpreted?
Also, please explain the concept of Jihad to me?
I'm struggling with the idea of bombers being associated with Islam when Islam is CLEARLY a non-violent religion
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I agree. Hence it came as a rather big shock to me when I read this.
It is however a fact, that a couple choosing to run away and marry together were pelted with stones?
Again during the Taliban times. NOT indicating this is an Islam preaching.
Islam is a non-violent religion. It doesnt preach such violence. Then how are these readings SO badly misinterpreted?
Also, please explain the concept of Jihad to me?
I'm struggling with the idea of bombers being associated with Islam when Islam is CLEARLY a non-violent religion

Jihad simply means to defend urself when someone attacks u, end of story. Again the western media twisted the facts and started spreading the idea that jihad means killing anyone whos not Muslim (my neighbors r Christians, we live in the same building since the middle ages and they r still alive!! :D) i dont knw much about the Taliban but i know that they did mistakes that were used by Islamophobic organisations to scare ppl from Islam


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Jihad simply means to defend urself when someone attacks u, end of story. Again the western media twisted the facts and started spreading the idea that jihad means killing anyone whos not Muslim (my neighbors r Christians, we live in the same building since the middle ages and they r still alive!! :D) i dont knw much about the Taliban but i know that they did mistakes that were used by Islamophobic organisations to scare ppl from Islam

Alright ^^
Thanks for the responses!
#Love Islam even more now :)
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edited my post... is it ok now..??

the reason I reply is truth is clear from falsehood... there is nothing shady about Islam;
“Rather We dash the truth upon falsehood and it destroys it and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe (al Anbiya 21:18)
yes :) dats y i said for editing cz ur post was good and i didnt want any deletion:p for all da future viewers as well (y)


XPRS Administrator
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I dont want to be controversial at all.
I am really fond of religions so just a few questions on Islam out of mere curiosity?

I respect the fact that women are asked to wear Burkhas to prevent them from being subjected to the lustful eyes of other men.
But I wanted to know why does a Muslim man have the right to marry four wives?
And why is it easier to divorce based on a Man's will than a Women's? I read about a divorce occuring if a man says Talak 3 times. Is it true?
And why were women not permitted to be educated? There must be a reason behind it right?
And why were men and women circumcised?

Islam is one of my favorite religions <3
It's history is fascinating!
But these questions arose in my mind so just posted!
Dont mean to be offensive. Just curious.
Please answer them if you can :)

I really wanna thankyou for asking... that also in such a polite manner. :)
most of your questions are answered here in an interesting way:
(please do see this one, please)

more on polygamy:

(in Islam we don't question the wisdom in these things we just submit knowing that Allah is all wise... still you'll find much wisdom if you are looking in those commandments.)

about divorce: It is a very tricky thing in Islam, and what you say that the man says "Talaaq" 3 times (at once) is not taught by our prophet (S.A.W)... When the Prophet [saws] was informed that a man had divorced his wife with three pronouncements of divorce at a time, he [salallhu a’lyhi wasallam] said, “Is the Book of Allah made light of, while I am amongst you?!” [An-Nasa’i (3401) [3/453]
(the thrice-uttered divorce counts as one divorce)

In Islam divorce procedure is a bit complex.. the man gives the wife divorce once when she is pure then a waiting period (Iddah) starts... before it ends the husband and wife can go back to each other... if that time period ends the man and woman wd have to make a new marriage contract if they wanna reunite.... OR the husband can give another pronouncement of divorce.... Allah made the divorce thrice, where the husband is allowed to take back his wife after the first and the second divorce [as long as she is still in her waiting period]. The divorce becomes irrevocable after the third divorce.
i.e. the man normally can't take the woman back.
Found an article for you.... (I dun have time to read) http://islamqa.info/en/ref/46561
If the woman needs a divorce it can happen; that's called Kula' and details on it are here: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/26247

Divorce is really discouraged in Islam.....Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The basic principle concerning divorce is that it is forbidden, and it is only permitted as much as is necessary. End quote.
(Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 33/81. )

about education
well muslim women are educated and they have a right to education and they shape the future of our nation....
Al-Bukhaari (7310) and Muslim (2634) narrated from Abu Sa’eed that a woman came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allaah, the men have taken all your time; give us a day when we can come to you and you can teach us what Allaah has taught you.” He said, “Gather together on such and such a day in such and such a place (according to a report narrated by Ahmad (7310), your appointment is in the house of So and so).” So they gathered and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to them and taught them what Allaah had taught him. Then he said, “There is no woman among you whose three children die (before her) but they will be a shield for her from the Fire.” A woman asked, “O Messenger of Allaah, what about two?” and she repeated it twice. He said, “And two, and two, and two.”




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I really wanna thankyou for asking... that also in such a polite manner. :)
most of your questions are answered here in an interesting way:
(please do see this one, please)

more on polygamy:

(in Islam we don't question the wisdom in these things we just submit knowing that Allah is all wise... still you'll find much wisdom if you are looking in those commandments.)

about divorce: It is a very tricky thing in Islam, and what you say that the man says "Talaaq" 3 times (at once) is not taught by our prophet (S.A.W)... When the Prophet [saws] was informed that a man had divorced his wife with three pronouncements of divorce at a time, he [salallhu a’lyhi wasallam] said, “Is the Book of Allah made light of, while I am amongst you?!” [An-Nasa’i (3401) [3/453]
(the thrice-uttered divorce counts as one divorce)

In Islam divorce procedure is a bit complex.. the man gives the wife divorce once when she is pure then a waiting period (Iddah) starts... before it ends the husband and wife can go back to each other... if that time period ends the man and woman wd have to make a new marriage contract if they wanna reunite.... OR the husband can give another pronouncement of divorce.... Allah made the divorce thrice, where the husband is allowed to take back his wife after the first and the second divorce [as long as she is still in her waiting period]. The divorce becomes irrevocable after the third divorce.
i.e. the man normally can't take the woman back.
Found an article for you.... (I dun have time to read) http://islamqa.info/en/ref/46561
If the woman needs a divorce it can happen; that's called Kula' and details on it are here: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/26247

Divorce is really discouraged in Islam.....Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The basic principle concerning divorce is that it is forbidden, and it is only permitted as much as is necessary. End quote.
(Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 33/81. )

about education
well muslim women are educated and they have a right to education and they shape the future of our nation....
Al-Bukhaari (7310) and Muslim (2634) narrated from Abu Sa’eed that a woman came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allaah, the men have taken all your time; give us a day when we can come to you and you can teach us what Allaah has taught you.” He said, “Gather together on such and such a day in such and such a place (according to a report narrated by Ahmad (7310), your appointment is in the house of So and so).” So they gathered and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to them and taught them what Allaah had taught him. Then he said, “There is no woman among you whose three children die (before her) but they will be a shield for her from the Fire.” A woman asked, “O Messenger of Allaah, what about two?” and she repeated it twice. He said, “And two, and two, and two.”


Seriously made my day!
All this information was fascinating!
#really really respect you just so much!
KUDOS to you :)
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But I wanted to know why does a Muslim man have the right to marry four wives?
And why is it easier to divorce based on a Man's will than a Women's? I read about a divorce occuring if a man says Talak 3 times. Is it true?
And why were women not permitted to be educated? There must be a reason behind it right?
And why were men and women circumcised?

the rest of the questions have already been adressed by badrobot14 , so i'd just answer the last question .

Circumcision is essential in Islam .
Its part of Fitrah ( the Path to Spiritual and Physical Purity) .
The Holy Prophet(PBUH) laid down 5 conditions for Fitrah . Unless all these were satisfied , any Muslim man or women could not consider themselves clean and therefore they would not be fulfilling their conditions to offer prayers .
Now , if you Google it , you will find that men that are not circumcised have 80% more chances of acquiring STDs than men who are circumcised . So Allah has provided Muslims with protection from such diseases .
Therefore Science has proven now what Allah deemed right more than 14 centuries ago!


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the rest of the questions have already been adressed by badrobot14 , so i'd just answer the last question .

Circumcision is essential in Islam .
Its part of Fitrah ( the Path to Spiritual and Physical Purity) .
The Holy Prophet(PBUH) laid down 5 conditions for Fitrah . Unless all these were satisfied , any Muslim man or women could not consider themselves clean and therefore they would not be fulfilling their conditions to offer prayers .
Now , if you Google it , you will find that men that are not circumcised have 80% more chances of acquiring STDs than men who are circumcised . So Allah has provided Muslims with protection from such diseases .
Therefore Science has proven now what Allah deemed right more than 14 centuries ago!

The concept behind circumcism is brilliant!
Thanks for this information!
Just checked out the statistics!
Totally accurate :D