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Why Islamic Studies?

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Just a suggestion :

The Moderators could change the name of the topic to something about Islam .
Reason :
Our Nepali Friend is already on vacation and this is turning into a thread where people are asking questions about Islam and discussing Islam . Plus the current situation of the thread doesn't match it's title !
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I dont want to be controversial at all.
I am really fond of religions so just a few questions on Islam out of mere curiosity?

I respect the fact that women are asked to wear Burkhas to prevent them from being subjected to the lustful eyes of other men.
But I wanted to know why does a Muslim man have the right to marry four wives?
And why is it easier to divorce based on a Man's will than a Women's? I read about a divorce occuring if a man says Talak 3 times. Is it true?
And why were women not permitted to be educated? There must be a reason behind it right?
And why were men and women circumcised?

Islam is one of my favorite religions <3
It's history is fascinating!
But these questions arose in my mind so just posted!
Dont mean to be offensive. Just curious.
Please answer them if you can :)
badrobot14: Thank you for wonderful answers.
Meg: I have very little knowledge about the religion. Badrobot answered it much better than me:)
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If you dont mind could you tell me what brought your attention towards Islam and what faith do you follow currently? It seems that you truly are looking for truth.
I am just curious :D
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hmm..yeah,....no doubt...infact I'd say, Islam isn't JUST a 'religion'. It, indeed is a complete way of life. Honestly speaking, you can find solution to every problem of yours in the Quran and Hadith. What to do when you're sad? What to do in times when you're happy?
Like everything..Sadly, many of us don't realize it's importance..
I pray, Allah guides me and us all.... :cry:


XPRS Administrator
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I personally feel ISLAM is a very beautiful religion but ppl consider it in a bad way , who cares abt them :p as for me i RESPECT all the religion EQUALLY becoz SAME god made us all :D
I respect all religions too.. but I follow Islam (same religion followed by Jesus, Abraham etc.)... coz logically there must be one way of life that must be really from GOD, and that logically is to submit to the one who created you... and luckily that's what Islam means... The first meaning of "Islam" is the verb from the root "aslama" (a verb), meaning to: "surrender; submit; obey; sincerity and in peace". The second meaning of "Islam" is the noun form from the same root, and it describes the last and final form of the way of life as perscribed by the Creator for His Creation. This is the name used in Quran for Muslims to call themselves as followers of "Islam". This would make them "Islam-ers" in English, but of course in Arabic the prefix "mu" is added to denote the one preforming the action or verb and instead it becomes "mu"-"islam" or "Muslim."

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When I was a kid I used to hate doctors.... I thought they were stupid, especially coz they cut open ppl.. or inject them with stuff...torturing idiots....! used to run away from them, coz any disease heals it's self.. no need for doctors.

then I grew up... I found out that actually doctors have a lot of knowledge... although it seems they harm ppl but it is for ppl's own good... aand doctors know what they are doing.... I may dislike their medicines but they help in the cure....

You say 'Islam intellectually very low grade' that's coz you don't know Islam... you don't live Islam. You have never tasted it. If you haven’t eaten a fruit, how can you say it's bad? Just like I thought doctors were evil, you think Islam is bad. One might argue that we can see the effects of doctors... that ppl actually get cured; but then you can also see effects of Islam, if you ponder...

For instance, the place with seriously low crime rate/theft rate is Saudia Arabia.. and it’s coz they practice the Islamic law when it comes to punishing people… Islamic law is a perfect deterrent; and it actually WORKS… better than any man-made law. Even at a personal level, you will find the most modest, sincere and truthful of people are practicing Muslims. In USA they once tried banning Alcohol coz of its ill effects (accidents, people beating members of house, incest etc.)… they couldn’t keep the ban… why? coz the law was man made; in Islam Alchol is forbidden and I’m sure at least 99% Muslims don’t drink alcohol, that also by choice! So we are safe from all those evils I mentioned and more.

And you have so many misconceptions about Islam, for example you mention ‘WIFE BEATING’.. do you know the last and final Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “The best of you are those who are the best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi). I’m a Muslim and all of my extended family are Muslims (Alhamdulillah)… I’ve never once seen/heard my dad or any one else in family use force on women… coz they never need to... plus you aren’t allowed to beat harshly! You can’t even consider it beating, it’s that light.

Here is the reply:

For more detailed explanation of this: http://islamqa.info/en/ref/41199

BURKHA (Muslim women covering) reply:

Are Islamic laws barbaric?:

now we come to heart of topic… you say our religion is built on MYTH which is a serious error on yur part, coz we have the only religion in the world that is scientifically proven to be right… in fact Quran (sacred scripture by God) actually mentions so many scientific phenomenon and the science discovered it just recently.. for example Quran (which is 1400 years old) mentions how the universe is expanding, science about 40-50 years ago found this…

as muslims, we accept that we have a creator who made us (just consider that order doesn’t come out of chaos, we are so intricately fashioned down to the last atom that we have to have a creator) and gives us to eat and drink… Now we are thankful to Him, for all his blessings. At the same time we acknowledge that He made us for a purpose (like you make a pen so it writes) and we haven’t been performing our purpose, so we ask God for guidance… The Quran is guidance for humanity; it is powerful advice from our master and creator Allah. It tells us how to live a successful life, how to act, what is right and wrong, who created us, why did he create us, why do ‘bad’ things happen to people, what will happen after we die, everything! In tough times it’s a companion you can rely on.

So when Allah tells us something is bad for us we stay away from it and we find true happiness in submission to Allah. A lot of other faiths say God says this or this but they have no proof for their statements, we on the other hand have logical proof for our beliefs. By Quran’s miracles, that we appreciate, we know for a fact that what it tells us is the truth. (Plus Quran’s style is such that it makes you reflect and come to a conclusion)

Lastly, I'd encourage you to be the judge; read:
Masha'Allah bro u gave him a good reply ! JAZAK'ALLAH


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If you dont mind could you tell me what brought your attention towards Islam and what faith do you follow currently? It seems that you truly are looking for truth.
I am just curious :D

Okay..dont laugh at me for my reasons but I'll just be real frank :p
I studied Islam in the 5th grade!
I've always loved Religion!
Then I went to Egypt for a vacation and when I returned I scored full marks in history!
So I was really happy lol :p
#comeon..I was in the 5th gradE!

That started my Interest for Islam!
I made a friends' circle with ONLY muslims so I could learn more about it!
And everytime I spoke to a Muslim, their gentleness and their mannerisms made me respect the religion more!
That's it :p
And people's opinion AGAINST Islam angered me -_-
Thats all :p

Im sorry I dont have a Profound reason but I genuinely love your religion :)
Ps. Im a Hindu :)


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Okay another question!
Umm during Ramzan..
Goat's are beheaded.
I know the story behind it that Ibrahim was willing to give his son to Allah but was instead asked to give the goat!
But umm isnt Goat killing a rather gruesome practise?
I understand the significant religious reasons behind it, but are they still valid in today's present times?
I love animals as well, hence this is the ONLY practise of Islam that I find hard to support.
Can someone suggest the current relevance and importance of this practise?


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Another question!
Why is music and dance forbidden in Islam?
I have a few devout Muslim friends' who chide me for being a dancer and um interested in singing!
Why is it against your religion?
I dont know if this is a myth or reality.
Just heard so asked?

And what are the sects in your religion?
Sunni and Shia right?
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Okay..dont laugh at me for my reasons but I'll just be real frank :p
I studied Islam in the 5th grade!
I've always loved Religion!
Then I went to Egypt for a vacation and when I returned I scored full marks in history!
So I was really happy lol :p
#comeon..I was in the 5th gradE!

That started my Interest for Islam!
I made a friends' circle with ONLY muslims so I could learn more about it!
And everytime I spoke to a Muslim, their gentleness and their mannerisms made me respect the religion more!
That's it :p
And people's opinion AGAINST Islam angered me -_-
Thats all :p

Im sorry I dont have a Profound reason but I genuinely love your religion :)
Ps. Im a Hindu :)
iam some wat like Meg though i didnt take religion as subject i have stayed in Islamic country since i was 9 :D so i always get bugged wenever some one says against it !!!!
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I see my post has been yet again removed for "mocking" Islam...
Well, why don't you remove this whole thread in that case instead of editing my posts to something I haven't EVEN said such as the title of this thread it self. What is the point of this thread if one cannot discuss it freely?
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I see my post has been yet again removed for "mocking" Islam...
Well, why don't you remove this whole thread in that case instead of editing my posts to something I haven't EVEN said such as the title of this thread it self. What is the point of this thread if one cannot discuss it freely?
There are some forum rules mate, if you go beyond that no doubt your post will be deleted.:cautious:


XPRS Moderator
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I see my post has been yet again removed for "mocking" Islam...
Well, why don't you remove this whole thread in that case instead of editing my posts to something I haven't EVEN said such as the title of this thread it self. What is the point of this thread if one cannot discuss it freely?

Dude. Shut up, please.


XPRS Moderator
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I see my post has been yet again removed for "mocking" Islam...
Well, why don't you remove this whole thread in that case instead of editing my posts to something I haven't EVEN said such as the title of this thread it self. What is the point of this thread if one cannot discuss it freely?
Why don't you just understand?
Keep thinking whatever you think! Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Check out the recent posts in this thread. Meg and paridhi shobhana aren't Muslims either. They, too, have some doubts about Islam. Yet, they didn't just pose questions and backed out that in no way are they gonna understand our replies. Did they do that? No.

Sadly, you didn't land at the right place. :( cuz you, in no way, wanna understand 'anything'. I'm sure you're gonna disagree with this post of mine too. pretty much sure.
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Why don't you just understand?
Keep thinking whatever you think! Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Check out the recent posts in this thread. Meg and paridhi shobhana aren't Muslims either. They, too, have some doubts about Islam. Yet, they didn't just pose questions and backed out that in no way are they gonna understand our replies. Did they do that? No.

Sadly, you didn't land at the right place. :( cuz you, in no way, wanna understand 'anything'. I'm sure you're gonna disagree with this post of mine too. pretty much sure.
XPFMember some ppl are hard to cope up wid :p so just ignore lol :p no offense to anyone here :D
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Why don't you just understand?
Keep thinking whatever you think! Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Check out the recent posts in this thread. Meg and paridhi shobhana aren't Muslims either. They, too, have some doubts about Islam. Yet, they didn't just pose questions and backed out that in no way are they gonna understand our replies. Did they do that? No.

Sadly, you didn't land at the right place. :( cuz you, in no way, wanna understand 'anything'. I'm sure you're gonna disagree with this post of mine too. pretty much sure.

I do not need to prove anything on this forum. The majority on this planet already know THE truth. Nobody can conceal or hide ANYTHING.
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Dude. Shut up, please.
Do my arguments make you insecure? Do they cause you to lose sleep? I bet so. Well, like I said, you CANNOT hide the truth. Telling me to "shut up" will not
stop the world from realising the truth.