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Now you are wrong, being a muslim I speak in stern terms against opression of any kind BUT I don't trust TV for everything neither do I watch it (i've better things to do than news)... plus I don't know any one from TAliban nor are they near me (so that I can witness what they do, or someone reliable to tell me of their practices)... I've never researched on them... So I don't pass judgement without knowledge so I shut up; rather I say if someone innocent is killed its wrong; must be condemned....@!!!Your response is very similar to that of that "Zakir Naik" fool when asked about Al Qeda. Well I AM SURE you are aware of the severe violations of human rights they comitted 24/7 during their rule in Afghanistan. Do not say you do not know them. Just like I did not personally know Hitler, I know for a fact the bastard was a criminal. You too have an adequate IQ to make a judgement.
However, your hesitation to express your feelings just prove that you actually advocate what the Taliban are fighting for. People ike you are the reason we have war on this earth. You need to remove your narrow minded mindset and realise that Sharia Law DOES NOT BELONG in the 21st Century. Get real.
You do know Quran actually speaks against the evil practice of the old arabs who used to burry their daughter alive coz they thought it was a stain on their manhood?? (Female infanticide) "And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked For what sin she was killed" (81:8-9)
Islam speaks against opression.. you just fail to notice it!
about Shariah (which literally means a well trodden path that leads to water):
do you know that shariah actually tells a person to be kind to his parents....??? to be just..? to NOT cheat in business etc...??? I guess Shariah is not for 21st centuary.... why don't you start going against shariah from now on.. m sure it'll be a peaceful world (sarcasm intended).... start preaching it.
Either know shariah law or don't speak about something you have no idea of. Sincere advice.
who said taliban were the Ideal muslims....????? and the fourteen years thing.. show me prrof from Islam about that NOT what the taliban do or say.. who cares about them.Is that why the Taliban do not want women to study beyond the age of 14, that too if they are lucky?? Is that why if a woman has sex with somebody else other than her husband, she is STONED to death? Is that why women are forced to wear Burkhas when they go outside?
about your stoning thing.. it applies to only if a married person (even if its a man) commits adultry under a Islamic state. (for singles the law is only to flog them
BUT our law is the only law that actually tries NOT to punish someone, rather hide the immorality.... PROOF:
The scholars have listed the ways of establishing proof of zina(adultery/fornification), and there are four ways:
1- Testimony of witnesses
2- Admission by the parties concerned
3- Pregnancy of a woman who has no husband or master
4- If the husband engages in li’aan and the wife refuses to take part in li’aan
With regard to witnesses to zina, they should be four people whose testimony is acceptable (meaning upright honest people), and they should state that they have seen the zina in clear terms, i.e., they should have seen the ***********. If some of them only testify that they saw them naked, or they describe certain positions or movements, that is not sufficient to proof that zina took place.
They should describe zina in clear terms, such as saying: “I saw *********”. There is no alternative to that. If they say: “We saw him on top of her and they were naked”, that is not acceptable
This strictness with regard to testimony about zina serves only to achieve the purpose aimed at by sharee’ah, which is to conceal people and not spread immorality, and to make societies avoid accusations against people’s honour and aspersions on their lineages.
Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Jaami’ li Ahkaam al-Qur’aan (5/83):
Allaah has stated that testimony in a case of zina must be given by four people, so as to make it hard for those who are testifying to such a thing, and to conceal people. End quote.
again posting a video, I think you missed: