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Why Islamic Studies?

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that's coz all religions except one are not compatible with Science... that one relegion is Islam...

Anyways, you mention science.. do you have any factual proof for evolution..? is it a scientific fact..a law???

The problem with the question is that there is no such thing as a scientific fact. No scientist would ever claim there is.

"Science works by establishing the best explanation for the evidence so far. Whatever it establishes today could still be changed tomorrow, if new evidence were to appear. However, theories and understandings can be well-accepted, with very high confidence. An example is gravity.
Essential to science is te peer-review process, where any new claim is subject to intense scrutiny by scientists trying ot find flaws in it. Only if it gets through that does the claim become accepted, but it’s still never guaranteed to be valid, as a subsequent claim may contradict it. So, nothing is ever “written in stone”. Open-mindedness is permanent." This is the best explanation I've read on the topic.

However, evolution is a fact in the sense that it has overwhelming evidence in its favor. You can say that evolution is a fact in the same way as earth revolving around the sun is a fact.

There are so many lines of evidence for evolution. Paleontology, developmental biology, biogeography, morphology, genetics and much more. In fact it is one of the most well-documented theory in science.

Wikipedia gives a much more detailed answer on the topic.

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The problem with the question is that there is no such thing as a scientific fact. No scientist would ever claim there is.

"Science works by establishing the best explanation for the evidence so far. Whatever it establishes today could still be changed tomorrow, if new evidence were to appear. However, theories and understandings can be well-accepted, with very high confidence. An example is gravity.
Essential to science is te peer-review process, where any new claim is subject to intense scrutiny by scientists trying ot find flaws in it. Only if it gets through that does the claim become accepted, but it’s still never guaranteed to be valid, as a subsequent claim may contradict it. So, nothing is ever “written in stone”. Open-mindedness is permanent." This is the best explanation I've read on the topic.

However, evolution is a fact in the sense that it has overwhelming evidence in its favor. You can say that evolution is a fact in the same way as earth revolving around the sun is a fact.

There are so many lines of evidence for evolution. Paleontology, developmental biology, biogeography, morphology, genetics and much more. In fact it is one of the most well-documented theory in science.

Wikipedia gives a much more detailed answer on the topic.


So basically your a monkey :p


XPRS Administrator
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proving that there is a God/creator:

Your mobile phone is composed
of a few basic elements. Plastic, glass, silicon for the chip,
and some precious metals. Plastic comes from oil, and glass and
silicon from sand. So basically what you are holding in your hand
is oil and sand. Now, what if I told you that I was walking along in
the desert of Arabia (lots of oil and sand) and picked up a mobile
phone which I found lying there ... a product of billions of years of
random events? The wind blew, the sun shone, the rain fell, lightning
struck, the oil bubbled, the camel trod and after millions and
millions of years the mobile phone formed itself And naturally I
pick it up, push the call button ... "Hi, Mom!"
Is there a chance that this could have randomly formed itself
through natural processes? However remotely possible, most of us
would simply not accept this as a reasonable explanation.
Why then would we accept such an explanation for our universe
and the life within it? Even if we accept evolution as a process, the
idea that life evolved merely as a series of random events is difficult
to accept as a reasonable explanation. Even the most basic
human cell is more complicated than a mobile phone!
Isn't it much more reasonable to conclude that the universe and
life are a result of wilful intelligent design?
So if common sense and reason point so conclusively towards the
existence of intelligent and wilful design, what other conclusions
can we come to through the use of reason?
Well, one conclusion one might certainly reach is that the nature
of the source of this intelligence and will must be different in
nature from the universe it created.
Why is that? Because if it was the same, then all we would have is
more of the same i.e. more creation, and then one might rightly
ask, so what created that? Surely something more intelligent and
wilful, and then of course we would ask the same question about
that ... what created it? And we would go on and on forever loo~
ing for the intelligence and will behind the intelligence and will, a
creator creating a creator creating a creator ad infinitum! T here is
a good reason why things can't be that way, and this is best explained
through an example.
Imagine a sniper who has acquired his designated target and radios
d1rough to HQ to,get permission to shoot. HQ however, tells
the sniper to hold on while they seek permission from higher up.
So the guy higher up seeks permission from the guy even higher
up and so on and so on.
If this keeps going on, will the sniper ever get to shoot the target?
Of course not!
He'll keep on waiting while someone is waiting for a person higher
up to give the order. There has to be a place 01· person from where
the command is issued, a place where there is no higher up.
So our example illustrates why there is a rational flaw in the idea
that there might be creators creating creators ad infinitum ... We
can't have creators creating creators forever, or else, just as the
sniper will never shoot, the creation will never get created. But the
creation is here. It exists. So we can dismiss the idea of an infinite
regression of causes as being an irrational proposition.
So what is the alternative?
The alternative is a first cause. An uncaused cause!
We could conclude that the nature of the intelligent and wilful
force behind the univer se, life and everything must have a different
nature from the creation, and as we have seen, there are
compelling reasons to do so.
So .. .if the creation is needy; the Creator should be self-sufficient.
And if the creation is temporary, the Creator should be eternal.
And if the creation is confined by space and time, the Creator
should be free of space and time.
And if the creation is common, the Creator should be unique.
And it follows reasonably that there could only be one unique,
ete.rnal, self-sufficient being unconfined by space and time, for if
there were more than one then these attributes could not apply.
How could there be two or three eternal beings, or two beings
unconstrained by space or time?
This is why it makes so much sense to believe in One Unique
Eternal and Self-Sufficient Creator.
Now, this creator must have created us for a purpose.... just like if you make a car .. the purpose is to drive.
But how Will we know our purpose of life????
He must tell us our purpose of life!!
He tells us that in a manual, a book from him... that manual if it comes from someone so powerful must be perfect!
Muslims claim that manual is Quran. Why????? coz it's perfect!
Here are a few proofs:

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were
joined together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them
asunder, and We made from water every living thing. Will they not
then believe?" [The Quran; Chapter 2 1 -The Prophets, verse 30}
Ever heard of the Big Bang and how the universe started as a
singularity, a super-condensed ball of mat ter and energy? We
talked about that in the beginning, remember? It sure seems that
the information in the Quran is correct about something that we
discovered just about seventy years ago. Then how about this:
'~d it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and
verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."
{The Quran; Chapter 51 -The Winds That Scatter, verse 47]
When Einstein was conjuring up his theories, the consensus
among scientists was that the universe was static and had been
like that forever, but new observations made it clear that this was
not the case and that in fact galaxies were moving away from each
other at a constant rate. In other words, the universe is expanding.
More than strange is how these things came to be found in a book
1400 years old.
Another interesting statement that is found in the Quran concerns
the mountains:
"Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as
pegs?" [The Quran; Chapter 78 - The Great News, verse 6]
Today we know that mountains have deep roots under the surface
of the ground and that these roots can reach several times their
elevations above the surface of the ground. So the most suitable
word to describe mountains on the basis of this information is the
word 'peg', since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the
surface of the ground. This theory of mountains having deep roots
was introduced only in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Mountains also play an important role in stabilizing the crust of
the earth. They hinder the shaking of the earth.
'~d He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not
shake with you ... " [The Quran; Chapter 16 -The Bees, verse I)}
Likewise, the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains
work as stabilizers for the earth. This knowledge about the
role of mountains as stabilizers for the earth has just begun to
be understood in the framework of plate tectonics since the late
The Quran mentions many things about the natural world and
asks us to think deeply and contemplate, and that those with
understanding will realise that these are all signs that point to the
power and wisdom of its Creator, that all of this is not for nothing
or for entertainment, but rather for a profound and noble purpose.

(taken from "the man in red underpants")
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I fail to undestand anything you say. You need english lessons. If you need an English teacher, I can help you find one.
TheNepaliWarior .........i just hope there wud have been some sought of "unlike" button............when someones trying to tell u something and u dont have enough and proper knowledge to refute, dosent mean u'll change the topic and write nonsense(crap).
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all of u have said what i wanted to say.. i think nepaliwarior and nancy have lots of evidence to think about.. everybody has done his/her best and theres nothing u can do now because it their turn to think and i totally agree with multixamza01
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TheNepaliWarior .........i just hope there wud have been some sought of "unlike" button............when someones trying to tell u something and u dont have enough and proper knowledge to refute, dosent mean u'll change the topic and write nonsense(crap).

Moving on, if you want to be dominated by men for your entire life, IDGAF, it's your choice. Here I am trying to defend the millions of women who are severely oppressed by Islam while you, even as a Muslim woman, refute my claims and cannot appreciate my argument due to your heavy indoctrination by this outdated philosophy. You are dellusional. You need to wake up and realise that you are being unfairly restricted. While physical abilities may differ between the two genders, both men and women have an equal intelectual capabilities and this (intellectual capability) in today's world is what REALLY matters. But again, if you want to continue to be extremely ignorant as well kniave and believe listening to "Allah's" instructions will make you any better off in life, its YOUR choice. No need to argue with me any futher.
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badrobot14 ... Let me ask you a simple question. Do you believe in what the Taliban is advocating for?
I believe what the media is portraying about them is quite different to reality,
Have you heard about a non-Muslim journalist who got stuck in Afghanistan and got to observe the way of life and was impressed to the extent that she later embraced Islam!
What i will suggest to you is to learn to tolerate brother!


And finish this fight you've put up with so many people!


XPRS Administrator
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badrobot14 ... Let me ask you a simple question. Do you believe in what the Taliban is advocating for?
Thankyou for asking.
I don't know them.. so m not one to judge...
But if you mean killing innocent people, then that's totally prohibited in Islam.. we are only allowed to fight those who oppress.

During a battle, the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw people gathered together. He dispatched a man to find out why they were gathered. The man returned and said: “They are gathered around a slain woman.” So Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “She should not have been attacked!” Khalid b. al-Walid was leading the forces, so he dispatched a man to him saying: “‘Tell Khalid not to kill women or laborers”. [Sunan Abu Dawud]
Note: This should not be misconstrued to indicate that the prophet, peace be upon him, made the killing of women (and children, elders, clerics and other innocents) to be haram (forbidden) at this particular point and time. In fact, it was always haram (forbidden) and the prophet, peace be upon him, was only reconfirming what was already in place by the shari'ah (Islamic Law). [Y. Estes]
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I believe what the media is portraying about them is quite different to reality,
Have you heard about a non-Muslim journalist who got stuck in Afghanistan and got to observe the way of life and was impressed to the extent that she later embraced Islam!
What i will suggest to you is to learn to tolerate brother!
And finish this fight you've put up with so many people!

You just demonstrated my point. Many muslims symphathise with such terrorist organisations and support their crimes against humanity. I assume you would approve of the following video as well:

This is what sickens me. All your kind ever does is LIE. LIE in the name of Allah is considered OK in Islam and this is what you are doing. But you cannot hide the truth. The Taliban are a terrorist organisation who terrorise people and severely violate human rights- even that SalmanPak guy admited of the crimes comited by the Taliban. Do not conceal the truth. People are not ignorant. Change your mindset if you want to be respected by the global community.
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You just demonstrated my point. Many muslims symphathise with such terrorist organisations and support their crimes against humanity. I assume you would approve of the following video as well:

This is what sickens me. All your kind ever does is LIE. LIE in the name of Allah is considered OK in Islam and this is what you are doing. But you cannot hide the truth. The Taliban are a terrorist organisation who terrorise people and severely violate human rights- even that SalmanPak guy admited of the crimes comited by the Taliban. Do not conceal the truth. People are not ignorant. Change your mindset if you want to be respected by the global community.
Listen, you cannot judge anyone without proves can you? Give me 100% assurance that what you see in media is true? And if they are really doing it? It's NOT ALLOWED In Islam. What I said earlier was that if someone do it, It's wrong.
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Thankyou for asking.
I don't know them.. so m not one to judge...
But if you mean killing innocent people, then that's totally prohibited in Islam.. we are only allowed to fight those who oppress.

During a battle, the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw people gathered together. He dispatched a man to find out why they were gathered. The man returned and said: “They are gathered around a slain woman.” So Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “She should not have been attacked!” Khalid b. al-Walid was leading the forces, so he dispatched a man to him saying: “‘Tell Khalid not to kill women or laborers”. [Sunan Abu Dawud]
Note: This should not be misconstrued to indicate that the prophet, peace be upon him, made the killing of women (and children, elders, clerics and other innocents) to be haram (forbidden) at this particular point and time. In fact, it was always haram (forbidden) and the prophet, peace be upon him, was only reconfirming what was already in place by the shari'ah (Islamic Law). [Y. Estes]
Your response is very similar to that of that "Zakir Naik" fool when asked about Al Qeda. Well I AM SURE you are aware of the severe violations of human rights they comitted 24/7 during their rule in Afghanistan. Do not say you do not know them. Just like I did not personally know Hitler, I know for a fact the bastard was a criminal. You too have an adequate IQ to make a judgement.
However, your hesitation to express your feelings just prove that you actually advocate what the Taliban are fighting for. People ike you are the reason we have war on this earth. You need to remove your narrow minded mindset and realise that Sharia Law DOES NOT BELONG in the 21st Century. Get real.
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You just demonstrated my point. Many muslims symphathise with such terrorist organisations and support their crimes against humanity. I assume you would approve of the following video as well:

This is what sickens me. All your kind ever does is LIE. LIE in the name of Allah is considered OK in Islam and this is what you are doing. But you cannot hide the truth. The Taliban are a terrorist organisation who terrorise people and severely violate human rights- even that SalmanPak guy admited of the crimes comited by the Taliban. Do not conceal the truth. People are not ignorant. Change your mindset if you want to be respected by the global community.
What the media portrays is lie, my friend!
The video you posted was fake, when it ran on the media it created a lot of hype but later, the same media apologized and cleared that it was a fake video!
These are part of the unending list of conspiracy going on against Islam and it has been pretty successful, i must say!


XPRS Administrator
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Some corrections: *sort not "sought" , *Don't not "dont", *You not "u" *You'll not "u'll" and "Someone's" not someones. You need English lessons as well.

Moving on, if you want to be dominated by men for your entire life, IDGAF, it's your choice. Here I am trying to defend the millions of women who are severely oppressed by Islam while you, even as a Muslim woman, refute my claims and cannot appreciate my argument due to your heavy indoctrination by this outdated philosophy. You are dellusional. You need to wake up and realise that you are being unfairly restricted. While physical abilities may differ between the two genders, both men and women have an equal intelectual capabilities and this (intellectual capability) in today's world is what REALLY matters. But again, if you want to continue to be extremely ignorant as well kniave and believe listening to "Allah's" instructions will make you any better off in life, its YOUR choice. No need to argue with me any futher.

The thing is you yourself aren't ready to accept the truth when it's in front of you.... You don't live islam so you have no Idea that muslim women are already the most liberated women on earth... that's why we had so MANY muslim women here telling you that they are happy with Islam...
you on the other hand are neither muslim NOR a woman and you are trying to tell them what's best for them....
here, I tried explaining to you how are women have the easiest and happiest lives, try to go throug it with an open mind:
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Your response is very similar to that of that "Zakir Naik" fool when asked about Al Qeda. Well I AM SURE you are aware of the severe violations of human rights they comitted 24/7 during their rule in Afghanistan. Do not say you do not know them. Just like I did not personally know Hitler, I know for a fact the bastard was a criminal. You too have an adequate IQ to make a judgement.
However, your hesitation to express your feelings just prove that you actually advocate what the Taliban are fighting for. People ike you are the reason we have war on this earth. You need to remove your narrow minded mindset and realise that Sharia Law DOES NOT BELONG in the 21st Century. Get real.
Watch your tongue again. You have no right to call anyone a fool, you're the biggest fool here you can't just accept facts.
Where did the hitler come from? Sharia Law belongs to all time and just because you don't get it doesn't mean everyone doesn't.
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Listen, you cannot judge anyone without proves can you? Give me 100% assurance that what you see in media is true? And if they are really doing it? It's NOT ALLOWED In Islam. What I said earlier was that if someone do it, It's wrong.
You just changed your previous statement where you claimed "Talibans" werent Muslims at all. Now, due to the terrorist Taliban supporters around you, you too have given in- talk about double standards! You are a joke Salmanpak.
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Watch your tongue again. You have no right to call anyone a fool, you're the biggest fool here you can't just accept facts.
Where did the hitler come from? Sharia Law belongs to all time and just because you don't get it doesn't mean everyone doesn't.
Where did Hitler come from? Well, badrobot said he was not willing to make a judgement on the Taliban because he "did not know them". I also did not know Hitler, but I have enough common sense to realise that he was a criminal by his actions in the past. Similarly, the Taliban also commited countless number of crimes against humanity during their rule in Afghanistan. Do not tell me that the media framed them of commiting the crimes and that they are actually Saints from Allah, because THEY ARE NOT. GET REAL. YOU ARENT FOOLING ANYBODY.

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You just changed your previous statement where you claimed "Talibans" werent Muslims at all. Now, due to the terrorist Taliban supporters around you, you too have given in- talk about double standards! You are a joke Salmanpak.
Excuse me, do you realize anyone who doesn't follow the teachings of the Quran isn't Muslim
Just tell me who created Talibans damn it? Who provided them with ammo? The U.S Government. And now when the United States Attacked Afghanishtan, they obviously would defend it. It's a pity that no media coverage is conducted in places like the torture cell of U.S. Do you think U.S did the right thing but invading their lands? And Again watch your tongue. I can speak more harsh words but I m practicing patience.
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You just changed your previous statement where you claimed "Talibans" werent Muslims at all. Now, due to the terrorist Taliban supporters around you, you too have given in- talk about double standards! You are a joke Salmanpak.
Will you justify the atrocities done today by Jews of Israel on Palestine?

Or the poor people killed by American drones?
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Where did Hitler come from? Well, badrobot said he was not willing to make a judgement on the Taliban because he "did not know them". I also did not know Hitler, but I have enough common sense to realise that he was a criminal by his actions in the past. Similarly, the Taliban also commited countless number of crimes against humanity during their rule in Afghanistan. Do not tell me that the media framed them of commiting the crimes and that they are actually Saints from Allah, because THEY ARE NOT. GET REAL. YOU ARENT FOOLING ANYBODY.

Hahaha you know one of the compainions of Holy Prophet(s), Hazrat Ali R.A said: 'Silence is the best reply to a fool'. Now I understood it's meaning. No matter what I say, the fool like you can never get it. Then you make lame excuses and blame my english.