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Why Islamic Studies?

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Every person is great. Don't underestimate a mind of a champion. I'm pretty sure he's wise enough to understand and change his beliefs. I don't require any hats off or anything else. I just want him to understand where he has been wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.
Hmph. True that. But one needs to learn from his/her mistakes in order to make up for it too.
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Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise.
I'm sure he's reading this.
Hmm hopefully, because as soon as a reply comes, I've half a mind to say some of the other stuff I still have on my mind to counter every argument he proposes, after looking at his justifications or reasoning, that is.


XPRS Administrator
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Nowhere in his work does he say humans came from monkeys. Saying we come from monkeys is like saying you are the child of your cousin.

Closer to the facts is that monkeys, humans and apes had a common ancestor which was neither a monkey nor a human or an ape.

Reality doesn't take our feelings into equation.

Besides I think gorillas are pretty cool tbh.



XPRS Administrator
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Islam is clearly not what you've described here you illiterate ignorant person. At least get your facts right before dissing off other people. I would give you clear examples and evidences relating to how it is NOT what you've blindly garbaged out here [without actually bothering to even check if any of your so called 'facts' are right] but seeing as it won't really help I'm not going to waste my time. Moreover, a small minority does NOT represent the whole population you dim witted chauvinist. If that was so, then that would mean every country consists only of rapists, thieves and murderers, is that not so? For every country has the same crimes as the other. THAT does not represent an ENTIRE population, I repeat again.
But since, nothing right is gong to actually enter that thick skull of yours that's only filled with 'facts' that are not even remotely close to the truth, I'm just going to say, Go. Die.
Not just because you you're an ignorant illiterate idiot.
Not just because you just completely INSULTED my religion in a disgusting distorted way.
Not just because you just struck a nerve to the point where I ACTUALLY feel like making you go through all that torture you just said 'Muslims' do.
But because of your failed attempt at trying to deceive countless other people [though I doubt anyone with even a teensy bit of common sense actually believed you]. WE at least, have the decency to respect other religions instead of dissing them off pointlessly because that's what Islam has taught us. But hey, you wouldn't really know that because you don't really know anything about the Islam we're talking about.

May Allah guide you and all people like you, to the right path and give you a mind that actually works.

I apologize if I offended any one else here, and badrobot14 XPFMember I apologize for such an emotional response. I honestly did not mean to sound as brutal and angry as I ended up sounding, but erm I'm not going to apologize for a single word I've written. I may be wrong for being so crude but I really hope you don't remove this post.
Thank you!

may Allah bless you in your eeman and taqwa, arlery...
I know his words were so harsh to read... but I reminded myself: "You will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allah - indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination." (3:186)

peace. :)
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may Allah bless you in your eeman and taqwa, arlery...
I know his words were so harsh to read... but I reminded myself: "You will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allah - indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination." (3:186)

peace. :)
and yes, amazing how certain verses make sense to you at certain times in a way such that you'd never heard them before.

Peace. :)


XPRS Moderator
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u r really irritating dude.. i dnt need ur prayer.keep it to urself..thank u
^ I saw many very rude posts while I was going through the whole conversation, but this one was rudest of them all.

Those videos that you posted, the preachers in those videos do not represent the actual face of Islam. If you really want to know about the true Islam, watch videos of Zakir Naik or Nauman Ali Khan. After you've watched some of those videos and still not convinced, then it is upto you. But you atleast owe it to yourself to study the truth and understand it to the best of your capabilities. =)

And please, don't bother posting such things on a student-forum where there are students who are mainly teens, and who wouldn't have much knowledge about this subject (except for badrobot14, maybe). There are MANY places where you can discuss such issues. I can post the links, if you want. :)

In a nutshell, Quran is the perfect guidance for anyone. But just a mere reading won't be enough for you to get the true meaning of Islam out of it. Quran is free from any errors. If there was a claim in the Quran and it proved to be an error, then that would be the end of Islam, as the Quran itself challenges mankind to find an error in it.

I read this somewhere:
" The saddest moment in an atheist's life is when he is happy and he has no one to thank to. " (if you ARE an atheist)

Go study Islam, even if you don't agree with it, you may atleast see why people like us have a firm belief in it.


XPRS Administrator
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and yes, amazing how certain verses make sense to you at certain times in a way such that you'd never heard them before.

Peace. :)
That's Sosososooo true!!! When you truly understand an aayah/a part of Quran is when you are caught in a situation and it feels like this aayah was specially revealed just for you to help in this situation!!! it's soooo awesome, that feeling, you truly know that Quarn is Allah(S.W.T) talking to you directly.
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Yet again I must say, I m really sorry everyone. If you offend any of my post 'offensive' then I must aplogize, you see my religion if everything to me. And it's some what physiology of a person that he/she can't tolerate any fabricated statements about anything one loves. I love Islam more than anything, though I cannot claim to be the perfect believer but I try my best, to repent for all the sins I have done. But in this so-called modern world by 'many' here, though freedom of speech is allowed, but freedom to offend anyone is not. And I m sure not me but most of the muslims here found it offensive. Did any muslim member here start a thread cursing about other religions? No! Why? Because Islam doesn't allow that. Our Holy Prophet(p.b.u.h) used tolerate all kind of physical and mental pain by the 'kafir's'. War was made compulsary only when there was no other option but to fight.
May Allah guide us all.
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That's Sosososooo true!!! When you truly understand an aayah/a part of Quran is when you are caught in a situation and it feels like this aayah was specially revealed just for you to help in this situation!!! it's soooo awesome, that feeling, you truly know that Quarn is Allah(S.W.T) talking to you directly.
It truly feels like He's talking to you directly!
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im not a muslim..and if ur saying such things bout a non-muslim..of course im gna intervene..cuz once i was in that guy's place..if u gna talk like this to someone,he surely wont be "enlighten"..and that admin SalmanPakRocks is just so rude..calling someone a loser makes urself a big loser.

Read the rest of the replies after that.
Its only natural to feel anger when someone disrespects you or your religion. Even more so when someone disrespects your God.
The need to defend yourself being right is justified too. Agreed not everyone had the best way to justify their reasoning, but if you read the rest of the replies, with an open mind, you'd be convinced well enough.
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First get information about the field in which you are against and which you strongly oppose. When your done, THINK twice before POSTING such foolish and immature content on a forum where there are people from various cultures and religions. Keep your opinions to yourself and remember this that "Foolishness is merely the beginning to a more vast Stupidity." [Yeah that quote's by me...]


XPRS Administrator
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I am just shocked! A 9-pages long argument really?
Islam is a religion that has received opposition at every age . When the Quraish ridiculed Islam , did the Prophet(PBUH) argue with them? When the inhabitants of al-Taif beat him up till his shoes bled , did he allow the Angel of Mountains to crush the city? When the Wehsi killed his beloved Uncle , did he take revenge ? Did he refuse his worst enemy , Abu Sufyan from entering the fold of Islam?
No , on all these occasions he was patient and understanding . He extended forgiveness . We should not start arguing religion . Islam is the religion of peace . There is no point in arguing the truth .
Call a person to Islam thrice . If they refuse , then let them go on their path . Muslims were not told to force other to accept Islam . We are guided by our beloved Holy Prophet(PBUH) to ask others to accept our ways . Not to make them see the truth . You cannot be shown what you don't want to see.
Brothers and Sisters , it was not right to jump into an argument like this . You should be above this .
We can only pray that Allah shows them the right path. We cannot make them see the right path.

Stay peaceful . Every other religious body is fighting it's way to survive ! We don't need to survive , our religion is the second largest and the fastest growing religion in the world . Allah is with us! Don't let others get into your head . Ignore their comments. They can't harm anything. What will profanities , and ridiculing our religion do to Islam? Nothing . It doesn't matter what people say , no matter what the world thinks . The fold of Islam grows every second .
Please , don't let them get to you .This is a test from Allah .He wants to see how you defend your religion . That do you get angered and launch into a direct attack , or do you stand back and engage the matter with patience ?

Islam was , is and will be the absolute truth . The Quran was , is and will always remain the sole guidance for mankind . The Holy Prophet(PBUH) was, is and will always be the greatest human guide . And Allah will always be the Sole Creator , Sustainer ,Cherisher , Law Giver , Master and Sovereign Lord of this billion galaxy universe .
Don't let one unguided human in a population of 7 billion of the human race , anger you . The Holy Prophet(PBUH) would have never argued Islam , he would have only said his say and then pray to Allah to show the opposing party the Right Path .

Verily :
''There is no god apart from Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.''