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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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WaAlaikum asSalam wr wb,
the way I understand it is
A SCHOLAR IS WORTH MORE THAN AN ORDINARY WORSHIPPER LIKE US... a scholar can spread Islam, fight against innovation etc... like Imam Ahmed stood up almost alone against the great fitnah of his time, when people/rulers had innovated stuff against Quran.... he had to suffer persecution but being a scholar he could respond to each of their innovations against Quran with evidence.. this was a way by which ppl of his tym n future genrations were safe against misguidance...
a normal worshipper wouldn't have this kind of impact on society...
Allah knows best.
Jazakallah Khair :)
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badrobot14 Salaam :)
can u explain this hadith a bit......me is sort of confused in the last part (i've highlighted it)
A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think if i perform the obligatory prayers,fast in Ramdhan,treat lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden,and do nothing further, I shall enter Paradise? He said: yes.


XPRS Administrator
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badrobot14 Salaam :)
can u explain this hadith a bit......me is sort of confused in the last part (i've highlighted it)
A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think if i perform the obligatory prayers,fast in Ramdhan,treat lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden,and do nothing further, I shall enter Paradise? He said: yes.
This hadith is a part on Imam Nawawi's 40 ahadith and is related by Imam Muslim....
Here is what I could find on it... do read the first half at least.. it's a gem:
Imam Nawawi said that the meaning of “treat the forbidden as prohibited” is to avoid the forbidden, and the meaning of to “treat the lawful as permissible” is to perform them believing that they are permissible.

Ibn Rajab gave two other interpretations:
1. "To treat the lawful as permissible" - to believe that it is permissible; "To treat the forbidden as prohibited" - to believe that it is prohibited and to avoid it.
2. "To treat the lawful as permissible" - to perform it. "Lawful" here means what is not prohibited, which includes wajib (obligatory deeds), mustahab (preferable deeds) and mubah (allowed).

One thing that we notice about the hadith is that Hajj and Zakah are not mentioned even though they make up the five Pillars of Islam. According to some scholars, the person who asked the question passed away (in the Battle of Uhud) before hajj was made an obligation. As for zakah, it is possible that it also was not yet made an obligation; alternatively, the person questioning was not a person of wealth and therefore was not required to pay zakah.


This hadith indicates that the one who fulfils the obligations and avoids the prohibitions will enter Paradise. This meaning has been emphasised in a number of other hadiths.

This hadith emphasises surrendering to the Will of Allah subhana wa ta'ala - to accept as permissible what Allah has permitted and to accept as forbidden what Allah has prohibited. This also emphasises Islam itself because Islam means to ‘fully surrender to the Will of Allah and to accept everything that has been commanded by Allah'.
In our contemporary times, there arise the issue of Muslims not fully adhering to the shariah, i.e. Allah's commandments. If this is because they are new Muslims or that they live in areas where there is a lack of knowledge or poor dissemination of information (e.g. there are no scholars to advise them), then this lack of adherence is excusable. However, if a Muslim chooses to intentionally ignore or reject the obligations and prohibitions set by Allah without good reasons, then he may be in danger of losing his Islamic entity or identity.

These obligatory acts mentioned in the hadith that will lead a person to Paradise require strong belief in Allah, commitment and continuous efforts. Only then will it be an easy task to achieve.

This hadith implies that the mustahab (or sunnah or preferable deeds) are not necessary for one to be able to enter Paradise. What counts or what matters is fulfilling the obligatory acts. However, we are encouraged to perform preferable deeds according to our capacity and whenever possible.
The significance of performing preferable acts is that it will lead us in getting closer to Allah subhana wa ta’ala. In addition, preferable deeds compensate for our shortcomings in performing the obligatory acts.

Some scholars have made the assumption that the person asking the question in the hadith was new to Islam. This gives insights to educators (murabbi) and preachers (du’at) to observe the following lessons when dealing with new converts to Islam:
1. The murabbi or scholar should take into account the background or status of the questioner before attending to and answering his or her questions. Different people with different backgrounds may require different answers or different approaches in conveying the answers. This is because a person who comes from a different culture or lives in a different environment from the murabbis or scholars may not fully understand the scholar’s explanations if it cannot be related to his/her situation.
If the murabbi or scholar doesn’t know the background of the questioner (e.g. if questions are being asked through mail, through the telephone, on the radio, etc.), then he needs to find out as much as possible about the questioner before answering. Some scholars try to speculate what could be the status of the person asking the question by, for example, trying to read between the lines of the text of the question. The end-result is that the scholars do not provide one fixed answer - there will be a few answers, each applicable to a different situation.
2. The murabbi or scholar should not overburden new Muslims by asking them or encouraging them to perform preferable acts. The murabbi should just get them to start with the obligatory acts. If they are given too much to do, it may become too much for them to cope and they may lose interest in Islam altogether. The murabbi or scholar should start slowly and when the new Muslims are settled and are performing the obligatory deeds, only then should they be introduced to the preferable acts.

This hadith shows a significant characteristic of Islam that it is a religion based on ease. There is a minimum requirement to be fulfilled by every one, which is practicing obligations and avoiding prohibitions. By fulfilling this minimum requirement a person deserves to enter Paradise. Preferable acts are encouraged, based on one's capacity and ability.
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Following ancestors and scholars blindly
They took their priests, their ancestors and scholars to be their lords in substitute of Allah and (they also took as their Lord) Christ, the son of Maryam (may Allah be pleased with her); Yet they were commanded (in their books) to worship none but one Allah; there is no god but He. Glorified is He (far above is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him). (Qur’an; 9:31)

Adi Bin Hatim (May Allah be pleased with him) was a Christian who had embraced Islam. When this above verse was revealed, he came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and said: “Allah’s Messenger, at no time have we worshipped our priests and monks (ancestors and scholars); then why is Allah saying so?”

To this the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Do you take your scholars’ words when they say a thing is halaal?” To this Hatim (May Allah be pleased with him) replied, “Yes.”

Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Do you take the words of your Priests when they say a thing is haraam?” Again Hatim (may Allah be pleased with him) replied,“Yes.”

Then, the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked: “Do you clarify as to whether Allah and His Prophet have said so? Hatim replied, “No,we know only what our scholars say.”

Then Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “This is how you make them god for when your scholars and ancestors say something contradictory to Allah and His Prophet, you obey them blindly without, in the least clarifying, as to whether Allah and His Prophet said it. Then your scholars become the law makers and law givers and you obey them blindly; it then tanta-mounts to making them your deity”.(Ahmad & Tirmidhi)

This message is not only for the Christians or Jews, it is also for Muslims because Allah is warning us to be careful and not to follow anyone blindly; Allah alone has the privilege to formulate laws and none other than Him has the authority or audacity to make laws.

Whenever scholars say something, make sure to find out as to whether Allah and His Prophet have said so. If you don’t and if the scholar says something contradictory to Allah and His Messenger; and you blindly follow them, then you too have made your scholars and ancestors equal to Allah.

We should respect and honor our scholars as much as possible, look after them and if they are dead, pray for Allah’s forgiveness for them.

But it’s a duty of every Muslim to confirm whatever he follows is commanded by Allah or His Messenger or not.

People who blindly follow their scholars and segregated into many groups in their scholars’ names, Allah says to them, Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (O Muhammad) have no concern with them in the least. Their affair is only with Allâh, Who then will tell them what they used to do. (Qur’an; 6:159)
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Iblis. Shaytaan. The Devil. Whatever name you call him, everyone knows him. He is the accursed one. The rejected outcast, who was thrown out of Jannah. The one damned to the Fire of Hell forever and doomed until eternity.

Ever wonder how he got there? I mean, really wondered...?
Yes sure, we all know the story. We’ve known it since we were babies. We’ve read it in Qur’aan a million times.
But, have we ever read the story with the eyes of our heart?
Have we really thought about what happened?
Have we ever pondered over it?
What did iblis do that was so wrong?1. Did Iblis not believe in Allaah? Indeed, he did!

Iblis, the accursed believed in Allaah. He knew Allaah is the Master, Owner, Sustainer, the Giver of life and death, the Lord of all things. In fact, he calls Him my Rabb, my Lord.

He (Iblis) said: 'My Lord, reprieve me till the Day they are raised.' (Surah al-Hijr:36)

Why, Iblis even swore by Allaah’s Might, knowing fully well, that it is Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala, Who is AlMighty and that all Power belongs to Him Alone. Iblis swears:

He (Iblis) said: 'I swear by Your Might, that I will surely mislead them all. (Surah Saad:82)

2. Did he believe that someone else created him? NO, he knew Allaah is his Creator!

Shaytaan knew very well that Allaah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them, including himself, all jinn and mankind. He admitted it himself.

(Iblis) said: 'I am better than he (Adam). You created me of fire and You created him of clay.' (Surah al-Aaraaf:12)

3. Did Iblis deny the Day of Judgment? No, he acknowledged it!

Iblis also affirmed that there will be a Day when we will all be resurrected and brought back to life, to stand in front of our Rabb, and give account of all that we did. It’s not that he denied the Day of Judgment; rather he believed in it completely.

(Iblis) said: "My Lord! Give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are resurrected." (Surah Saad: 79)

4. Did Iblis claim that there is a path other than Islaam? NO, he knew Islaam is the Way!

Iblis didn’t believe in any other religion to be the Truth. He accepted and recognized that Islaam is the way to salvation and it is only through it that a person will be successful. That’s why he calls it the ‘Straight Path’.

(Iblis) said: "Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) onYour Straight Path.” (Surah al-’Aaraaf:16)

5. Did he not believe in Jannah, Jahannum and the Angels? Indeed he did!

Iblis very much believed in the Angels. How could he not? He saw them with his own eyes and was among them until, when Allaah ordered them all to prostrate to Adam (Alayhi salaam) and he refused. Iblis had even seen Jannah and was witness to its blessings before he was thrown out of it, disgraced and humiliated. And he was aware of of Jahannum. So Iblis knew exactly what they all were and acknowledged their existence.

So what is the point of all this???

Does it ever hit you O Muslim, that perhaps we do the same?
Perhaps there’s not much difference between us and Iblis!!
Don’t we also believe in Allaah? Don’t we also consider Him our Master, our Creator, our Sustainer?? Don’t we call Him our Rabb??
Don’t we also acknowledge His Power and Might?
Don’t we also say we believe in the day of Judgment?
And in heaven and hell and the angels??
Yes, we do!
So what makes us different from Iblis, the Shaytaan???

The difference lies in the obedience of our Rabb, in submitting to His Commands, in conforming to His Orders.

Shaytaan refused to obey Allaah when He commanded him to make sajdah to Adam (Alayhi salaam). He didn't comply to the His Orders. He didn't submit to his Rabb. There was no compliance. There was noubudiyyah.

That was the problem. That was what was so wrong that made Iblis the most despicable
creature ever.

That’s the point we all have to think about. Long. And. Hard.

How many of us are out there, who are supposed to be Muslim, who believe in Allaah, who know there’s a Day of resurrection, who claim they want to enter Jannah, yet are still living a life of sin and desire....a life of defiance and neglect!
How many of us are involved in major, major sins...steeped in disobedience and transgression?!
And how many of us continue in this wrongdoing, obstinately defying Allaah’s Laws....despite the warnings... ignoring all the reminders!


Brothers and sisters, if there’s no obedience to Allaah, if there’s no submission to His commands, if there is no effort to comply to His Orders, then there is no difference between us and Iblis.
The difference lies in the obedience of this Rabb....In submitting to His Commands....in doing what He says and in staying away from what He prohibited.
If there's no obedience, then where’s the difference between us and iblis?
Then how are we any better?
What makes us any different?
That is something to really think about......

And Allaah knows best.
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May Allah recompense you for the acts you gave up for His Sake. For verily you knew, whoever abandons something for HIS Sake, will get that which is FAR better in it's place. O Muslim! As you exchanged the haraam for halal, may Allah convert your sins to good deeds as He Promised in Surat al-Furqan: "...for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."(25:70)