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well my talents ...
  • cooking
  • good at almost all kinds of art and craft things (for eg. bread craft, crochet, stitching(Tailoring), 3d art, henna applying, making keychains, mug designing, sneaker designing, calligraphy: Arabic and English etc.)
  • Can make sth waste really useful
  • Drawing
  • can put my leg over my neck (almost good at most of the yoga techniques)
  • Can stay under water for a long time
  • swimming
  • Karatae
  • tennis ( good at sports)
  • table tennis
  • Can read the Quran in different tunes ..Alhamdulilah :)
  • Can confuse people easily
  • Can talk without a break ...hahhahah (dats my best talent :D)
  • Can make people laugh
  • Can do a lot of skipping (arnd 300 or sth at a stretch)
  • umm can speak 4 (almst 5 ) lang
  • really good at acting
  • can act like a baby
  • can change my voice
  • reallly good at giving speeches ...Alhamdulilah
  • good at giving advises
  • writing huge mails
  • playing pranks
  • distracting classes (hahah i don't do this but still i have done it quite sometimes in Arabic periods and nw wen i really want to open my mouth also my Ustad doesn't allow me ..he says hez scared i will distract the class :D :p)
  • okk.. i can stay one min angry, the next min cry and the next min laugh
  • i can make ppl really angry but at the same time laugh
  • can eat chillie
  • can make really blunt jokes
  • can do weird things at weird hours
  • can study for a long time
  • can let ppl have their own fun
  • can act cool wen tchrs are screaming for sth really unnecessary
  • multitasking (for eg. can talk at the same time read a book)
  • can make frndz easily..
  • treat animals like humans ..hehe (dis is stupid i kno :D)
  • hard to stay quiet
  • can change myself according to situations
  • The most challenging talent is staying as urself no matter where u are :D
  • 2 lines i can make it 50 lines ...heheh (my friends get really irritated when i do this )
  • ummm and i also love thanking people and asking sorry without any reason just like сᴏᴏʟ сяуѕтᴀʟѕ
  • and i have got a very wat kind of a talent umm a talent like though v have less books to carry i can still make my bag heavy !! :p
  • I love winning games that u've got to be secretive like UNO cards and stuff ..i love winning them by showing every1 my cards (i jst keep it open) :D
Mashaallah every one here is really talented in one way or the other :)
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1.my best talent is...m a fiery debater
2.m good in tennis,baseball,horse riding,yoga,swimming,races,gymnastics ,and karate .
3.i have a great stamina..I can work non stop for 5 and a half hours.
4.m fast in almost everything...writing..speaking...understanding....walking and running ( known as F- 16):p
5.m really honest and straight forward..some say that's me being rude to them...ahheemmm....not really
6.i can read hugeeee novels in a short time period...also my greatest talent...
7.cooking any Italian ,Spanish and Arabian dish
8.i know 4languages....Arabic,Urdu,Spanish,French.....working onGerman....
9.I am creative and with lots of ideas and thoughts on various topics
10.mom says m a born psychologist...hehehe....
11.m really wild about hiking ,mountain climbing and trekking...not even my boy cousins can match me in it...
12.I am understanding and I never speak out until I ponder on the subject and look at the pros and cons.....even with people and in debates
13.I can never feel jealous or envious.....I am broad minded and tooooo realistic
14.m really loyal to the person I love....i am ready to die for him.
15.i am really confident and can do anything to achieve my goals...but with honesty and dedication..not foul play..I hate foul players
16.m also a good poetess and story writer....

Well...I would also like to share my bad habits
1.i am weird....I can't make friends due to all my practicality ...I have just 1 friend in my life and I am blindly trusting that wonderful person...but actually....I can't trust annnyyyoneeee
2.i get annoyed when someone bothers me during my study times or when I am building cases for my debates....and I shout at that person....forgetting myself
3.i can't bear laziness and lies..and lateness..I can never be a good leader
4.i am the worst when it comes to talking of movies, songs,fashions and cosmetics and clothing... :( ...I really need experience
5.I get took hyper sometimes..and no one can control me during those periods
6.i have a stupid phobia of loosing tournaments and not achieving my dreams...I sometimes vow to myself that If I don't get straight A*s or win my debates,..I will kill myself....errrrr....I know that's freaky...m really a freak when it comes to that
7.people hate me....I wonder why..but I consider it bad ..may be i am bad somewhere
9.i don't accept anything without logic and reasoning.l.m stubborn in that....people don't like that attitude of mine
Reaction score
1.my best talent is...m a fiery debater
2.m good in tennis,baseball,horse riding,yoga,swimming,races,gymnastics ,and karate .
3.i have a great stamina..I can work non stop for 5 and a half hours.
4.m fast in almost everything...writing..speaking...understanding....walking and running ( known as F- 16):p
5.m really honest and straight forward..some say that's me being rude to them...ahheemmm....not really
6.i can read hugeeee novels in a short time period...also my greatest talent...
7.cooking any Italian ,Spanish and Arabian dish
8.i know 4languages....Arabic,Urdu,Spanish,French.....working onGerman....
9.I am creative and with lots of ideas and thoughts on various topics
10.mom says m a born psychologist...hehehe....
11.m really wild about hiking ,mountain climbing and trekking...not even my boy cousins can match me in it...
12.I am understanding and I never speak out until I ponder on the subject and look at the pros and cons.....even with people and in debates
13.I can never feel jealous or envious.....I am broad minded and tooooo realistic
14.m really loyal to the person I love....i am ready to die for him.
15.i am really confident and can do anything to achieve my goals...but with honesty and dedication..not foul play..I hate foul players
16.m also a good poetess and story writer....

Well...I would also like to share my bad habits
1.i am weird....I can't make friends due to all my practicality ...I have just 1 friend in my life and I am blindly trusting that wonderful person...but actually....I can't trust annnyyyoneeee
2.i get annoyed when someone bothers me during my study times or when I am building cases for my debates....and I shout at that person....forgetting myself
3.i can't bear laziness and lies..and lateness..I can never be a good leader
4.i am the worst when it comes to talking of movies, songs,fashions and cosmetics and clothing... :( ...I really need experience
5.I get took hyper sometimes..and no one can control me during those periods
6.i have a stupid phobia of loosing tournaments and not achieving my dreams...I sometimes vow to myself that If I don't get straight A*s or win my debates,..I will kill myself....errrrr....I know that's freaky...m really a freak when it comes to that
7.people hate me....I wonder why..but I consider it bad ..may be i am bad somewhere
9.i don't accept anything without logic and reasoning.l.m stubborn in that....people don't like that attitude of mine
Hhmmmmmm...u forgot to mention mermaid....u r a brilliant student!!!!!!!!
U have a commanding voice..and trust me...u r a good leader...we have won all the debates coz of ur leadership F-16

Addition to ur bad habits.....u worry toooo much about ur grades and ur dreams....just relax ur self a bit..this thing doesn't suit ur confident nature
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Hey :)
everyone is unique in one or other way, everyone has a talent which makes them special :) thank God for the talents we all have,
Post down the talent u have gt :)
I have got the talent to make up friends ASAP anywhere i go and learning up languages very rapidly i currently know 7 languages i will be learning the 8 th one soon :) :)
well i know urdu, english, sindhi, and will soon learn spanish, arabic, chinese
and i am good in studies.. and singing and writing songs, stories
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I have been told i am agreat arguer :p
Alhamdulilah i do karate and well....... i am good at it
And i can draw, paint , sketch and anything to do with art!
i hav also helped many of my parents frends with the interior desigining and decor of their houses :)
oh and i love football so i have many skills :D
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This thread may serve as a platform where you can showcase and show-off your abilities and talent, but many students might feel left out when they read that people around are so talented and they aren't. I know that no one is born without talent, but there are many students who cannot compete others in some way or the other.
Keep your debating and academic capabilities to yourself. You can show them off to the people around you, but please don't let your readers feel left out.
I hope I didn't sound offensive.:)
By the way I liked badrobot14 's talents the most.
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My talents :
I write poetry.. As well I also compose
Do drawings and painting....
Make ppl happy.... Only in few seconds
I also play Badminton..
Forgiving everyone..even those..who have nvr done good to me
Also love to write Islamic articles..
And draw world maps and so on... :D
I also know Urdu, English, Arabic, Farsi, (Turkish, Azeri) almost done, and Punjabi ;)
I love everyone's opinion and suggetion as everyone is from different type of backgroud and have thoughts..
Love to decorate house and many things..
I can recite Quran with different tone (style of reciting) :)
Have a good voice (but don't sing) :)
Give advises even they r at my loss...
Helping ppl even when I'm busy...
I don't lying nor I like ppl should lie..

Well I've so many things to share but no time...
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lolz okie :p

well....my biggest talent is...(tbh m telling what my friend's say :p)
first...i can make friends easily...
second...no matter whether izzit my fault or not...i know how to apologize...i mean even if the next person abuses i say sorry, take all the blame on my head and don't get into an argument :p (the thing most hated by 'some' people cuz they say "fight for your right" :ROFLMAO:)

happy? :p
haha almost like me :)